Title: Hydroelectric Licensing Regulations
1Hydroelectric Licensing Regulations
Final Rule July 23, 2003 Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission Office of Energy
Projects Office of the General Counsel
2Final Rule
- Creates a new Integrated Licensing Process
- Process plan Study plan 1 year
- Studies Application development 2 years
- Application processing 1.5 years
- Changes Traditional Process
- Increased public participation
- Adds Pre-application document
3Integrated Licensing Process
- Improves process efficiency by requiring
- Application preparation in conjunction with NEPA
Scoping - Coordination with other participants processes
- Increased public participation
4Integrated Licensing Process
- Improves process timeliness by requiring
- Early FERC staff assistance
- Process plan schedule
- Early study plan development informal/formal
dispute resolution
5Final Rule Transition Timeline
Rule Issued 7/23/2003
Rule Effective 10/23/2003
ILP Default 7/23/2005
- Applicant Choice
- New Application Requirements
6New Application Requirements
- New requirements for information that conforms to
established practice - Minimum/maximum hydraulic capacity
- Cost to develop license application
- Project boundary information for both licenses
and exemptions
7Key Aspects of ILP
- Pre-Application Document
- Study Dispute Resolution
- Preliminary Licensing Proposal in place of Draft
License Application - Timing of Water Quality Certification Application
- NEPA Cooperating Agency Policy
- Tribal Policy Statement
8Pre-Application Document (PAD)
- Provide participants with available environmental
information - Provide basis for
- Issue Identification
- Study Requests
- NEPA Scoping Document
- More summarized info
- Better organization
9Study Dispute Resolution
- Study requestors follow study plan criteria
- Applicant files draft study plan for comment
- Participants meet to informally resolve
differences - FERC approves study plan with any needed
10Study Dispute Resolution
- Mandatory conditioning agencies may dispute
approved study plan - FERC convenes advisory panel
- FERC staff
- Resource Agency staff
- Third panel member
- Applicant provides comments
- Panel convenes technical conf.
11Study Dispute Resolution
- Panel makes finding as to whether study criteria
are or are not met - Panel provides finding to FERC Director of Energy
Projects - OEP Director makes decision on dispute with
respect to study criteria and any applicable law
or FERC policy
12Preliminary Licensing Proposal
- Alternative to Draft License Application
- Contents include
- Project Description
- PME Measures
- Environmental Analysis
- Applicant may file Draft License Application
13Water Quality Certification
- WQC application filed no later than 60 days after
FERCs Notice of Acceptance and Ready for
Environmental Analysis
14Cooperating Agency/ Intervenor Policy
- NOPR proposed to change FERC policy by permitting
intervention by federal agencies cooperating on
NEPA - Keep existing policy that federal agencies must
choose between NEPA Cooperation or intervention
15Tribal Policy Statement
- Commitment to Government-to-Government
relationship with tribes - Recognize sovereignty of tribes Commissions
trust responsibilities - Staff would initiate early discussions with
affected Indian tribe(s) to develop consultation
procedures - Establish position of Tribal Liaison