Planning Water Scenarios - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Planning Water Scenarios


Demand Modelling in Indian Planning is done by preparing income and price elasticities. ... area and its allocation, the conti nuance of past patterns is postulated in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Planning Water Scenarios

Planning Water Scenarios
  • Yoginder K. Alagh

  • Water Demand in the Agricultural Sub Model
    Iterative Procedures Demand, population, income,
    income redistributionSupply Modelling is on
    land, water and technologyconservative
    assumptions.(origin in food scarcity so fail safe
  • Long Term Modelling little attention in futures
    scenarios but in work of The Commission on Long
    Term Perspectives, population, land and water
    projections emerging from planning and
    agro-climatic perspectives

Demand Modelling
  • Demand Modelling in Indian Planning is done by
    preparing income and price elasticities. Price
    elasticities are estimated by Complete Demand
    Systems. This system was developed by the Task
    Force on Minimum Needs and Effective Demand which
    developed Indias Poverty Line in the Seventies.
    It was chaired by the present author and is still
    in use. Income elasticities are developed using
    best fitting Engel Curves.
  • The recommendations of the Alagh Task Force were
    based on one of the most detailed demand and
    income distribution studies done anywhere in the
    world. Taking account of household budgetary
    survey data, price information and aggregate
    consumption patterns, it developed the income and
    price response of both poor and rich households
    separately in rural and urban areas. This work
    started a tradition of econometric investigation
    which has continued Table 1 below gives some
    recent estimates. )

Econometric Price Elasticities
  • Table 1.
  • Price Elasticities 1998
  • Commodity Rural
  • Below Poverty Line Above Poverty
    Line Below Poverty above povty
  • Cereals -0.530 -0.161
    -0.430 -0.099
  • Edible oils-0.794 -0.589
    -0.799 -0.417
  • Sugar -0.941 -0.800
    -0.740 -0.294
  • Source Ravi, C. (2001), Complete Demand System,
    Welfare and Nutrition An Analysis of Indian
    Consumption Data, Phd dissertation, Centre for
    Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad

  • In this method the demand drivers are
  • Population Projections
  • Income Growth
  • Redistribution of Income Anti poverty programmes
  • For econometric details see
  • Government of India, Planning Commission, PPD,
    Report of the Task Force on Projections of
    Minimum Needs and Effective Consumption Demand,
    Manager of Publications, Delhi, 1979.
  • A more formal presentation is given in a model of
    growth in a fairly well known feschtrift to Jan
    Tinbergen edited by Cohen, Cornillise, Teekens
    and Thorbecke.See Y.K.Alagh, S.P.Kashyap and
    G.V.S.N.Murthy,Policy Modelling for Planning in
    India, in S.I.Cohen, P.A.Cornillise, R.Teekens
    and E. Thorbecke, The Modelling of Socio-Economic
    Planning Processes, Gower, Aldershot, 1984, pp.

A Typical Exercise!!

  • Table 10
  • Projected Food Requirements and Production
    during 2000 to 2020
  • YearPopulation Food Demand Net Food Demand
  • (1) (2) (3)
    (4) (5)
    (mn. Tonnes)
  • 2000 1012.66 188.5
    179.7 8.8
  • 2005 1087.46 202.3
    192.5 9.9
  • 2010 1152.16 214.3
    205.1 9.1
  • 2015 1211.67 225.7
    217.9 7.4
  • 2020 1271.17 236.6
    230.6 5.9

A Scenario
  • Another Way
  • Food
  • We have obtained projected figures of net food
    production (i.e., by excluding the amount used
    for cattle feed, seeds and waste from gross food
    production) by assuming that the average rate of
    growth in agricultural production observed during
    the period from 1971 to 1999 would persist in
    future years. Comparisons of projected net food
    production figures with those of food requirement
    calculated, as explained in the footnote of Table
    10, for the projected population shows that there
    will be a deficit in food production of the order
    of 8 to 9 million tonnes. This deficit, however,
    reduces to 6 million tonnes towards the end of
    the projection period.
  • Food requirement norm is based on 2250 calories
    daily per capita, a norm recommended by FAO as
    well as by the National Commission on Agriculture
    for the developing countries (Bhatia 1983). This
    implies a per capita requirement of 186 Kg. per
  • Projected food production figures were obtained
    by extrapolating using linear trend growth
    obtained from production data from 1971 to 1999.

  • This was built in days of food security concerns,
    but its structure is still there in the Technical
    Note to the Plans. It should be understood as a
    method of reasoning since ideas change slowly
  • In the Seventies think tanks( See Keith Griffin,
    1971 and Francine Frankel, 1971 ) and the
    Brettonwoods institutions had an extremely dim
    view of Indias agricultural and growth
    prospects. At the IDS Sussex, Paul Streeten and
    Michael Lipton also argued that India had dim
    medium term growth prospects since agriculture
    would lead to a wage goods constraint. The
    initial spurt of grain growth had petered out and
    the green revolution was seen as a misnomer .
    Indias grain production was projected to go upto
    116 million tonnes in 1973/74 and then to 140
    million tonnes by the end seventies. But after
    reaching 108 million tonnes in 1971, it was
    ranging between 101 to 104 million tonnes in the
    early seventies. It was at this time that policy
    making in India focussed on priority in resource
    allocation to agriculture with priorities set at
    the level of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who
    saw food security as central issue. The Planning
    Commission produced its first Agricultural
    Sub-Model .(with the present author organising
    the effort ) and this model made conservative
    assumptions on land reserves and productivity
    assumptions so that resource allocation for
    agriculture got high priority in the investment

Experience and Methods
  • Features of Indian agricultural experience in the
    early 1970s ( the PPD-JNU study by Bhalla and
    Alagh used District level data to work out
    sources of growth ) were used for Indian
    agricultural policy making and planning.
    Therefore the first "Agricultural Sub-Model" of
    the Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-79) prepared in
    1975 argued
  • that State level data corroborates the findings
    of earlier disaggregative studies that in certain
    regions of the country foodgrains growth is
    primarily explained by factors, such as
    irrigation on multiple cropping, while in other
    pockets it is due to the water-seed-fertilizers
    technology. (See Alagh, 1979 in GOI, PPD, 1979,
    p. 22).
  • and again for IRRIGATION
  • growth of gross irrigated area is also given a
    critical role in determining the growth of gross
    cropped area as in the National Commission on
    Agriculture's Report.... For the country as a
    whole and for all crops it was estimated that a
    one per cent increase in irrigated area would
    lead to a 0.20 per cent increase in gross cropped
    area.... The estimate of increase in gross
    cropped area which is derived from the emphasis
    on irrigation, using past behaviour as indicated
    above would yield a growth rate of 0.8 per cent
    per annum in the Fifth Five Year Plan and upto
    1980/81 and by about 0.6 per cent per annum upto
    1988/89. The given estimate is considered to be
    feasible. (GOI, PPD, 1979, pp. 22-23).

Land and Irrigation
  • It can be briefly recapitulated here that this
    strategy essentially consists of studies of past
    production patterns and with respect to certain
    behavioural and structural constraints, such as
    cropped area and its allocation, the continuance
    of past patterns is postulated in order to
    preserve a realistic frame for the supply
    projections. However, the emphasis in the
    planning aspect is on the provision of critical
    inputs which would sustain the generation of
    additional production potential. Thus, as
    compared to earlier exercises, the gross cropped
    area is now postulated to increase only by 0.7
    per cent compound per annum. Increase in cropped
    area has shown a strong relationship, through
    multiple cropping, with the provision of
    irrigation facilities. The growth of irrigation
    facilities at the rate of approximately 4 per
    annum compound in the Fifth Five Year Plan and
    beyond is bound to sustain the increase in
    cropping area being postulated at present. Based
    on technical advice and study of the experience
    from the last few years, the area to be brought
    under the high yielding varieties of seeds has
    been carefully postulated. The yield levels by
    each crop under high yielding variety irrigated
    land, other irrigated land and unirrigated lands
    postulated to remain at the level estimated by
    the National Sample Survey's crop cutting
    experiments for the triennium 1970/ 71 to
    1972/73. For the spread of irrigation facilities
    and achieving the targets sufficient funds have
    to be provided. Similar attention has to be paid
    to minor irrigation. The current status of ground
    water exploration has to be accelerated. In many
    arid regions of the country, such effort has been
    lacking in the past.
  • They production potential is estimated through
    this methodology. (GOI, PPD, 1979, P. 47)

  • The importance given to these planning studies
    was shown by the fact that in 1975, after the
    budget, funds for completing ten irrigation
    projects and for financing a ground water
    extraction programme in a supplementary
    allocation in May 1975. The Indian policy
    makers,based on past sources of growth studies
    confidently predicted in 1975 that the Indian
    farmer, once given support would take the
    countrys grain production to 125 million tones
    in 1978/79. Fertiliser consumption which had gone
    down after the energy crisis to 2.8 million tones
    was postulated to rise to 5 million tonnes. These
    targets were treated with derision and the
    comments outside India were that it was only the
    long haired boys in the Indian Planning
    Commission who believed them. It was predicted
    that India would produce 116-118 million tonnes
    of grain and many in India including in policy
    making positions supported them. Actually in
    1978/79 India produced 127 million tonnes of
    grain and its fertiliser consumption was 5.2
    million tonnes

  • Recent models show the impact of demand
  • In response to higher growth, India has seen
    growth and diversification of its food basket.
    The 1980s and 1990s record a much faster growth
    of agro-based consumption in the Indian demand
    basket. For example, per capita consumption of
    sugar goes up from 6.2 in 1975-76 to 14.9
    kgs./year. (Table 2) and that level is not only
    much higher than in comparable countries, but
    also than in countries which have much higher
    levels of per capita income. Also, there has
    been a very rapid increase in consumption of
    non-crop based commodities like eggs and milk..
    Egg consumption per capita goes up from 15 to 30
    per year in the period of 1975-98. Thus, as shown
    in my Lal Bahadur Shastri Lecture, expansion and
    diversification of the consumption basket is
    basically driven by a higher growth performance
    in the 1980s.

Diversification Trends
  • Per Capita Consumption of Agricultural Processed
    Commodities in India
  • S. No .Commodity 1955/56 1975/76
    1990/91 1998/9
  • 1. Food grains
  • (per capita kgs/year) 155.6 158.5
    180.6 176.7
  • .2.Edible oil and
  • vanaspati, (kgs/yr) 3.2
    4.6. 5.1 7.1
  • 3.Sugar (kgs/yr) 5.0 6.2
    12.5 14.9
  • 4.Textiles (cotton
  • equivalents) (meters/yr) 14.4 17.6
    24.8 28.2
  • . 5.Tea (kgs/yr) 0.36
    0.45 0.61 0.68
  • 6.Milk (ltrs/day) 4.7
    4.6 6.3 7.5
  • 7.Eggs (nos/mo) 5.3
    15.5 26.0 30.4
  • --------------------------------------------------
    1 Economic Survey, 2000-01, Vol. 2, pages S-24,
  • 2. Y.K. Alagh, Shastri Lecture, ICAR, Landmarks
    in Indian Agriculture, New Delhi, ICAR, 1994, pp.

  • There is need for caution in population figures
    used as drivers. In earlier estimates used for
    global forecasts population figures were expected
    to go up from 856 million in 1991/92 to 938
    million in 1996/97, showing an annual average
    growth rate of 1.8 (Table 1). If the growth
    rate remained around 2, this figure would go up
    to 955 million. ( See Alagh, 1995 and Kumar,
    Saxena, Alagh and Mitra, 2000 ) According to
    indications then it was argued that the actual
    figure would be in between these two figures
    since the death rate had fallen below even the
    2000 target, but the birth rate was below target,
    hence population growth would be around 1.9. the
    estimated population would be around 1016 million
    in 2000/01 and in any case will be below the rate
    of around 2 as estimated by the earlier UN
    projections, of around 1042 million in that year.
    These developments have now been taken into
    account by the UN and the 1998 revised population
    projections of the UN estimate Indias population
    in 2000/01 at 101.37 million. As of March 2001,
    the Census estimate of the population was 102.7
    million persons. If India was able to achieve a
    population growth rate of around 1.6 in the
    decade 2000/01 to 2010/2011, its population would
    reach 1171 million, if the Planning Commission
    projections were used as a base. Even if this
    target was exceeded the figure would be less than
    1224 million as estimated by the UN earlier.

  • The revised UN projections are now 115.22
    million. For the year 2020/21, the UN projections
    are now 127.22 million. These projections have
    not incorporated the details of the 2001 census.
    The Registrar-General's Working Group on
    Population Projections set up conventionally by
    the Planning Commission, will have to firm up
    these alternative conjectural projections, in
    terms of underlying fertility, mortality and
    expected life span behaviour, by age-group and
    rural-urban categories. The details of recent
    population projections and changes in them have
    been outlined to show that there is a level of
    tentativeness about the available population
    projections and the detailed country level
    projections are necessary. For large countries,
    attention to detail is necessary, since
    differences can have substantial impact as we
    have seen and this in turn can influence
    substantive issues and judgements. For the
    purpose of this study UN projections given by the
    UNU/IAS have been used. ( Table 2. )

Revised projections
  • Table 2
  • UN Population Projections
  • Year Population (million)
  • (1) (2)
  • 2000 1012.66
  • 2005 1087.46
  • 2010 1152.16
  • 2015 1211.67
  • 2020 1271.17

  • The other major category needing examination in
    this kind of perspective is the land or resource
    base of the economy. The Planning Commission has
    correctly projected that the net area sown or
    arable land of the country will remain constant
    at 141 million hectares.
  • Growth in net area sown at around 1 annual in
    the early period of planning fell to around 0.6
    and then to 0.3 in subsequent decades and is now
    not growing at all. It is reasonable to assume
    that the geographical area of the country or the
    extensive land frontier for exploitation has
    reached its limits.
  • This is an important issue, the implications of
    which are not being realised with the urgency
    they deserve, since at a basic level resource
    constraints of a more severe kind faced by
    certain East Asian economies are now being
    approached in India. Organisations, communities,
    households and individuals will have to grasp
    this fact and live with it.

  • The intensive frontier for land use, however,
    remains. It has been known for example that
    cropping intensity depends on irrigation. Thus
    gross cropped area or harvested area has been
    shown in the past to be strongly determined
    statistically, in an econometric sense, by net
    irrigated area and irrigation intensity.
    Irrigation permits the possibility of multiple
    cropping by bringing additional land under
    cultivation and the same land to be used more
    than once. Also the application of new
    technologies in the past was related to assured
    water supply. The new technology, on account of
    its photo insensitivity properties, permits
    shorter duration crops, which also is associated
    with increase in cropping intensity. ( For
    details of this relationship in agricultural
    planning and policy models, see Alagh, ESCAP,
    1983 ).

Earlier Econometrics
  • The use of this relationship has been used in
    Indian agricultural policy and plan models, since
    the mid-Seventies when the first agricultural
    sub-model of Indian planning was formulated for
    grain self reliance ( See Alagh, et. al.,
    Planning Commission, 1979 ). The parameters used
    in different plans were as follows
  • Sr. Plan Additional Additional
    Elasticity of
  • No. Irrigation Cropped
    GCA w.r.t.
  • Utilisation Area
  • (mn. hec.) (mn. hec.)
  • 0 1 2 3
  • 1 Fifth 9.11 6.04
  • Sixth 13.80 11.74
  • Seventh(O) 10.90 10.00
  • Seventh 9.50 7.60

  • In the Nineties as we noted arable area has
    stopped growing and so the land constraint is far
    more severe. Growth will now have to be sourced
    from double cropping and yields.
  • These fundamental relationships are used to
    project the intensive resource base of the
    economy. Table 1 shows that by the end of the
    decade India would have used up most of its
    balance water reserves, with the irrigated area
    reaching around 114 million hectares by 2010. (
    See Alagh, 1995, p. 395 and table, below ). The
    projections for 2020 are a requirement of
    irrigation of 122 million hectares for irrigation
    ( K. Chopra and B. Golder, Table 2.6 )

Resource Balances
  • Sl No Variable 1991/2 1996/72001/22006/7
  • 1.Population (millions)
  • a. Planning Commission?856 938 1016? 1099
  • b. UN ( Unrevised ) 874? 955 1042 1130?
  • 2.Net Area Sown (mn. hec.)
  • a. Planning Commission estimate140 141 141 141
  • Revised 141141141
  • 3.Gross area sown (mn. hec.)
  • a. Planning Commission estimate182 191 197 203
  • Revised 183 191 197
  • 4.Gross Irrigated Area (mn. hec.)
  • a Planning Commission estimate76 89 102 114
  • Revised 64
    78 92 107

Balances and Intensities
  • 5.Cropping Intensity
  • a. Planning
  • Commission
  • estimate1.30 1.35 1.40 1.44
  • Revised 1.301.35 1.40 1.45
  • 6.Gross Irrigated Area as of Gross Area Sown
  • a. Planning Commission estimate
    41.5 46.9 51.7 56.
  • 1b. Revised
  • 35.0 41 46 51
  • Source Uma Lele, Y.K. Alagh,, Forestry in
    India An Evaluation, Washington, World bank,
    2000, Annex H

The Message
  • The analysis strongly suggests simultaneous
    action on surface water development, both large
    and small projects, ground water and conjunctive
    use and efficiency in water use. Or India is in
    serious trouble. Another way of looking at the
    severe land constraint is to see that a net area
    sown per person will go down from around 0.17
    hectare to around 0.10 hectares. Gross area sown
    per person currently around 0.2 hectares will
    even, if cropping intensity increases very
    rapidly, go down to around 0.15 - 0.18 hectares.

Outcomes 2020
  • The projections assume a vastly improved
    performance on the land and water management
    frontiers. It needs to be remembered that the
    balance ground water reserves are now more
    limited. A very dramatic effort will be needed to
    harvest and carefully use the available water.
    Otherwise, the projected increase in cropping
    intensity will simply not take place. Cropping
    intensity increased from around 1.18 at the
    beginning of the Seventies to around 1.3 in the
    early Nineties. In the next two decades, this
    effort needs to be considerably strengthened, so
    that cropping intensity can increase from 1.3 to
    1.5. Harvesting of rainwater, recycling water
    from agricultural drainage systems, more
    judicious use of water for cropping, will all be
    required. Non-agricultural use of water will have
    to be far more economical. The detailed exercise
    done for this study requires that in the
    sustainable scenario 35.83 BCM of water are saved
    by conjunctive use of surface and groundwater and
    142 BCM through harvesting of runoff. ( Chopra
    and Golder, Table 2.6 )

Another Tradition
  • In 1987 the Planning Commission started work on
    an agro-climatic strategy (ACRP) for Indian
    agriculture. Land and water were important parts
    of this strategy. ( See References )
  • The Plans now have a bifocal approach reflecting
    both the approach in the Agricultural Sub Model
    and the ACRP

  • The categories behind agro-economic zoning, are
    of soil land type, water and climate. Climate
    here refers to weather i.e. temperature and
    rainfall ( both levels and variation ). Water is
    both surface and ground. These concepts have been
    described well by geographers and a classic
    description is by the Russian academician Dr.
    Galina Sadasyuk ( See Alagh, 1991 for a detailed
    discussion ). G. Sadasyuk and P. Sengupta, ( 1968
    ) for example, divided India into 18
    agro-climatic zones and 44 sub-regions. ( See
    Alagh, 1988 and Planning Commission, 1989 ).
    Similar exercizes have been developed in other
    large countries, for example, Brazil, Indonesia
    and even France ( See Ignacy Sachs, 1991, Lutfi
    Nasution, 1993 ).
  • The I ndian Agro Climatic Planning Exercise built
    up targets from a sub-zonal level on
  • Area to be brought under tank irrigation through
    renovation and/or fresh construction
  • Area to be covered by a canal distribution rehab
    and renovation project
  • Ground water abstraction possibilities

The Vision
  • Assuming very optimistic policies A Blue Ribbon
    Commission on Water Perspectives, which followed
    the approaches indicated above has projected
    balanced demand/supplies in 2025. These include
  • Improvement in irrigation efficiencies above 60
    from existing levels of less than 40
  • Conjunctive use and aquifier management
  • Demand management and rationalisation of cropping
  • Much greater priority to resource allocation to
    the water sector
  • Improved project management and phasing
  • Watershed development.
  • But separately its scholarly chairman has
    projected a shortage of 25 in a trend forecast.
    A recent UNU study by Y.K.Alagh and Kirit Parikh
    has also projected problems and at the regional
    level worse

The Perspective
  • Water Requirement for Different Uses
  • S.No
  • Uses/year Year2010 Year2025 Year2050
  • Low High Low High Low
  • Km3 Km3 Km3 Km3 Km3 Km3
  • Surface Water
  • Irrigation 382 391 53 360 389 46 375
    463 39
  • Domestic 23 24 3 30 36 4 48
    65 6
  • Industries 26 26 4 47 47 6
    57 57 5
  • Power 14 15 2 25 26 3
    50 56 5
  • Inland Navigation-
  • in additional for
  • ecological need7 7 1 10 10 1 15
    15 1

Perspective contd.
  • Ecology 5 5 1 10 10 1
    20 20 2
  • Evaporation 42 42 6 50 50 6 76
    76 6
  • Total 499 510.1 70 532 588.3 67 641.1
    751.7 64
  • Ground Water
  • Irrigation 184 188 26 211 229 27 253
    344 29
  • Domestic
  • Municipal 19 19 3 25 28 3
    42 46 4
  • Industries 11 11 2 20 20 2
    24 24 2
  • Power 4 4 1 6 7
    1 19 14 1
  • Total 217.7 221.9 30 262.3 281.7
  • Grand
  • Total 717 732 100 794 850 100
    973 1180 100
  • Source National Commission on Perspectives for
    Water Development

New Initiatives
  • The Plans say
  • Community groups, NGOs and Coperatives in the
    Agro Climatic Project have identified the major
    components. Farmer led distribution systems in
    existing commands watershed development
    rehabilitation of tanks, beels, ponds, talaavs
    aquifier management particularly in coastal areas
    have high returns
  • A massive program for land and water development
    has to be the centre piece. Growth of private
    investment in groundwater has been spectacular
    and needs further support, particularly in the
    Eastern region of India
  • Basin Development and transfer of water are
  • It must be led by a public policy initiative,
    with a very large financing component. Newer
    institutional forms like cooperatives, NGOs, non
    profit companies and others must be designed.
  • Leadership groups must supervise the preparation
    and implementation of such a programs at the
    regional level of 3 to 5 Districts.

Canals and Groundwater
  • Conjunctive water use can be attempted in an an
    area and is well suited to describe the dynamic
    interaction between the surface and subsurface
    water systems ( Peter Millington, 1996 ). The
    flow chart of a simple multi level model can be
    as follows
  • Water
    ---------------------? Population Needs,
  • Development

  • \

  • \

  • \

  • \

  • \

    Wells Drilled
  • \

  • Climate Regime ---?Water Table
  • Depth
    -----------------------? Deep Aquifier Water

  • \

  • \

  • \

  • Ground Water Quantity
  • Source Nicholas Sonntag (1996)

Best Practices
  • There are a number of successful experiences
    where the basic problems of food and energy
    requirements of poor rural communities were
    resolved through the application of state-of-the
    art scientific knowledge and technology at the
    cutting edge of the interface of man with land
    and water, which were studied in the programme of
    work designed on agro-climatic planning. An
    attempt was made as a part of the development of
    such plans to document success and failure
    stories in land and water management and more
    optimal land use and cropping patterns. Such
    success stories were, thus studied under
    alternative agro-climatic regimes, which include
    low rainfall areas where, for example, the level
    of water availability on an average is 50 cms and
    a coefficient of variation is 40 to 60 per cent
    and the Dry Regions of India (Region 14). In
    other words, in some years the water availability
    could be less than 8 inches. A second kind of
    agro-climatic problematique was that where the
    availability of water was greater, say around
    1000 mm, but the variation was again 40 to 60 per
    cent. (Zone 7). But the problem, was within the
    context of a hill slope and a valley. Unregulated
    commercialisation invariably meant soil erosion
    and precipitation instead of becoming a blessing
    becomes a curse, since it flows down the hill,
    erodes the land base of the region and leads
    sooner or later to a collapse of the
    socio-economic system in terms of food and
    energy. A third problematique can be one where
    past development of an unplanned type or of a
    badly planned type had led to resource loss.
    Waterlogging and soil salinity are example of
    this kind. The Basin has all these problems in
    different areas and so a differentiated strategy
    in different areas is needed.

Newer Trends
  • The kind of work that was done in the late
    Eighties, reported above was flatteringly
    repeated. The kind of examples given above have
    now been shown to have large scale replication
    (Kanchan Chopra and Gopal Kadekode, 1993, have
    conducted analysis which is far more inclusive
    and detailed than that which was originally
    presented by Alagh, 1991).
  • By now there are NGOs who have succeeded in
    agro based projects in thousands of hectares and
    no longer can these examples be considered as
    pilots. The N.M. Sadguru Water and Development
    Foundation in the tribal district of Panchmahals
    in Gujarat has by now covered 18000 hectares
    under social forestry. It is the largest NGO
    funded by the European Commission in the World.
    Another group called WOTER has a similar
    performance in Ahmednagar District in
    Maharashtra. We have collected some case studies
    from them for this paper. These have been
    conducted by independent scholars like R.
    Chambers (1990), Cornoy (1992), K. Balooni and K.
    Singh (1994), K. Singh and T. Shah (1994), and
    Frances and Sanjay Sinha (1996).

  • The success stories are community and leadership
    based, with leadership coming from diverse
    sources.- a progressive farmer, an NGO, a local
    army retired person, a concerned civil servant,
    a scientist working in the field . The leaders
    either had a science background or new enough to
    adapt from a nearby science institution. The
    organisation structure was neither purely private
    ownership, nor fully community or social control.
    The leadership invariably argued for aggressively
    functioning markets and land ownership was
    private and agricultural operations at the
    household level. However there was for land or
    water management, limited and well defined
    cooperation. This could be drainage, soil
    shaping, contour management, improvement and
    management of lower level canals, desilting of
    tanks, raising embankments, fish culture, market
    development, controlled grazing and so on.

Very Productive
  • Some studies estimate the land and water
    development costs, the labour component, outside
    finance, the output in terms of food
    requirements met, energy requirements met and
    fodder supplies. There were estimates of
    economic rates of return on the investment,
    i.e. at accounting border prices, with a shadow
    wage rate 25 higher than the market rate.
    Financial rates of return at market prices were
    also estimated. These studies showed high
    economic rates of return, 18 plus , making them
    very productive investments

Different Approaches
  • Indian water scenarios follow a bifocal approach.
    There is macro estimation of demand through the
  • There is emphasis on policy choice and
    alternatives in the ACRP approach or the river
    basin approach
  • While the Perspectives Commission has futures
    scenarios with considerable policy discussion,
    the Futures study by the SP Gupta Committee has
    much less discussion on water issues.
  • In recent global models, while Indian water
    demand is estimated with an Efficiency scenario,
    that for neighbouring countries is on a BAU
    methodology. This is bad methodology, for
    comparative studies.

  • Alagh, Y.( Chairman)1979, Task Force on Minimum
    Need and Effective Demand, Government of India.
  • Alagh, Y.. et. al., ( 1979 ),Studies on the
    Structure of the Indian Economy and Planning for
    Development, PPD, Planning Commission, New Delhi.
  • ------,, 1984, Policy Modelling for
    Planning in India, in E. Thorbecke, ed. , below.
  • ------,1988, Guidelines for Agroclimatic
    Planning A Draft for Discussion, Journal of Land
    Development .
  • ------, 1991, Indian Development Planning and
    Policy. WIDER Studies in Development Economics,
    Helsinki and Delhi, Vikas.
  • ------, 1991, Sustainable Development, From
    Concept to Action Techniques for Planners,
  • ------, 1994, Planning and Policies for Indian
    Agricultural Research, 25th Lal Bahadur Shastri
    Shastri Lecture, reprinted in ICAR, Landmarks in
    Indian Agriculture.
  • ------, Next Phase of Agroclimatic Research, in
    ARPU volume 2 of same title, New Delhi, Concept.
  • ------, and D.Buch, 1995, The SSP and Sustainable
    Development, in W. Fisher, Columbia University
    Seminars, below.
  • -----,2000, Sustainable Development India 2020,
    Tokyo, UNU/IAS

References 2
  • Bhalla, G., and Y.Alagh, Performance in Indian
    Agriculture, New Delhi, Sterling.
  • Chopra. K., and G. Kadekodi,1993, Watershed
    Development, Economic and Political Weekly, June
    26, pp, A61-A67.
  • Frankel, F.R.1971, Indias Green Revolution
    Economic Gains and Political Costs. New Jersey
    Princeton University Press. 1971.
  • Griffin, Keith, 1971 , Green Revolution An
    Economic Analysis, United Nations Institute for
    Social Development, Report No.72.6, Geneva.
  • Lele, U., N. Kumar, Y. Alagh, N. Saxena, and K.
    Mitra, 2000, Forestry in India An Evaluation,
    Washington, World Bank.
  • Nasution, L., 1993 , Agricultural Regionalistion
    of Indonesia, Bogor, Agricultural, Research
  • Sachs, I., 1991, Background Paper for the Hague
    Declaration, extensively reprinted in Nature and
    by RIS.
  • Sadasyuk, G., and P. Sengupta, 1968, Economic
    Regionalisation of India Problems and
    Approaches, New Delhi, Census of India, Monograph
    No. 8 of Census 1960
  • Sonntag, N., 1996, Adaptive Management Policy
    Exercises Two Methods for Integrated Resource
    Management, in MRC. p. 27.
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