Title: Conditions Database for Minerva
1Conditions Database for Minerva
- Jaewon Park
- University of Rochester
MINERvA/Jupiter group meeting, Nov 07, 2007
- Whats included in CondDb.
- Alignment
- Readout
- Slow/fast control
- calibration
- Ex/DetCondExample/v7r7 (sort of old ver.)
- Example package for LHCb CondDb.
- Ex/DetCondExample/v11r2 (recent ver.)
- A little bit reorganized structure.
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
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6Xml-based Data base
- CondDb uses xml files.
- Examples are shown next slides
- Xml string can be put to actual Db server via
COOL package. - What if we need to access Heidis hardware Db
from Gaudi framework? - Its possible to convert conventional Db to Xml
Db. - Pmt calibration,
- Is it safe to have mutiple Dbs?
Example XML file
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE
DDDB SYSTEM ../DTD/structure.dtdgt lt!-- Id
alignment.xml,v 1.1 2001/12/17 154630 andreav
Exp  --gt ltDDDBgt ltcatalog name"Ecal"gt
lt!-- Ecal alignment catalog  --gt
ltconditionref href"alEcal" /gt lt/cataloggt
ltcondition name"alEcal"gt ltparamVector
name"Ecal position" type"double"gt0. 0.
0.lt/paramVectorgt lt/conditiongt lt/DDDBgt
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE
DDDB SYSTEM ../DTD/structure.dtdgt lt!-- Id
alignment.xml,v 1.1 2005/08/31 160249 marcocle
Exp  --gt ltDDDBgt ltcatalog name"Velo"gt Â
ltconditionref href"conddb/Alignment/Velo/Mod
ules00Module00" /gt  ltconditionref
/gt  ltconditionref href"conddb/Alignment/
Velo/Modules02Module02" /gt Â
ltconditionref href"conddb/Alignment/Velo/Modules
03Module03" /gt  lt/cataloggt lt/DDDBgt
Referring to data in real Db
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE
DDDB SYSTEM ../DTD/structure.dtdgt lt!-- Id
calibration.xml,v 1.1 2001/12/17 154631 andreav
Exp  --gt ltDDDBgt ltcatalog name"Ecal"gt
lt!-- Ecal calibration catalog  --gt Â
ltconditionref href"caEcal" /gt  lt/cataloggt
ltcondition name"caEcal"gt ltparam
name"ScaleFactor" type"double"gt1.lt/paramgt
lt/conditiongt lt/DDDBgt
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE
DDDB SYSTEM ../DTD/structure.dtdgt lt!-- Id
readout.xml,v 1.1 2001/12/17 154631 andreav Exp
 --gt ltDDDBgt ltcatalog name"Ecal"gt
lt!-- Ecal readout catalog  --gt
ltconditionref href"roEcal" /gt lt/cataloggt
ltcondition name"roEcal"gt ltparamVector
name"ChannelMap" type"int"gt1 2 3
4lt/paramVectorgt lt/conditiongt lt/DDDBgt
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE
DDDB SYSTEM ../DTD/structure.dtdgt lt!-- Id
slowcontrol.xml,v 1.1 2001/12/17 154631 andreav
Exp  --gt ltDDDBgt ltcatalog name"Ecal"gt
lt!-- Ecal slow control catalog  --gt
ltconditionref href"scEcal" /gt lt/cataloggt
ltcondition name"scEcal"gt ltparam
name"Temperature" type"double"gt20.lt/paramgt
lt/conditiongt lt/DDDBgt
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8" ?gt lt!DOCTYPE
DDDB SYSTEM ../DTD/structure.dtdgt lt!-- Id
fastcontrol.xml,v 1.1 2001/12/17 154631 andreav
Exp  --gt ltDDDBgt ltcatalog name"Ecal"gt
lt!-- Ecal fast control catalog  --gt
ltconditionref href"fcEcal" /gt lt/cataloggt
ltcondition name"fcEcal"gt ltparam
name"TFCVoltage" type"double"gt5.lt/paramgt
lt/conditiongt lt/DDDBgt
10Velo/Modules Alignment (v11r2)
 lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1" ?gt
ltDDDBgt ltcondition classID"6" name"ModulePU00"gt
 ltparamVector name"dPosXYZ" type"double"gt0 0
0lt/paramVectorgt  ltparamVector name"dRotXYZ"
type"double"gt0 0 0lt/paramVectorgt
lt/conditiongt ltcondition classID"6"
name"ModulePU01"gt  ltparamVector
name"dPosXYZ" type"double"gt0 0 0lt/paramVectorgt
 ltparamVector name"dRotXYZ" type"double"gt0
0 0lt/paramVectorgt lt/conditiongt ltcondition
classID"6" name"ModulePU02"gt  ltparamVector
name"dPosXYZ" type"double"gt0 0 0lt/paramVectorgt
 ltparamVector name"dRotXYZ" type"double"gt0
0 0lt/paramVectorgt lt/conditiongt ltDDDBgt
11Running test program
- I could run a test program that reads file-based
Db and prints out the values. - I couldnt test example that works with actual
Db. - The package includes
- Algorithm that fills xml to Db.
- Algorithm that loads xml from Db.
- A script that creates Db.
- A script that copies xml to Db.
12Update Manager Service
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14What well need
- Alignment data
- It should be given to reconstruction package(i.e.
tracker finder, track fitter) and calibration
package. - DAQ Conditions/calibration
- It should be given to Sergeis Readout packages.
- Cosmic calibration
- Need calibration package that calculate
calibration date. - The calibration output will be used to other
15Mapper software
- Using root
- Read Leos manual scan data text file in new
Framework. - Some of code is imported from old one.
- Plan to add a piece that handle binary data from
real mapper DAQ. - Whats been done
- Basic framework and data class
- Data is organized into tree structure, so easy to
handle for further complicated analysis - Pedestal curve is fitted and pedestal shift is
calculated. - Transverse scan fit is progress.
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17Lorenzian functions doesnt fit data.
Tail points are higher than curve