Title: New extramural projects funded by MF
1New extramural projects funded by MF Aubrey
D.N.J. de Grey, Ph.D. Chairman and CSO,
Methuselah Foundation Lorton, VA, USA and
Cambridge, UK Email aubrey_at_sens.org Website
2The good news, 1/1/09 still the old familiar
3The bad news, 1/1/08
Blue MF funded from 2006 Red MF-funded since
2006 Black not MF-funded, 1/1/08
4The good news, 1/1/08
5The good news, 1/1/09
Blue MF funded from 2006 Red MF-funded since
1/1/2008 Black not MF-funded, 1/1/09
6- The new projects
- - Janko Nikolich-Zugich two-part immune
rejuvenation - - Jan Vijg epimutations in the cerebral cortex
- - The Gavrilovs demographic consequences of SENS
- - Lenhard Rudolph telomerase-negative blood
7What can YOU do in univ. labs? Well, if youre an
8How it works Within universities in the United
States, students can perform independent research
(typically lab projects in the form of advanced
honors research projects). There is no cost for
the student, but they must find a campus faculty
member whose lab they may work in. By default,
the successful approval of any student project
brings onboard a full research lab and PhD mentor
at no cost. Using this mechanism, MFURI utilizes
undergraduate students to perform research to
benefit the SENS agenda. As a way to generate
student interest, MFURI has developed a lucrative
scholarship program. Grants are also provided to
cover basic costs of the lab work such as
disposables and other necessary
equipment/materials. kelsey.moody_at_mfoundation.org
9The bad news, 1/1/09
Blue MF funded from 2006 Red partly MF-funded
since 1/1/2008 Black not MF-funded, 1/1/09
10More bad news, 1/1/09