Title: Dr. Y
1Emerging European Markets Resilient in the
crisis? Policies, Markets Programmes
Dr. Yüksel MALKOÇ TWEA Vice President
- Turkeys current financial outlook,
- Demand growth and supply development,
- Wind potential and capacity development,
- Policy and regulatory environment of the
renewable energy market, - Current wind projects and other investment areas
in the wind market.
3Current Financial Outlook and Electricity Demand
4Electricity Demand
5Installed Capacity Development
6Wind Potential
- Turkey has substantial amount of renewable energy
potential and the - utilization rates are growing. Hydro, wind and
solar energy resources - are the major portions of our renewable
portfolio. - Turkey has at least
- 160000 GWh/a. economic hydro,
- 48000 MW wind capacity
- 380000 GWh/a. solar ()
- 31500 MWt geothermal capacity
- 8,6 MTOE biomass
- 1,5-2 MTOE biogas
- () Considering the parabolic CSP technologies.
7Wind Potential
Wind speed distribution, 50 m agl
8Wind Potential
Wind energy potential (annual average wind
speedgt7 m/s), 50 m a.g.l.
Resource potential Wind class Annual wind power density (W/m2) Annual wind speed (m/s) Total capacity (MW)
Good 4 400 500 7,0 7,5 29.259,36
Excellent 5 500 600 7,5 8,0 12.994,32
Outstanding 6 600 800 8,0 9,0 5.399,92
Superb 7 gt 800 gt 9,0 195,84
37.836 10.013
9Wind Potential and Capacity Development
10- WPPs in Operation
- WPPs in Construction
- Licenced WPPs
11Energy Market Structure
- Competitive Market Structure
- State
- - Macro scale policy development through
Ministry of Energy and Natural - Resources (MENR)
- - Regulations, control, supervision of markets
through Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) - Private Sector Generation, distribution, trade
12Energy Policy
- Energy security and sustainable energy supply are
among the main policy concerns of Turkey. Turkey
attributes significant importance to - encouraging the energy production from renewables
in a secure, economic and cost effective manner, - expanding the utilization of our renewable
resources for generating electrical energy, - increasing the diversification of energy
resources, - reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
- making use of waste products and protecting the
environment, - developing the related mechanical and/or
electro-mechanical manufacturing sector.
- Turkish Government revised the Electricity
Energy Market and Supply Security Strategy Paper
in 2009. In this paper, some targets defined
related with renewables until 2023 are as
follows - At least 30 of total electricity production
from renewables, - The whole economically feasible hydropower
potential of Turkey - will be provided for generating electrical
energy, - 600 MWe geothermal energy will be implemented,
- 20,000 MW capacity of wind power plant will be
in operation, - Utilization of solar energy for generating
electrical - energy will be expanded.
14Strategy Roadmap
Until now, TEIAS has confirmed connection of
around 12.5 GW WPPs. TEIAS announced investments
in transmission infrastructure and thus will be
able to deliver 1 GW each year starting from 2013
until 2020. All in all, TEIAS has declared that
the grid connection will be able to support the
20 GW WPP by 2023 target of Supply Security
Strategy Paper.
15Policy and Regulatory Environment
16Trade Possibilities
17Export Opportunities
Currently Turkey has interconnections with
Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq,
and Syria however, so far import and export fi
gures are almost negligible in comparison to
Turkeys overall electricity demand Eventually,
ENTSO-E synchronization will increase the
amount traded. In 2010, Turkey imported 1,883 GWh
and exported 2,674 GWh of electricity. The map
below illustrates the existing interconnection
capacities and the table indicates seasonal
18Incentives provided in the New Renewable Energy
- The New Law provides a Renewable Energy Support
Mechanism ("Mechanism") which covers different
incentives and benefits for renewable energy
projects including feed-in tariffs (fixed minimum
electricity sale prices). The New Law covers
different feed-in tariffs depending on the type
of the renewable energy projects as follows - Turkish Lira equivalent of USD 0.073 per kWh for
hydroelectric power plants, - Turkish Lira equivalent of USD 0.073 per kWh for
wind power plants, - Turkish Lira equivalent of USD 0.105 per kWh for
geothermal power plants, - Turkish Lira equivalent of USD 0.133 per kWh for
biomass power plants, and - Turkish Lira equivalent of USD 0.133 per kWh for
solar power plants. - The above mentioned feed-in tariffs will be
applicable for the legal entities holding
generation licenses which start operations during
the period from 18 May 2005 to 31 December 2015
and for a period of ten years from the operation
date. - The New Law also features further price
incentives from 0,004 to 0,024 kWh for the
license holders which use locally produced
mechanical and/or electro-mechanical
equipment/components in renewable energy
facilities, for a five-year term provided that
they start producing energy before the end of
19Table 2 (For wind) Table 2 (For wind)
Local Component Additional Local Content cent/ kWh
Blade 0,8
Generator and Power electronics 1,0
Tower 0,6
Rotor, Nacel all part of the mechanical components 1,3
Table 1 Table 1
Type of Facility cent/ kWh
Hidro 7,3
Wind 7,3
Jeothermal 10,5
Biomass 13,3
Solar 13,3
20Incentives provided in the New Renewable Energy
- Purchase guarantee and guaranteed feed price,
- An option to make use of forested land and
state-owned land to construct a renewable energy
plant, - A 99 per cent reduction in the license
application fees, - Exemption from annual license fee payments,
- Ability to purchase electricity from private
wholesale and generation companies, - Promote the manufacturing of renewable energy
plant equipment in Turkey, - Priority for system connection,
- Purchasing priority,
- Eligible consumers (gt25000 kWh/year),
- Renewable energy plant investments up to 500kW
and micro-cogeneration plant investments are
exempt from license and company establishment
requirements and they can be connected to the
grid, - WPPs lower than 10 MW capacity are exempt from
EIA report liability, - Additional revenue generation for renewable power
projects exists in Turkey through voluntary or
verified emission reduction credits (VERs), - Others (local and other ministries)
213527 MW (93 Projects)
7571 MW
8902 MW
20.000 MW
2027 MW Single Application (61 Projects) 5544
MW TEIAS Races (147 Projects)
1800 MW Operation 600 MW Under Construction
11.098 MW
2248.000 MW Techno-economic potential
Turkish Wind Energy Sector will show a rapid
development in the coming years.
20.000 MW 2023 Target
11.000 MW Licensed WPP Project
1800 MW Operation 600 MW Under Construction
President yuksel.malkoc_at_tureb.com.tr