Title: SAFE KIDS Buckle Up
1Demonstrating the Value of CSSIS to Your Lead
- Dwayne Smith
- Coordinator
- SAFE KIDS Anderson County
- Anderson, South Carolina
2SAFE KIDS Anderson County
- Located in NW South Carolina
- Established November 1999
- Led by Anderson Area Medical Center
- County Population 165,740
- Less than 27 live in urban areas
- 82 Caucasian, 17 African-American, 1
3Anderson County Children
- Peds. population birth - 9 YO _at_ 22,600
- _at_ 25 live below or just over federal poverty
level - 2,624 children ages birth-5 YO enrolled in
W.I.C. (23 of county)
4Anderson Area Medical Center
- 560 Bed Hospital
- Level II Trauma Center w/ 38 Bed E.D.
- 73,000 annual E.D. visits (200/day)
- On average, 127 children ages birth - 9 yrs.
visit E.D. for MVC annually - Average inpatient charge for children injured
in MVC 4,149.00 - Average annual live births 1,899
5How We Got Started as an Injury Prevention
- Community had a high level of readiness for a
SAFE KIDS effort - Genuine commitment and desire from hospital
administration - Hospital obtained grant funding to hire
coordinator for a period of three years
6How We Got Started in CPS
- Strong statewide effort to promote CPS
- E.D. data confirmed MVC injury burden in
birth-9 YO population - Previous experience in CPS enabled smooth
7How We Got Started as a CSSIS
- People asked for it
- Very unstructured to begin with - office
walk-ins, word of mouth advertising, etc. - Bought an E-Z-Up tent and started from there
8Where Does CPS Funding Come From?
- Line item in Trauma Services budget to purchase
- Mini-grants from state agencies
9How Do We Keep Funding?
- Have clearly defined goals objectives for
CSSIS - EXAMPLE The goal of the CSSIS will be to
establish a community resource that will
10- 1. Increase the number of upstate
parents/caregivers who have access to resources
provided by a CSSIS - 2. Reduce the number of MVC-related injuries and
fatalities among upstate children ages birth - 9
years old
11- 3. Employ public health model of assessment,
surveillance, implementation, and evaluation to
gain a greater understanding of the pediatric
injury burden due to MVC in Anderson County
12Sample Objectives
- 1. Establishment of a centralized community-based
CPS resource program that will assist parents in
securing children ages birth - 9 YO in
appropriate child restraints according to best
practice guidelines
13- 2. Integration of CPS efforts into clinical
services provided at the Women's Children's
Center, and in E.D. - 3. Collaborate with the Center for Safety
Research at Clemson University to conduct dynamic
public health injury prevention research
14Demonstrate that you are reaching the target
population with a needed service(process
evaluation measures)
- Purpose
- When to conduct
- Important factors to consider
- Target population
- How to use results
15Demonstrate that you are making progress toward
program goals(impact evaluation measures)
- Purpose
- When to conduct
- Target population
- Methods
- How to use results
16Demonstrate a reduction in MVC injury burden
among target population (outcome evaluation
- Can be human and/or economic
- Purpose
- When to conduct
- Target population
- Methods
- How to use results
17When a long-term study is not feasible, use more
readily accessible info
- Pre- and post-intervention (i.e., establishment
of CSSIS) data showing the number of local
children ages birth - 9 YO seen in the E.D. for
MVC-related injuries during a specific period of
time (i.e., quarterly, biannually, annually)
- Pre- and post-intervention data showing the
average total acute care charges (with patient
identifiers eliminated) for the number of local
children ages birth - 9 YO seen in the E.D. for
MVC-related injuries during a specific period of
time - Sort injury and acute care charge stats by
standard age groups (LT 1, 1-4, 5-9)
19Number of Anderson County Children Visiting E.D.
for MVC Injury
20Reduction in MVC Injuries Since Coalition
Inception (1999)
21Cost Savings Realized by Reducing MVC Injuries
Among Target Population
22Net Savings
- For the 3-year period dating 2000-2002,
Anderson Area Medical Center allocated 21,770.43
for the purchase of child restraints to be
distributed free of charge under the SAFE KIDS
initiative - Net monetary return on lead agencys capital
investment 107, 028.57
23Where Do We Go From Here?
- Continue doing what we do best - preventing
injuries and savings lives - Continue demonstrating that we are making a
difference in reducing MVC-related injury volume,
rates, and their associated costs - Ask lead agency to dedicate more line-item
funding for continuation of CPS education
24Questions Comments?
- Dwayne Smith
- SAFE KIDS Anderson County
- (864) 224-0251
- dsmith3_at_anmed.com