Title: ADB Loan Project Environmental Management Manual ?????? ????????
1ADB Loan ProjectEnvironmental Management
- ???????????????,?????????????????????????????????
2Overview ??
- 1. Overview of ADB Loan Project
- ????????
- 2. Management Procedures
- ???????
- 3. Main Environment Work of the Project Cycle
- ????????????
- 4. Main Elements of Environmental Management
Plan - ???????????
- 5. Case Analysis
- ????
31. Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????
4Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????
- Strategic Objectives ????
- Core Areas of Operations ??????
- Features of ADB Projects ????
- Current Safeguard Policy ??????
- Environmental Safeguard Policy Experience
???????? - Environmental Classification ????
- Requirements ??
5Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Strategic
Objectives ????
- ADB announced its new "Strategy 2020", a
long-term strategic framework, which goal is to
build an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty.
- ?????????2020???,????????????????????????
6Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Strategic
Objectives ????
Environmentally sustainable growth ???????
Inclusive economic growth ??????
Focus ????
Regional integration ?????
7Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Core Areas
of Operations ??????
- ADB cannot and will not attempt to meet all
needs of all DMCs. To maximize results,
efficiency, and impact, ADB will employ its
financial and institutional resources in five
core areas. - ?????????????????????,????????,?????,????????
8Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Core Areas
of Operations ??????
Infrastructure ????
Environment ??
Five core areas 5???????
RCI ????????
Finance sector development ??????
Education ??
9Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Features
of ADB Projects ????
- Each ADB project has dedicated project executing
agency and implementing agency, to ensure the
project successfully implemented. - ????????????????????????,??????????
- In the early stage of project implementation, the
construction unit needs to carry out field
investigations and survey research, and prepare
well-conceived construction plan to ensure the
successful project implementation. - ??????,???????????????????,??????????,???????
10Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Features
of ADB Projects ????
- ADB projects require to establish project
monitoring and evaluation system before the
commencement of loan, to issue project report
quarterly or semiannually. - ??????????????????????????,??????????????
- In the earlier stage, ADB will require local
government has indeed feasible policies and
regulations in the loan project industry, and
require project management following the
country's relevant policies also must comply with
ADB's loan management policies. - ????????,?????????????????????????????,??????
11Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Features
of ADB Projects ????
- In the project preparation and implementation
process, ADB focuses both on social impacts and
environmental impacts, and ensures various
environmental impacts and social impacts be
identified through perfect mechanisms, and
develops practical measures to strengthen the
beneficial effects, relief the negative effects. - ???????????,?????????????????,???????????????
12Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Current
Safeguard Policy ??????
- Impacts are identified and assessed early in the
project cycle - ????????????????
- Plans to avoid, minimize, mitigate, or compensate
for the potential adverse impacts are developed
and implemented - ?????????????????????????
- Affected people are informed and consulted during
project preparation and implementation. - ?????????????????????????
13Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Environment
al Safeguard Policy Experience ????????
- ADB's "Environmental Policy" makes sure the
principles of integrating environmental
protection into ADB's various operations. - ???????????????????????????
- "Environmental Policy" and the "Operational
Manual 20 Environmental Protection in various
operations" prescribe the procedures and
requirements of environmental assessment. - ?????????20-????????????????????????
- ADB's "Environmental Assessment Guide" provides
specific guidance for how to implement and
complete the environmental assessment proscribed
in the "Environmental Policy" and the "OM20". - ?????????????????????????20(OM20)??????
14Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Environment
al Classification ????
Classification Features Basic requirements
Category A Projects are categorized as A if they could have significant adverse environmental impacts to population, biodiversity or natural resources, and the impacts is not reversible, changeable, or never seen before. The impacts of category A may beyond the project construction site, and an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required to address significant impacts
Category B Projects are categorized as B if they could have some adverse environmental impacts, but of lesser degree or significance than those for category A projects. An initial environmental examination (IEE) is required
Category C Projects are categorized as C if they are unlikely to have adverse environmental impacts. No EIA or IEE is required
Category FI Projects are classified as category FI if they involve a credit line through a financial intermediary or an equity investment in a financial intermediary. The financial intermediary must apply an environmental management system, unless all subprojects will result in insignificant impacts. No
15Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????Environment
al Classification ????
???? ?? ????????
A? ???????????????????? ????????,??????????? ?????,???????A???? A???????????? ???????????? ???????
B? B???????????A???????? ?????????????????? ?????,?????????A????? ??? ???????
C? C??????????????????? ??????,?????????????
FI? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????,?????C???? ???????
16Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????
Requirements ??
- A typical EIA report includes the following major
elements - ??????????????????
- (1) Executive summary ????
- (2) Description of the project ????
- (3) Description of the environment ????
- (4) Anticipated environmental impacts and
mitigation measures - ???????????
- (5) Analysis of alternatives??????
- (6) Environmental management plan(s) or
equivalent programme document - ??????,????????
- (7) Consultation and information disclosure
??????? - (8) Conclusion and recommendations ??????
17Overview of ADB Loan Project ????????
Requirements ??
- ?????????????????
- A typical environmental audit report includes the
following major elements -
- (1) Executive summary ????
- (2) Facilities description, including both past
and current activities - ????,????????????
- (3) Summary of national, local, and any other
applicable environmental laws, regulations, and
standards - ?????????????????????
- (4) Audit and site investigation procedure
????????? - (5) Findings and areas of concern ???????
- (6) Corrective action plan that provides the
appropriate corrective actions for each area of
concern, including costs and schedule. - ??????,?????????,??????????????
182. Management Procedures ???????
19Management Procedures ???????
- Concept of Environmental Management
- ???????
- Contents of Environmental Management
- ???????
- Key Work Procedures of Early Stage of ADB Project
- ????????
- Comparison of Project Environmental Management
Procedures between China and ADB - ???????????????
20Management Procedures ???????Concept of
Environmental Management ???????
Narrowly, environmental management mainly refers
to various measures to control pollution
behaviors. ??????????????????????? Generally,
environmental management is in accordance with
economic laws and ecological laws, use of
administrative, economic, legal, technology,
education and the media and other means, through
a comprehensive and systematic planning, to
adjust and control peoples social activities, to
achieve both economic development and to meet the
basic human needs, and do not exceed the
allowable limits of the environment.
21Management Procedures ???????Contents of
Environmental Management ???????
- Classify from the scope of environmental
management - Resources environmental management
- Regional Environmental Management
- Sector environmental management
- Classify from the nature of environmental
management - Environmental Plan Management
- Environmental Quality Management
- Environmental Technology Management
- ???????????
- ??????
- ??????
- ??????
- ???????????
- ??????
- ??????
- ??????
22Management Procedures ???????
Key Work Procedures of Early Stage of ADB Project
23Management Procedures ???????
Key Work Procedures of Early Stage of ADB Project
24Management Procedures ???????
Comparison of Project Environmental Management
Procedures between China and ADB ???????????????
25Management Procedures ???????
Comparison of Project Environmental Management
Procedures between China and ADB ???????????????
263. Main Environment Work of the Project Cycle
27Main Environment Work of the Project
- Project Preparation Stage ??????
- Project Preparation and Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Project Approval Stage ??????
- Project Implementation Stage ??????
- Project Acceptance Stage ??????
- Post-Evaluation Stage ?????
28Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation Stage
- Work Description ????
- China prepare the "Project Proposal" and the
"Opinions of the intention of initial funding
sources". - ??????????????????????
- ADB For the approval of PPTA and project
application listed to loan plan, the relevant
environmental aspects of work include project
application in the list of candidate project,
environmental classification and the TOR of
consultants in the preparation of technical
assistance. - ?????????????????????????,?????????????????
29Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation Stage
- Outcome Documents ???????
- The project proposal ?????
- Preliminary identification of the opinions of the
intention of the project funding sources - ???????????????
- PPTA Document??????????
- Intention of project to be listed in loan program
- ??????????
- Candidate list of projects ??????
- The final report of PPTA ????????????
30Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation Stage
- Work Procedures ????
- Project unit applies the project to local
Development and Reform Commission - ??????????????
- Connect with ADB ?????
- Procedures in ADB loan planning ???????????
- ADB send project identification mission ?????????
- Project Preparation Technical Assistance ????????
31Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Work Description ????
- China the preparation of the environmental
chapter in "Environmental Impact Report,"
"Feasibility Study report", "preliminary design"
and write the "starting report. - ????????????????????????????????????
32Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- ADB The preparation of environmental reports
(including environmental management plan)
,environmental component of bank reports,
memorandum and understanding, memorandum of
project management, and environmental terms of
the loan agreement. - ????????(???????)???????????????????????????
33Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Outcome Documents ???????
- "Environmental Impact Report" ??????
- Feasibility Study Report ???????
- The Environmental Protection Chapter in the
Preliminary Design - ???????????
- Starting report????
- Environmental impact assessment report and
environmental management plan - ?????????????(???????)
34Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Outcome Documents ???????
- Environmental component of bank President Report
- ?????????
- Assessment of the Memorandum of Understanding
- ???????
- Project Management Memorandum
- ???????
- The environmental provisions of the loan
agreement - ?????????
35Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Work Procedures ????
- Construction units commissioned the appropriate
qualified environmental impact assessment agency
for the preparation of "environmental impact
report" and apply to the environmental protection
administrative departments for approval. - ??????????????????????????,????????????????
?? - Construction units commissioned the corresponding
engineering consulting qualified body to finish
"Feasibility Study" and apply to Development and
Reform Commission departments for approval
accompanied by the following materials. - ?????????????????????????,?????????????
36Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Work Procedures ????
- Project organization together with ADB choose the
environmental impact assessment agencies for the
preparation of environmental assessment report
(including the Environmental Management Plan) - ??????????????????????????(???????)
- After approval of feasibility study report,
project financial reports should be immediately
prepared and reported to National Development and
Reform Commission for approval. The report should
be submitted 30 working days before the loan
agreements would be negotiated. - ??????????,??????????????,???????????????????
37Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Work Procedures????
- Environmental assessment report should be
submitted to ADB Board of Directors for appraisal
- ????????????????
- ADB release the environmental assessment summary
to public (120 days before ADB will consider
whether to approve the loan) - ?????????????(120????????????)
- Carry out environmental reviews on the "President
Report" - ????????????????
38Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Preparation and
Appraisal Stage ?????????
- Work Procedures????
- After the approval of "President Report" by the
Asian Development Bank senior "management
hearing", the Asian Development Bank mission will
visit to China for project loan assessment (2-3
weeks) - ??????????????????????,???????????????????(
23?) - Sign a memorandum of understanding with the China
- ????????????
- Reconfirmed environment classification
- ????????
- Project Management Memorandum
- ???????
39Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Approval Stage ??????
- Work Description ????
- China provide the approval views from
environmental protection administrative
department for the "Feasibility Study",
"preliminary design", "start report", "financial
reporting report" - ????????????????????????????????????
?????????????????????? - ADB prepare the bank president report
(environmental component), the Loan Agreement
(Environmental Terms) for bank loan negotiations
and approval - ????????????????(????)?????(????
40Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Approval Stage ??????
- Outcome Documents
- Loan documents
- The approval of the views of "Feasibility Study"
- The approval of the views of "preliminary design"
- Approval of the views of "start report"
- "Financial Reporting Report"
- ???????
- ????
- ????????????
- ?????????
- ?????????
- ??????
41Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Approval Stage ??????
- Work Procedures????
- ADB "management hearing" or "employee hearing",
will discuss the President draft report and the
Asian Development Bank assessment mission the
memorandum of understanding to form and submit
those to the Board, including "President Report",
"Loan Agreement", "project agreement" draft
document and will send to the Chinese Government
and the project implementing agencies - ??????????????????????????????????????,??
?????????????????????????,??????????????? - Loan negotiations ????
- Determine the environmental provisions of the
loan agreement - ???????????
42Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Approval Stage ??????
- Work Procedures????
- Initially sign the loan agreement and project
agreement, sign minutes of loan negotiations
meeting - ????????????,??????????
- Board of Directors approval ?????
- The signing of loan documents (90 days after the
entry into force) - ??????(90??????)
- Report "Feasibility Study" to the Development and
Reform Commission - ?????????????
43Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Approval Stage ??????
- Work Procedures????
- Apply for "preliminary design" to the Development
and Reform Commission - ??????????
- Apply for "start report to the Development and
Reform Commission - ??????????
- Applying for funds request report to the National
Development and Reform Commission - ????????????????????
44Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Implementation Stage
- Work Description ????
- China the project executing agency will have the
initiative responsible for all the work of the
project process and regularly inform the ADB
project's progress. At this stage, environmental
management related work is as follows
"3-simultaneous" management, construction site
environmental supervision, environmental
protection facilities trial operation,
environmental effect monitoring. - ????????????????????,???????????????????????
45Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Implementation Stage
- ADB ADB will fully supervise the project,
sending the project starting mission to check the
preparation effect for projects and specify
details of the loan documents, to report
environmental monitoring and soil erosion
monitoring, then form project management
memorandum. - At least once a year ADB should send
inspection team to check the progress of the
project, special circumstances with special
inspection missions. - At this stage, environmental
management-related work is as follows amend the
environmental management plan, review the
implementation of environmental management plans.
- ????????????,??????????????????????????,????
?????????,?????????? - ??????????????????,??????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????
46Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Implementation Stage
- Outcome Documents
- Environmental Impact Monitoring Report
- Construction site environmental supervision
records - The revised Environmental Management Plan
- Environmental Management Memorandum
- Progress Report
- Feedback reports
- Inspection report of the ADB mission
- ???????
- ????????
- ??????????
- ??????????
- ???????
- ????
- ????
- ???????
47Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Implementation Stage
- Work Procedures????
- ADB review and approve work plan of the
implementation agency - ????????????????
- ADB inspect progress report submitted by the
implementing agencies - ???????????????
- ADB sends a delegation
- ???????
- ADB loan disbursement
- ??????
- During project construction period construction
supervision - ?????????
48Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Acceptance Stage ??????
- Work Description ????
- China The construction project completion and
acceptance of environmental protection,
establishment of project environmental management
related system - ????????????????????????????
- ADB Carry out inspection after the project
completion, the preparation of "Project
Completion Report," makes a comprehensive summary
of the loan project - ??????????,???????????????????
49Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Acceptance Stage ??????
- Outcome Documents ???????
- Environmental protection completion and
acceptance reports - ??????????
- Environmental management related system documents
- ??????????
- "Project Completion Report" (within 6 months of
loan projects completion) should be submitted to
ADB performance evaluation agency for review - ??????(??????6???)??????????
50Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Acceptance Stage ??????
- Work Procedure????
- Environmental protection Acceptance ????
- Environmental management related system documents
- ??????????
- ADB sends experts to assist the project
implementing agencies to complete the project
inspection and the preparation of project
completion reports. - ????????????????????????,????????
51Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Project Acceptance Stage ??????
- Work Procedure????
- The termination of ADB accounting agency
disbursement, and cancel the project loan account - ?????????????????????
- ADB performance evaluation Bureau sample and
evaluate, and their information is reflected in
the ADB policy adjustments, the country strategy
and program planning and rolling plan. - ???????????,???????????????????????????
52Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Post-Evaluation Stage ?????
- Work Description????
- China a routine environmental monitoring,
pollutant emission application registration - ??????????????????
- ADB the preparation of "Project Performance
Assessment Report," within 2-3 years after the
completion - to conduct inspections in accordance
with REESI (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency,
sustainability and institutional development) - ????????????,???2-3???REESI????(????????
53Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Post-Evaluation Stage ?????
- Outcome Documents ???????
- Routine Environmental Monitoring Report
- ????????
- Pollutant emission application registration
document - ???????????
- "Project Performance Assessment Report" (2-3
years after loan completion of the project) - ????????(??????2-3?)
54Main Environment Work of the Project
Cycle????????????Post-Evaluation Stage ?????
- Work Procedures ????
- China Environmental Monitoring sectors conduct
projects monitoring activity - ?????????????????????
- Pollutant emission application registration
document - ???????????
- Design project performance management system to
complete the project performance evaluation
report - ??????????,??????????
554. Main Elements of Environmental Management
Plan ???????????
564. Main Elements of Environmental Management
Plan ???????????
- The Main Elements of EMP ???????????
- EMP Implementation?????????
- Related Forms Reference Sample ?????????
57Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
??????????The Main Elements of EMP ???????????
- The EMP will include
- the proposed mitigation measures
- environmental monitoring and reporting
requirements - emergency response procedures
- related institutional or organizational
arrangements - capacity development and training measures
- implementation schedule
- Cost estimates and performance indicators.
- ???????????????
- ???????
- ?????????
- ???????
- ??????????
- ?????????
- ????
- ?????????
58Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
?????????EMP Implementation?????????
- The environmental conditions of loan agreements
generally include - ????????????
- The key environmental impact mitigation measures
and monitoring plan???????????????? - The institutional arrangements and
responsibilities to implement Environmental
management plans - ????????????????
59Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
?????????EMP Implementation?????????
- The environmental conditions of loan agreements
generally include - ????????????
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental
management plans and the requirements of
reporting for ADB - ???????????????????????
- Public consultation and the specific requirements
of environment-friendly procurement, when
necessary - ?????????????????????????
60Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
?????????EMP Implementation?????????
During the implementation stage, once
construction and operational activities are
determined, the environmental management plan
should be amended accordingly. New added contents
should include
- the allocation of responsibilities of report
- work plan
- procurement plan
- detailed cost estimations
- the mechanism of taking remedial actions
- ???????
- ????
- ????
- ???????
- ?????????
61Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
?????????EMP Implementation?????????
- The implementation report of the plan includes
the following aspects - ???????????????????????
- Environmental management institutional
strengthening and capacity building - ?????????????????
- Implementation of the mitigation measures
- ?????????????
- Environmental monitoring results
- ???????
- Recovery and return of the temporary area
- ???????????
62Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
?????????EMP Implementation?????????
- The implementation report of the plan includes
the following aspects - ???????????????????????
- Problems encountered
- ?????
- Data collection
- ????
- The results of independent monitoring of
resettlement - ??????????
- Research findings
- ???????
63Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
??????????? Related Forms Reference Sample
Mitigation measures ???????????
Phases ???? Project ???? Potential environmental impact ?????? Proposed mitigation measures ??????? Institutional responsibilities ???? Cost estimation ????
pre-construction ?????
Construction ????
Operation and Maintenance ???????
64Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
??????????? Related Forms Reference Sample
Monitoring requirements ???????????
Phases ???? Mitigation Measures ???? Monitoring parameter ?????? Site ?? Method ?? Frequency ?? Task?? Cost ??
pre-construction ?????
Construction ????
Operation and Maintenance ???????
65Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
??????????? Related Forms Reference Sample
Institutional strengthening and
training ??????????????
I.Strengthening Project I.???? Position (liability) ??(??) Content ?? Content ?? Timing ???? Cost Estimation ????
Mitigation Measures ????
Monitoring ??
II.Training Activities II.???? Participants ???? Course ?? Content ?? Timing ???? Cost Estimation ????
1.EMP Implementation, Design Amendments and Problem Resolve 1.EMP???,????,?????
2. Environmental Procedures, Methods and Equipment 2.??????????
3. Environmental Policy and Plan 3.???????
66Main Elements of Environmental Management Plan
??????????? Related Forms Reference Sample
Progress report ???????
Project ???? First Year ??? Second Year ??? Third Year ???
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Mitigation Measures ????
Monitoring ??
Strengthening ????
Training ??
675. Case Analysis ????
68Case Analysis????
- Case Analysis - Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city - ???????????????
- Case AnalysisThe Railway Project Environmental
Management (EMP) Program - ?????????????(EMP)??
69Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
70Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
71Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
External independent monitoring plan (part)
72Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
73Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
Internal self-monitoring plan(part)
74Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
75Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
Public consultation plan
76Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
77Case Analysis????Wastewater and Rainwater
Management Project in a city ???????????
Feedback and adjustment mechanism of
environmental management plan
78Case Analysis????The Railway Project EMP
79Case Analysis????The Railway Project EMP
80Case Analysis????The Railway Project EMP
81Case Analysis????The Railway Project EMP
82Case Analysis????The Railway Project EMP