Title: Summer Warning: Do Not Leave Kids in Hot Cars
1Summer Warning Do Not Leave Kids in Hot Cars
- www.applebabies.ca
2Every summer we hear stories on the news about
how a parent left their baby or child in a hot
car. Unfortunately, in some of the cases the baby
or child died because they were left
- www.applebabies.ca
3Not all cases are the result of a parent leaving
their kids in the car either. In some instances,
a curious child will get into an unlocked car on
their own and shut the door.
- www.applebabies.ca
4As parents, it is our responsibility to safeguard
our children and never place them into this
dangerous situation.
- www.applebabies.ca
5It only takes minutes before they can be affected
by the heat. Keep these rules in mind the next
time you head out with your little ones.
- www.applebabies.ca
6No matter how short, there are no exceptions for
leaving a child in the car. Dealing with
getting the kids into and out of car seats for
what you intend to be a quick errand may seem
tempting to just leave the kids in the car.
- www.applebabies.ca
7However, things never go as planned, and you
could find yourself standing in a long checkout
line, and that quick, five-minute-or-less trip
has now turned into a half hour.
- www.applebabies.ca
8This rule also includes not leaving them in the
car with it running and the AC on, or with the
windows down. Kids can be curious and get out of
their car seats, if they know how to undo the
- www.applebabies.ca
9There have been cases where parents have left
their kids in the car with it running, only to
come back out of a store to find their child has
managed to put the car into drive and it rolled
out into a busy intersection and got hit.
- www.applebabies.ca
10Even on days in the low 20s Celsius (70s
Fahrenheit), cars can quickly heat up another 5
degrees Celsius (up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit).
These changes can occur quickly, normally within
the first thirty minutes.
Understand how temperatures change inside cars
- www.applebabies.ca
11All it takes for your child to experience heat
exhaustion or a heat stroke is for their core
body temperature to heat up to 40 degrees Celsius
(104 degrees Fahrenheit), which is only 3 degrees
Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) more than their
normal body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius
(98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
- www.applebabies.ca
12Always lock your car when it is parked at home to
keep your kids out of it.When you kids are
playing outside, your car should be locked.
- www.applebabies.ca
13They may decide to play hide and seek and in
their minds, there is no better place to hide
than inside the car because they do not
understand the dangers of hiding inside a hot car.
- www.applebabies.ca
14 This rule might seem like a strange rule, but
if your mind is on other things or you are
stressed, you may forget your little one is
napping in the back seat.
Always check your car for children when exiting
the vehicle.
- www.applebabies.ca
15TIP Put your purse, brief case, or other items
in the back seat you will need to take with your
when exiting the vehicle so you remember your
- www.applebabies.ca
16If you remember to use these rules, you are sure
to keep your children safe. Remember to stop by
Apple Babies, your Toronto baby specialty store,
to check out all of our summertime baby and
infant items or call us at 416-546-8483
today! Source - https//www.applebabies.ca/sum
- www.applebabies.ca