Title: Columbia Basin Water Initiative
1Columbia Basin Water Initiative
A Project of
2A Volunteer, Non-profit,Non-Governmental
- Established in 1964 as a 501-C6 Corporation
- Mission, the completion of the Columbia Basin
Project - League membership services are fully funded by
membership dues - 2005 dues income was 25,350
- 2006 dues income to-date is over 26,000
3A Project of the Columbia Basin Development
The Columbia Basin Water Initiative is a
targeted effort to assure the replacement of
aquifer water with project surface water in the
Odessa Sub-area as soon as possible.
- The initiative activities are being funded
(separate from membership dues) by contributions
from individuals, landowners, local government
agencies and the business community at-large.
4Why is the Water Initiative so Important?
- Starting in 1950, the Federal Government began
construction on the 1,029,000 acre Columbia Basin
Project authorized by the US Congress. The
Project is currently half completed and supplies
water to over 670,000 acres of highly productive
agriculture. - Starting in 1967, the State of Washington allowed
deep well pumping in the Odessa sub-area on a
temporary basis looking toward the orderly
completion of the second half of the Project.
5The Project Is Supplemented By Deep Well Pumping
- This activity is located East of the East Low
Canal. - Presently there are 170,000 acres of high
production agriculture being served by these deep
wells. - This production helps support the present
agricultural infrastructure of the entire Basin. - Many of these wells are in jeopardy today due to
the declining water table in the Odessa Sub-Area
and some have already been abandoned.
The green circles represent deep-well pumping
121,000 of these acres are located within the
boundaries of the Columbia Basin Irrigation
6Loss of This Production Capacity Will Affect the
Entire Basin
- The production from the deep-well area is
critical to maintaining the present level of
processing, distribution and other farm service
activity in the Basin. - Any loss of crop production could result in
reduction of processing capacity. This would
affect the economy of the entire Columbia Basin
7And Also Limits Municipal and Industrial Water
- The only way to stop this economic erosion is to
replace aquifer water with surface water
delivered through the Columbia Basin Project. - To make this a reality, however, will require a
well executed action plan. - Thats why the Development League established the
Columbia Basin Water Initiative
- a targeted effort to assure the replacement of
aquifer water with project surface water in the
Odessa Sub-area as soon as possible
8Initiative Purpose
Columbia Basin Water Initiative
- To raise awareness of government, business, and
social leaders to the Odessa Sub-Area crisis - To gain cooperative support of governmental
agencies and diverse interest groups - To work with Reclamation, Ecology, and the
Columbia Basin irrigation districts to encourage
review of existing expansion plans and
investigation of new options - To build strong political alliances to ensure
required legislative action
9Water Initiative Goals
- Develop better public understanding of the
Columbia Basin Project and its ability to address
the declining water resources in Eastern
Washington - Develop cooperative partnerships with affected
public agencies and other stakeholders that will
encourage and stimulate appropriate action - Support legislative action to secure appropriate
- Established Large Communication Data Base and Web
Site - Staged Major Conferences
- Sponsored Educational Forums
- Built Successful Partnerships
- Lobbied Successfully for State and Federal
Support of Reclamations Study
11Initiative Plans - 2007
- The Development League has named Mike Schwisow as
the Director of the Columbia Basin Water
Initiative to direct its activities starting in
October 2006
Mike Schwisow
12Mikes Accomplishments
- Mike has served as Legislative Consultant for the
League 2005-2006 where he - Facilitated communication among Reclamation,
Ecology and Irrigation Districts - Directed lobbying effort at the State level with
appropriate legislators and committee chairs - Directed lobbying effort with Washington State
Governors office
13Mikes Expanded Responsibilities
- Coordinate all Initiative communication and
educational programs - Develop and implement a Federal legislative
strategy to - Build a strong grass roots lobbying effort
- Coordinate professional lobbying resources
- Participate in fund raising activities
142007 Initiative Pro Forma Budget
Detailed budget available upon request
15How Can You Help?
- As manager of a company that does significant
business in the Columbia Basin you are being
asked to consider a substantial long-term
financial commitment as a supporter of the
Youll Be In Good Company
16Water Initiative Sponsors
- Adams County
- Alice Parker
- Avista
- Big Bend Electric Coop
- Brock Carpenter
- Carlson Farms
- Cegnar
- CHS/Connell Grain Growers
- City of Othello
- Claasen Farms
- Dan Piper
- Dano Harper
- Evergreen Implement
- Farm Credit Services
- Gies, Clarence
- Grange Supply of Odessa
- Grant County
- Inland Power
- Johnson Reaugh
- Lad Irrigation
- Lamb Weston/Con Agra
- LeMaster Daniels
- Lincoln County
- Lyle Bair
- Marvin Neil J.V.
- Schwisow Associates
- NuChem
- Quirk, Cecelia
- Radach Farms
- Rathbun, Corrin
- Rexco
- Ron Fode
- SC Ranch
- SG Farms
- Union Elevator
- Valmont Industries
- Warden Hutterians
- Warden Port District
- Washington Trust Bank
- Western Farm Services/Agrium
- Western Mortgage
Join your neighbors in the effort
17Landowner Block Contribution of 188,000
- Jon Fink
- Lecia Fink
- Neil Fink
- Sharon Fink
- Steve Fink/Al Fink
- Donald Friesen/Gladys Friesen Credit Trust
- David Greenwalt
- Curt Greenwalt
- Mona Freriks
- Friehe Farms
- Galbreath Land Livestock, Inc.
- Harding Harding Partnership
- Marcia Karen Harding
- Larry Hoffman, Sr.
- JS Myers, Inc.
- Jantz Properties
- Jeske Farms JV
- William Johns
- Steve Jorgensen
- Jubilant/Roger Bailie
- Kagele Family Farm
- Troy Kissler
- Delmar Kristein
- Wilbur Krug
- Lamb Weston/ConAgra
- Leffel, Otis Warwick
- Life Estate Hanna/Bargara Heimbigne
- Life Estate John C./Edna Aikens
- Lincoln County Wheatgrowers
- Roger Barnum
- Velma Bierman
- BoGar
- Mark Booker
- James W. Brodie
- Marie Chittick
- Mark Conrath
- DR Stucky Properties, LLC
- Dallas Deife
- Deife Farms, Inc
- Dale Deife
- Remie DeRuwe
- L. G. DeVore
- Emmerland Hill, Chris Lyle
- Finagele Farms, Inc
Join your neighbors in the effort
18Landowner Block Contribution of 188,000
- Art Prior
- Richard Quirk
- C.J. Rabideau
- Jerry Radach
- Rafeco Inc. Franz Lund, LLC
- Rich Acres Farms
- Ritzville Warehouse
- Keith Schafer
- Schibel Farms, Inc.
- Jay Scrupps
- Lorus and Judy Scrupps
- Scrupps Land Company
- Stahl Hutterian Bretheren
- Donald Stucky
- Richard Stucky
- Triple C Land Company
- LaVerne Truman
- Alan Voise
- Voise Living Trust/Richard Voise
- Richard Voise
- W.W. O Farms, Inc.
- Watkins Farms, Inc.
- Leroy Welch
- Wes King Ranch
- Wheatland Bank
- Wilbur Security Co.
- Windy Prairie, Inc/ Kevin Lyle
- Gene Wirth
- Malinda Zilliox
- Mac Farms, Inc
- Helen Malby
- Robert Marble
- Marlin Hutterian Bretheren
- Katherine Muserov TRBD Farms
- Robert Newman
- Ochoa Ad Unlimited
- ONeal Land, Inc
- Karen Phillips
- Vernon Phillips
- Phillips Family Farms, LLC
- Daniel Piper
Join your neighbors in the effort
19For More Information, Contact Alice Parker,
Executive Secretaryphone 509-346-9442 email
mrsp_at_smwireless.netor check out our website