Title: MOT Course 7
1MOTCourse 7
- Dr. Alexandra Cristea
- a.i.cristea_at_tue.nl
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/alex/
2Adaptive System course parts
- Adaptive Systems, Generalities
- User Modeling
- Data representation for AS
- Data manipulations for AS
- Adaptive Hypermedia as AS
- Authoring for Adaptive Hypermedia
- LAOS for AH
- LAG for AH
- MOT for AH
- Learning Styles in AH
- Other types of Adaptive Systems
- Conclusions
- Adaptive Hypermedia of the Past, Present and
Future - Example systems and applications
- AH Reference architectures AHAM
- Authoring for Adaptive Hypermedia
- AH Authoring reference architecture LAOS
- A closer look on adaptation design LAG
- Learning Styles in Adaptive Hypermedia
- Authoring system MOT
- Delivery System AHA!
- Conclusions
- pronounced moh like the French word for word
- My Online Teacher
- Site http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/mot.html
5Papers on MOT
- implementation papers
- first (educational) MOT paper (ITCC'03)
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/Minerva/pap
ers/ITCC03-cristea-mooij.doc - MOT automatic linking paper (ITC'03)
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/Minerva/pap
ers/ITC03-cristea-mooij.doc - MOT evaluation papers
- URD evaluation (CATE'03)
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/Minerva/pap
ers/CATE-cristea-mooij.doc - Student evaluations (SAC04, ATL journal 04)
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/Minerva/pap
ers/CristeaSAC04CameraReadyLast2give.doc - http//www.actapress.com/onlinejournals/208vol1,2
6MOT Download site
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/
7MOT Installation instructions for Windows MAIN
- Download all the previous files
- Install Apache. Install MySql.
- Install Perl.
- Install DBI DBD packages
- rest of instructions on the site
- based on AHAM
- supporting adaptive hypermedia authoring
- five layers
- Domain Model (DM)
- Goal and constraints Model (GM)
- User Model (UM)
- Adaptation Model (AM)
- Presentation Model (PM)
9Creation of the LAOS Domain Model
- Domain Model in MOT is represented by a list of
Domain Maps, called Concept maps
10Conceptmaps in MOT
- each concept map corresponds roughly to a book
as is required by the LAOS model - these books should describe different topics
- however, just as in reality, different books may
treat a similar topic
Please note that the current conversion system
does not deal with this
11Steps to MOT system usage
- Try-out steps
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/hel
p/steps2MOTsystemUsage.txt - http//e-learning.dsp.pub.ro/mot/
- MOT user guide
- MOT generalities installation
12author username
Domain maps
the authors own maps
other authors maps
13MOT Conceptmap
- Consists of a hierarchy of concepts and their
14Conceptmap name
Concept hierarchy
Current concept
attributes of the current concept
15Concept attributes in the Conceptmap
- Should contain ONLY domain-related content
- So no prerequisites, no pedagogic information
16Concept attribute creation
concept attribute
Current concept
17Editing an attribute
- text input window in the left hand panel
- cut paste any type of text you wish,
- including HTML/ XML !!
- Condition you are the author of this conceptmap.
18Adding children concepts
Adding more attributes
Adding Relatedness relations
Do not use for conversion into AHA!
19Checking if you know how to create DM
- To check if you know how to create Conceptmaps of
the Domain Model in MOT, you should try Testing
Part 1 in - http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/hel
- based on AHAM
- supporting adaptive hypermedia authoring
- five layers
- Domain Model (DM)
- Goal and constraints Model (GM)
- User Model (UM)
- Adaptation Model (AM)
- Presentation Model (PM)
21Creation of the LAOS Goal and Constraints Model
- Goal and Constraints Model in MOT is represented
by a list of Lesson Maps, called Lessons
22Lessons in MOT
- Lessons are filtered versions of the (domain)
Conceptmaps - they actually represent an overlay model with
pedagogic information - Lessons contain prerequisites
- Lesson contain ordering
- Lessons contain labels their respective weights
23Lessons by the current author
Lessons by other authors
24Weights of sublesson
Labels of sublesson
Ordering of lessons
25Group alternatives
Group of Sub- lessons
26Changing sub-lesson order
27Changing weights labels for sublessons
- The meaning of the weights labels is given by
the adaptation strategy!
29Checking if you know how to create GM
- To check if you know how to create Lessons of the
Goal and Constraints Model in MOT, you should try
Testing Part 2 in - http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/hel
- based on AHAM
- supporting adaptive hypermedia authoring
- five layers
- Domain Model (DM)
- Goal and constraints Model (GM)
- User Model (UM)
- Adaptation Model (AM)
- Presentation Model (PM)
- LAOS adaptation model
- direct adaptation techniques / rules
- IF-THEN, or condition-action (CA) rules
- adaptation language
- adaptation strategies adaptation procedures
32What does the adaptation language do?
- Captures adaptation patterns, typical for AHS,
for reuse - We start with a set of desired adaptive behavior
- While, For Break, Generalize, Specialize
- Conditions, Enough conditions
- Inherited from direct adaptation techniques If,
33LAG Grammar as implemented in MOT
35- RANGE ? integer
- LABEL ? text
- SOURCELABEL ? text_label_a
36Generalize, Specialize
- DM is concept map with hierarchy
- GENSTAT ? generalize((CONDITION))
- SPECSTAT ? specialize((CONDITION))
38Action, Generalize, Specialize
- VALUE ? text
40Generic vs. specific concepts
- Concepts used in operations or conditions can be
generic or specific. - Generic concepts represent all concept of a
certain type. - When used in a strategy, a generic usually
concept represents the current concept. - Strategies with generic concepts only can be
applied to any Conceptmap or Lesson. - Specific concepts denote one concept only, from a
specific Conceptmap or Lesson.
under certain conditions
41Generic vs. specific concepts
- GENCONCEPT ? CM_type.concept.attr
CM_type.concept.attr_z - SPECCONCEPT ? CM_x.concept_y.attr_z
42LAG Grammar for MOTadapt interface
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/Minerva/pap
43Interface start
44If, While, For
45Action, Generalize, Specialize
46Conditions enough conditions
number of conditions to fulfill
- Checking parse tree
- No variable types in MOT gt
- if attr_x lt 10 attr_y gt 5 then is illegal,
because isnt a Boolean operator. However, we
cannot determine if if attr_x lt 10 and attr_y gt
5 - user-interface can enforce this partial check
- allows only Boolean operators between the
attribute-conditions in a guard context
48Adaptive procedure (call)
49Adaptive Mini-strategies
50While If
51Generic vs. Specific attributes
- You can tryout MOTadapt based on GIAL at
- http//e-learning.dsp.pub.ro/motadapt/
- Note in your project, for the adaptation model,
you will use the extended LAG language written in
text documents.
53Extended LAG for MOT
- For more expressivity and addressing different
attributes of concepts, some extensions were
performed - Addressing of concepts their contents was
improved - Global structure of the strategy was improved
54Concepts their contents
- Stressing the overlay structure of user model on
top of - Conceptmaps (DM)
- UM.DM.stereotype1 beg
- or Lessons (GM)
- UM.GM.stereotype1 beg
- or as independent variables
- UM. stereotype1 beg
55Concepts their contents
- Stressing the overlay structure of presentation
model on top of - Conceptmaps (DM)
- PM.DM.show true
- or Lessons (GM)
- PM.GM.show true
56Special attributes
- Event attributes
- Access a concept has been seen by the user
- UM.DM.Concept.access TRUE
- Hierarchy attributes
- Parent the parent concept of a given concept
- DM.Concept.parent
- Child the child concept of a given concept
- GM.Concept.parent
57Presentation model versions
- the presentation model (e.g., reflected in the
AHA! delivery engine)Â Â Â Â Â PM.GM.next true - // next button appears, showing the
next most appropriate concept            //accord
ing to the order in MOT and the showability
     PM.GM.ToDo true // a list of items still
to open appears, that are - //showable and have not been
visited yet           // their order reflects
the order in MOT Â Â Â Â Â PM.GM.TOC true // table
of contents that is already used in AHA, - // should be also able to
58Type Order of Attributes
- Type of Attributes (in Lessons) usage
- GM.Concept.Attribute.Type Title
- Order of Attributes (in Lessons) usage
- GM.Concept.Attribute.Order
59Overall structure of the adaptation strategy
- // Description
- // Variables
- initialization ()
- implementation ()
60Example strategies
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/MOT
2AHA!/mot2aha-v4.txt - http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/MOT
2AHA!/mot2aha-beg-int-adv.txt - http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/MOT
61Extended LAG Adaptation strategy example
- // strategy which shows the beginner concepts
first (together with the concepts for all
learners) - // after all beginner concepts are read, the
intermediate concepts are shown as well - // finally, after all the intermediate concepts
are read, the advanced concepts are shown and the
course can be viewed completely - // Note this is inspired from games, where the
player can only look at the current level at the
beginning, but when he manages to finish the
level, he can access the next level, as well as
all the levels below. - // VARS
- // UM.GM.beginnerno, UM.GM.intermediateno,
UM.GM.advancedno, GM.Concept.label,
PM.GM.Concept.show, UM.GM.Concept.first,
62Extended LAG Adaptation strategy example
- initialization(
- // initialize as beginner
- UM.GM.stereotype1 beg
- // initialize sets of lesson concepts for
stereotypes - // AHA! 'personal' variable name
'GMname''stereotypename' - UM.GM.beginnerno 0
- UM.GM.intermediateno 0
- UM.GM.advancedno 0
- //
- )
63Extended LAG initialization
- // as long as still general concepts available,
make those readable - while GM.Concept.label null
- (
- PM.GM.Concept.show true
- UM.GM.Concept.first true
- )
- // compute number beginner texts
- // as long as still beginner concepts available,
make those readable - while GM.Concept.label beg
- (
- UM.GM.beginnerno 1
- PM.GM.Concept.show true
- UM.GM.Concept.first true
- )
64Extended LAG initialization
- // compute number of intermediate texts
- while GM.Concept.label int
- (
- UM.GM.intermediateno 1
- UM.GM.Concept.first true
- )
- // compute number of advanced texts
- while GM.Concept.label adv
- (
- UM.GM.advancedno 1
- UM.GM.Concept.first true
- )
65Extended LAG implementation
- implementation (
- // remove already access items
- if enough(
- UM.GM.Concept.access true
- UM.GM.Concept.first true
- GM.Concept.label beg
- ,
- 3 ) then
- (
- UM.GM.beginnerno - 1
- UM.GM.Concept.first false
- )
- )
66Extended LAG implementation
- // change from beginner to intermediate if it is
appropriate - if (UM.GM.beginnerno 0) then
UM.GM.stereotype1 int - // show to intermediate only what is relevant
- if enough(
- GM.Concept.label int
- UM.GM.stereotype1 int
- ,
- 2 ) then
- (
- PM.GM.Concept.show true
- )
67Extended LAG implementation
- // remove already access items
- if enough(
- UM.GM.Concept.access true
- GM.Concept.label int
- UM.GM.Concept.first true
- ,
- 3 ) then
- (
- UM.GM.intermediateno - 1
- UM.GM.Concept.first false
- )
- // change from intermediate to advanced if it is
appropriate - if (UM.GM.intermediateno 0) then
UM.GM.stereotype1 adv
68Extended LAG implementation
- // show to advanced only what is relevant
- if enough(
- GM.Concept.label adv
- UM.GM.stereotype1 adv
- ,
- 2 ) then
- (
- PM.GM.Concept.show true
- )
- )
69Another example
- initialization (
- while true (
- PM.GM.Concept.show false
- )
- '\Neural Networks II\Neural Networks
I\title'.show true - )
- implementation (
- if (UM.GM.Concept.access true)
(GM.Concept.child.parent.order lt 9) - then (
- PM.GM.Concept.child.show true
- )
- if (UM.GM.Concept.access true)
GM.Concept.parent.order1) then ( - PM.GM.Concept.parent.parent.child.child.show
true - )
- )
- generalize specialize cannot be translated at
the moment!!!
71MOT terms glossary
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/hel
72MOT Glossary extract
- adaptation assembly language this language is
the basis of adaptive hypermedia adaptation. It
consists of IT-THEN constructs. - adaptation strategy adaptation strategies are
equivalent to small programs telling the
inference engine how to adapt to the student's
needs. These strategies are written in MOT-ADAPT,
in a special language developed, called
adaptation language, or in adaptation assembly
language. See adaptation language and adaptation
assembly language. - adaptation language the adaptation language is a
language for creating adaptation strategies. It
borrows some language constructs from other
programming languages, but also offers some
structure dependent constructs, that use the MOT
concept domain hierarchy. See also, for the
actual programming constructs and grammar, the
document LAGgrammar.doc
73MOT Glossary extract
- adaptation map all the information about the
actual dynamics of the system is contained in the
adaptation map. In MOT, the adaptation map is
represented by an instantiated adaptation
strategy. - adaptation model the adaptation model in MOT is
based on the LAOS model. This model is also
called the LAG model. The adaptation model is
instantiated in the adaptation map. The
instantiation takes place by creating adaptation
strategies with the help of adaptation language. - AM same as adaptation map.
74MOT Glossary extract
- concept a concept in MOT is built of a
collection of attributes. A concept can have
sub-concepts, if it is part of a hierarchy
(hierarchical relation). A concept can belong to
a domain model, a lesson model, a user model and
a presentation model. A concept is instantiated
in a concept instance. - Conceptmap This is a historical name for the
domain map. See domain map. - concept map All the information in MOT is
structured in concept maps. These are graph
instances with nodes and links between them. Most
links in MOT are directional. The most frequently
used link type in concept maps in MOT is the
hierarchical link type. See also Concept,
75MOT Glossary extract
- domain concept map same as domain map.
- domain map The domain map is a concept map
containing all the nodes, links and structures
that correspond to the domain model. It is an
instantiation of the domain model. Moreover, the
domain map in MOT also links to the actual
resources of the course. - domain model the domain model in MOT is based on
the LAOS model. The domain model in MOT is
instantiated in the domain map. See also
DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.
76MOT Glossary extract
- GM same as goal and constraints map.
- goal and constraints model the LAOS goal and
constraints model is represented in MOT by the
lesson model, and instantiated in the lesson
maps. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same
77MOT Glossary extract
- LAG model this is the 3-layered model of
adaptation in LAOS. It is built of adaptation
strategies, adaptation language and adaptation
assembly language. - LAOS model the LAOS model is the theoretical
framework of the MOT system. MOT doesn't
implement at present the whole LAOS model. See
also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same item.
78MOT Glossary extract
- lesson same as lesson map.
- lesson map the lesson map is an instantiation of
the lesson model. The lesson map in MOT is a
concept map containing all the nodes, attributes,
links and structures that correspond to the
pedagogical model. If the aim is not at
education, than it contains goal related
information and linking. Relations such as
prerequisites appear in the lesson map. The
lesson map will in future contain also attributes
allowing narrative smoothing. - lesson model the lesson model is a goal and
constraints model for educational purposes. It
can, however, be streched for extended usage. LM
same as lesson map.
79MOT Glossary extract
- MOTadapt same as MOT-ADAPT.
- MOT-ADAPT This is actually a part of MOT, but it
was developed later, and therefore has a
different name for distinction. It refers only to
the authoring of the adaptive strategies, based
on adaptation language and adaptation assembly
language. - MOT My Online Teacher, pronounced "moh" like the
French word for "word". It is an Authoring System
for (Educational) Adaptive Hypermedia. It is
built in Perl and works with MySQL databases.
pedagogic strategy this is an adaptation
strategy with pedagogical purpose. See also
adaptation strategy.
80MOT Glossary extract
- presentation map the presentation map is an
instantiation of the presentation model. The
presentation map contains all the nodes,
attributes, links and structures populated with
the information that corresponds to the
presentation on the screen. Attributes about the
color of the background or forground, booleans
about if something is presented or not, display
dependent attributes are all in this map. MOT's
presentation map will soon be available. At the
moment, MOT features only two types of
presentations teacher view and student view. - presentation model this model is based on the
LAOS model. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the
same item.
81MOT Glossary extract
- UM same as user map.
- user map the user map is an instantiation of the
user model. The presentation map contains all the
nodes, attributes, links and structures populated
with the information that corresponds to the
user. Such information can be user knowledge,
preferences, learning style, but also access of
different concepts in the domain maps or lesson
maps, etc. This feature is not present in the
current version of MOT. - user model this model is based on the LAOS
model. See also DefinitionsLAOS.doc for the same
82MOT compact version download site for the course
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/HTML/USI/MOT/
- Files to download
- MOT2AHA!/ 07-Dec-2004 1432 -
- dbupdate.txt 13-Apr-2003 2141 1k
- good-perl.pl 01-Dec-2003 1655 2k
- help/ 15-Sep-2004 0917 -
- mot-03.1.zip 19-Apr-2003 2024 467k PKWare ZIP
archive - mynewdump-testdb2.dat 07-Dec-2004 1628 607k
For LAOS Domain Goal and Constraints models