Title: Youth and Disability
1Youth and Disability
2Picture of Disability
- 19 or 54 million Americans have disabilities
- 8 to 12 of children as a whole
- What counts as disability?
- Someone has a condition that makes it difficult
to carryout life activities, like school, work,
independent living, social relationships - Learning, emotional, intellectual or cognitive,
mobility, sensory, health - For example, Dyslexia, ADHD, TBI, PTSD, Cerebral
Palsy, Down Syndrome, Blind, Deaf, Diabetes,
3Disability and Life Outcomes
- Unemployment about 70
- About 33 of students with disabilities graduate
from high school - Attend postsecondary at about one third the rate
of students without disabilities - Majority live in poverty (est. 70)
- Many youth with disabilities are socially
isolated - Higher rates of substance abuse, pregnancy,
smoking, violence
4Double Whammy of Disability and Foster Care
- 30-40 of foster youth receive special education
services - 70 have a disability if we count having a mental
health diagnosis - Only 16 of foster youth with emotional
disabilities graduate high school - 18 dont finish because they are incarcerated
5Double Whammy of Disability and Foster Care
- Compared to foster youth as a whole, foster youth
with disabilities are less likely to - Be employed
- Graduate from high school, get a regular diploma
- Have social support
- Become self-sufficient
6How People Think About Disability Matters
- Moral Model (dominant until WWI)
- Sin, shame, fault of individual and family
- Resides in individual or sin/curse on family
- God or religious person is helper
Societal Response killing, isolation,
institutionalization, religious healing, sacrifice
7Ways of Thinking About Disability
- Medical/Rehabilitation Model (post WW I through
1980s continues now to some extent) - Defect, illness of individual
- Professional is helper assesses and treats
- Goal is cure or normalization of individual
Societal Response special services and
rehabilitation programs, get people ready
before they can do typical activities, Jerrys
kids, sterilization, pity
8Ways of Thinking About Disability
- Social/Rights Model (now)
- Disability is neutral diversity to be appreciated
- Lack of access, discrimination, and prejudice are
at the heart of the problem - Goal is for person to participate in typical
activities with appropriate accommodations - Person with disability is decision-maker and
change agent with support from advocates and
Response inclusion, universal access for
everyone, ADA, curb cuts, full participation,
functional vs. diagnostic assessment,
youth-directed, pride
9Understand the Barriers
Restricted access, misunderstanding, and negative
assumptions and attitudes
Lack of accommodations
Limitations associated with the disability itself
10Challenge Misconceptions
- Wheelchair bound, mentally ill, mentally
retarded, handicapped is appropriate language. - Person with disability, cognitive disability,
wheelchair user, customer - Okay to treat individuals with disabilities as
younger than their real age - Even if a person acts younger, talk to and
involve in activities consistent with real age
11Challenge Misconceptions
- Need to protect and take care of individuals
- Help youth learn how to protect and care for
themselves - Avoid creating special or different services
- A youth with a disability automatically knows
what accommodations are needed - It takes trying activities and learning what works
12Strategies to Support Young People with
- Encourage/expect youth to reach their potential
- Dont assume youth has to get a modified diploma,
cant live independently, wont work or go to
college - Encourage parents, other professionals to think
this way
13Strategies to Support Young People with
- Allow them to participate in typical activities
for youth their age - For example, refer them for ILP services, support
them to attend planning or treatment meetings,
court hearings - Provide Accommodations
- Help youth learn what accommodations s/he needs
- Advocate with youth for accommodations (for
example, extended test taking time, tutoring,
transportation, personal assistance)
14In a Nutshell
- Support youth with disabilities to strive for
typical lives and learn about their options - Give them opportunities to try activities, take
risks, assume responsibilities, learn - Help them build relationships with others
- Teach them skills for self-direction, learning
about accommodations, and managing help from
other people