Title: The Saddleback Digital Initiative
1The Saddleback Digital Initiative
- Eric Busby
- CTO and Director of Communication Technologies
- Saddleback Church
- Before following Gods unmistakable call to
full-time ministry in January 2000, Eric spent 12
years in Californias technology industry. - Eric taught programming at Microsoft Corporation
in Istanbul, London, and throughout the US and
also helped develop Microsofts certified
professional program. - Eric hired and developed a staff of over 180
technical professionals over the years and is
proud of the mentoring network that is still in
place today.
- As the leader of the digital initiative at
Saddleback Church, Eric spends his time unpacking
the vision of Rick Warren - Eric applies advanced technologies to the task of
changing the lives of their flock. - Eric oversees a team of a dozen full-time staff
and over 126 technical volunteers who are
committed to using their skills to transform the
way people communicate within the church.
4What are we called to do?
- Love the Lord with all your Heart - Worship
- Love your neighbor as yourself - Service
- Go make disciples - Evangelism
- Baptize them bringing into Fellowship
- Teach them Discipleship
- The Great Commandment - Matt 22 36-40
- The Great Commission - Matt 2819-20
5The Digital Initiative at Saddleback Church
- David served Gods purpose inhis generation
Acts 1336 (NIV) - The Centripetal vs. Centrifugal Church
- Personal and Purposeful Communications
- Facilitate the Five Purposes of the Church
6The Rules of Ministry Have Changed in the Digital
- Anytime
- Anyplace
- Any Device
- Interactive
- Choices
- Real-Time
- If we ignore these trends, we are going to miss a
huge opportunity in our generation.
7People of Extraordinary Faith
- The Saddleback Story is full of examples of
extraordinary faith. - Saddlebacks is all about changed lives
- Thousands come to know Jesus and mature in their
faith every year at Saddleback - Implementing the Digital Initiative is another
example of faith preparing for revival.
8So, where are we now?
- Significant progress this year
- Step 0 Following Gods Call to Ministry
Patience - Step 1 Staff Leadership My 3 Directors
- Step 2 Staff Members Their 9 People
- Step 3 Methodology 1/2/4/2/1 G/C/F P2
- Step 4 Volunteers The 126 members/ministers
- Step 5 Infrastructure Moving Inside
- Step 6 Framework Selecting the tools
- Step 7 Database New Model and Schema Complete
- Step 8 Development Intra/Inter/Extra v2 in
9Our Practical Project Mgt.
- Dream 1 unit 10
- Design 2 units 20
- Develop 4 units 40
- Deliver 2 units 20
- Determine 1 unit 10
- ---
- Good, Cheap, Fast - Pick Two
10Saddleback Digital EcoSystem
- Woo our community to come to church
- Billboard site launching Q1 2000
- Friendly, welcoming people place
- Targets Saddleback Sam
- Less Dynamic High Quality Presentation
- Woo our crowd to join the church
- Woo our congregation to discipleship
- Woo our committed to service
- Woo our core to evangelism and missions
- Highly dynamic site
- Password protected
- Feature rich
- A place for pastors to find tools for ministry
- Books
- Preaching content
- Curriculum
- Music Resources
- A place for churches to get training
- Developing the Purpose Driven Community
- Learning from Saddlebacks Team
- Learning how to use the Tools
15The focus of this discussionTechnology and the
local church
- In other wordsthe implementation at
16MYS.COM 1.0 Features
- Email
- Event Registrations
- On Demand Video of Worship Services
- Daily Devotional
- Ministry Pages
- Billboard Functions
17MYS.COM 2.0 Features
- LIVE worship services
- Fresh Content (Daily)
- Improved Navigation
- Additional Ministry Pages
- myGiving Area
- Filtered Internet Access
18MYS.COM 3.0 Features
- Small Group Pages
- Instant Messaging (IM)
- Secure Church Directory
- Instant Survey
- Chat Events
- Small Group Teaching Content (TV)
- Banner Ad Targets
19The Staff Intranet
- People
- Groups
- Ministries
- Calendar
- Events
- Rooms
- Reports
- Mail
- Post
- Sites
These featuresallow staff tointeract with our
enterprise database from any browser. (Think of
the possibilities for lay leadership)
20Worship in Jerusalem
- Saddleback has provided on-demand video of
sermons since Easter 2000 - Video has been one of the busiest areas of the
site to date - Saddleback is launching LIVE web-casting this
month with the capacity to deliver broadband video
21What Technologies are we using?
- Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft
- Win2K (Server and Professional)
- SQL7 (Stored Procedures and XML)
- Visual Studio (ASP, OLEDB, COM/C)
- Cisco Infrastructure
- Compaq Servers
- Why? Its all about skills.
22Great for Saddleback,what does this mean for
- I am going to Wyoming in October to get away and
think about how we can make all that we are
learning and developing available to other
churches. - People call daily and ask for our solution, and I
am convinced not freely sharing what we are doing
would be a sin.
23How can you be involved?
- Pray for me, pray for my leaders, and pray for my
volunteers - Start in your own church now, why wait?
- Participate in the effort send me an email
- God is clearly moving here.. Join in!
- Help us find a Director of Communications
- God is using us to gently introduce new
techniques to transform interaction - We are measuring results already
- Daily Devotional
- Events
- Worship Services
- As we release each version, we will watch to see
which features are most effective - Our BI reports will help us tune each feature to
a desired benefit. - I plan to share as we learn my ministry to you.
25Thank you
- Eric BusbySaddleback Church1 Saddleback
ParkwayLake Forest, CA 92630ebusby_at_saddleback.c
om - eric_at_saddleback.com