Title: How to Use the School Wide Standard Rubric
1How to Use the School Wide Standard Rubric
2Points Awarded
310 Points Awarded
- Clearly meets and exceeds this standard.
- Considered Advanced on Standardized Tests.
- The Oh Wow! Factor. The awarding of these
points indicates that the student went above and
beyond the call of duty.
47 Points Awarded
- Meets this standard.
- Considered Proficient on Standardized Tests.
- The student did what they were supposed to do.
55 Points Awarded
- Some effort is made to meet this standard but is
unsuccessful. - Considered Basic on Standardized Tests.
- You can see that the student tried to meet the
standard but ultimately did not.
62 Points Awarded
- Clearly does not meet this standard.
- Considered Below Basic on Standardized Tests.
- Just didnt do it!
7The Standards
81. A clear central idea is maintained throughout
the piece.
- This standard can be used to evaluate whether the
student adhered to the assignment or the topic
they were asked to discuss. - This standard could also be applied to the thesis
statement in a longer piece of writing or the
topic sentence in a TIGER Paragraph.
92. Writer has included details so that reader
gets a clear idea of message.
- This standard can be used to determine if the
student used details to complete their
assignment. - Before you grade you may want to make a list of
facts you wish to see in their responses.
103. The piece is arranged in a clear logical
- If the student was required to discuss a process,
did they do so in order? - Does the progression of their writing make sense?
114. There is a presence of closure.
- Did the students writing have a conclusion that
summarized what they had been writing about, or
did they just stop writing?
125. Vocabulary suits the writers topic and
- Are there specific terms you wanted the student
to use in their writing? - Did the student avoid slang?
136. Vocabulary creates images for the reader.
- Could you visualize the process as you read the
piece? - Did the vocabulary help you to form a picture in
your mind?
147. Sentences have a variety of beginnings and
- Is the student using the same old sentence
pattern (Subject, Verb, Object) over and over
again? - Does the writing sound mechanical or monotonous?
- Is the writing boring?
158. Tone and voice are appropriate for subject
- Youve read articles in your subject area. Does
this students writing sound appropriate for a
science journal or history paper? - Did the students writing sound too informal?
169. Verb tense and word choice are correct.
Writer avoids double negatives.
- Did the students conjugate their verbs correctly?
- Did they use any words inappropriately?
- Are there any Double Negatives?
1710. Capitalization, end punctuation, and
spelling are consistently correct.
- Did they capitalize the first word in their
sentences and proper nouns? - Did they use any periods?
- Hows their spelling?
18Feel Free to Adapt this Rubric for your
Individual Assignments!
- Make it Your Own! Use the rubric as a guideline,
but remember it is flexible.