Title: Proposals Overview Powerpoint Presentation Slides
1Proposal to move to 2 x 12 hour shifts
Rostering for Duty Project September 2008
2Presentation Aim
- To provide clear information regarding the
business case for 2 x 12 hour shifts so that all
colleagues can fully engage in watch focus group
discussions and influence the development of the
proposal to extend the duration of day shifts
3Presentation Objectives
By the end of the presentation colleagues will -
- have an understanding of why change is necessary
- have a broad understanding of Phase A and Phase B
of the Rostering for Duty project - have a clear understanding of the Business Case
for 12 hour shifts - feel confident to contribute views to watch focus
group discussions and influence the development
of a final proposal
External Pressures
Internal Pressures
- Corporate Plan 2006 2009
- Review the existing duty systems, including the
start and finish times and implement any
improvements necessary
72008Rostering for DutyProject
8Project Team
- Steve Swarbrick Project Executive
- Steve Fletcher Project Manager / Research
- Steve Chu Communications
- Mick Mason TDC issues
- Donna Staples HR Issues
- Dave Cutting Legal Advice
- Martin Eccles Analysis and Verification
- Stewart Layhe Research / IRMP liaison
- Dick Hutton Initial Research
- FBU have an open invitation
- Others as required
9Project Aim
- Research and introduce a rostering system that
maximizes our efficiency and effectiveness in
responding to operational incidents, completing
safety-critical training and carrying out
community engagement work, whilst prioritising
the work-life balance of our staff, employment
laws and firefighters conditions of service.
10Project Objectives
- Increase the available time for operational staff
to attend the Training Development Centre to
undertake risk critical training and skills
maintenance activities - Increase the amount of time available for watch
based staff to undertake community engagement
activities at the most appropriate times of the
day - Ensure that shift arrangements comply with United
Kingdom and European Law and Health and Safety at
Work legislation - Provide the means for the service to offer more
opportunities for flexible working within the
fire station environment e.g. job-share,
part-time working, variable working patterns etc. - Improve the service delivery capability and
capacity through a sustainable improvement in the
day-to-day operational crewing levels Achieving
efficiency gains to support wider organisational
capacity building as part of the overall service
development programme and, - Enable future flexibility to achieve a closer
match between the resources provided and the
varying risk profile between day-time and
night-time periods.
11Project Plan Timeline
Phase A
Shift Durations
Feasibility Study
Business Case
Communicate With Employees Rep Bodies
Use feedback to finalise proposals
Rostering for Duty Project
Phase B (Complex)
Rostering for Duty
Feasibility Study
12Phase A2 x 12 hour Shift Proposal
13Business Case
- The 2 x 12 hour shift proposal meets 5 of the
6 Rostering for Duty project objectives i.e.
1,2,3,4 and 6.
14Project Objectives
- Increase the available time for operational staff
to attend the Training Development Centre to
undertake risk critical training and skills
maintenance activities - Increase the amount of time available for watch
based staff to undertake community engagement
activities at the most appropriate times of the
day - Ensure that shift arrangements comply with United
Kingdom and European Law and Health and Safety at
Work legislation - Provide the means for the service to offer more
opportunities for flexible working within the
fire station environment e.g. job-share,
part-time working, variable working patterns etc. - Improve the service delivery capability and
capacity through a sustainable improvement in the
day-to-day operational crewing levels Achieving
efficiency gains to support wider organisational
capacity building as part of the overall service
development programme and, - Enable future flexibility to achieve a closer
match between the resources provided and the
varying risk profile between day-time and
night-time periods.
Phase A (12/12) does not hit this objective
However, Phase B (Alternative Rostering
Options) will
15Business Case
- Increased Training Capacity
- More time for watch based training
- Enable courses at TDC to start earlier and finish
later - 53 increase in Student / Instructor interaction
time from 4.25 hours to 6.5 hours (conservative
estimate) - Utilise TDC based training facilities fully
16Business Case
- Watch Based Community Safety Training Capacity
- 0700 to 0900hrs - Low Activity Time changed to
routine activities such as equipment checks etc. - 1600 to 1900hrs Prime CFS time not
interrupted by end of shift tasks, shift
changeover and start of shift tasks - 2100 to 0000hrs Low Activity Time converted to
routine work such as appliance checks, standard
tests, routine work and training. More momentum
for productive activities up to start of rest
period - 3.5 hrs more productive time per appliance per
day (conservative estimate). - 22.5 hrs per appliance per week
- 49 working days per appliance per year.
17Business Case
- Legislation
- EU Working Time Regulations
- Must have 11 hours of uninterrupted rest in any
24 hour period. (We currently only have 9 between
night shifts) - NJC Scheme of Conditions of Service
- Duty System should comply with the relevant
United Kingdom and European law, including the
Working Time Regulations 1998, and Health Safety
and Welfare at Work Regulations
18Business Case
- Flexible Working Opportunities
- Same length of day and night shifts means much
easier to develop flexible working options such
as different combinations of day and night shifts
to meet individual employee needs.
19Business Case
- Flexible Risk Based Approach to Fire/Emergency
Cover - Much easier to consider options for matching
Emergency Cover to the Risk Profile when day and
night shifts are of equal length.
- Likely that start and finish times will not be
affected by rush hour traffic
21Are 2 x 12 hour shifts about saving money?
22Incident profile over the 24 hour period
Increased overtime costs
Decreased overtime costs
23Business Case
- No significant overtime savings
- 0700 to 1900 will save approx 375 per year
- 0800 to 2000 will cost approx 1785 per year
- However, limited costs would be justified by the
significant improvements in Capacity for
Training, Community Safety and the opportunities
of more flexible arrangements for staffing and
emergency cover
24Equality Impact Assessment
- Initial EIA complete
- Initial thoughts are that proposal could have
some impact on - - Parents / Carers
- People who follow routines for religious
observance - People with disabilities
- Data on above is now to be collected
- Full EIA to be completed when info collected in
25Is the proposal in line with Conditions of
Service (Grey Book)?
26Extract from Section 4 Hours and Duty and Duty
- Duty systems will need to meet the requirements
of the fire and rescue authoritys IRMP. Any
proposed system should be discussed with the
recognised trade unions and be based on the
following principles - - Average 42 hours per week
- 2 x 24hrs free from duty each week
- Should comply with European Law, including the
Working Time Regulations and Health, Safety and
Welfare Legislation - Should have regard to special circumstances of
individual employees and be family friendly
27Where can I get further information about the
28Staff Information Pack Contains
- Information Sheet
- Questions and Answers
- Project Aims and Objectives
- Proposals Overview - PowerPoint Presentation
Slides - FBU Pay and Conditions Grey Book Sixth Edition,
Section 4A (Hours of duty and duty systems
- Chief Fire Officers Statement
- Fire Rescue Authority Report
- 12/12 Shift System Business Case
- Initial Equality Impact Assessment
- Employees Form Proposed New Shift System
Support Request - Change Briefing Note
These documents are also available on the intranet
2912 hour shifts will cause me significant problems
i.e. childcare. What can I do?
- Fill in the support request form which is on the
intranet or contact a member of the Rostering
for Duty Project Team directly. - Individual difficulties will be dealt with on
case by case basis
30Who can I speak to about the proposal?
- Any Watch Officer
- Any Station, Group or Area Manager
- Any Member of the Rostering for Duty Project
31What happens now?
- A lot of work still needs to be done before the
proposal is finalised. - SM and GM will facilitate a discussion with each
watch to generate feedback of pros and cons - Info needs to be collected from all employees
regarding parental and childcare responsibilities - Specific Info needs to be collected in order to
complete a full Equality Impact Assessment. - Individual employee concerns/difficulties need to
be collected and analysed - During December all the Feedback will be analysed
enabling informed decisions to be made so that
the proposal can be finalised.
32Review of Presentation Objectives
By the end of the presentation colleagues will -
- have an understanding of why change is necessary
- have a broad understanding of Phase A and Phase B
of the Rostering for Duty project - have a clear understanding of the Business Case
for 12 hour shifts - feel confident to contribute views to watch focus
group discussions and influence the development
of final proposal
33Watch Discussion
- The SM/GM will facilitate a discussion around the
key topic areas, record the main points raised
and return the feedback form to the Project Team
immediately. - Discussion Topics
- Initial Comments following presentation
- Safety Critical Training
- Community Safety Are we currently making best
use of our working hours - Start and Finish times
- What rest periods/rest facilities would be
appropriate for a 12 hour shift - Impact on work/life balance
- Overall feedback on 12/12 proposal following