Title: Concept Attainment Lesson
1Concept Attainment Lesson
- 6th Grade Technology
- iMET6 2003
- Glee Mellor, Eve Benson, Debbie Clingingsmith,
and Allen Boxall
2This lesson is based onThe Socratic method
Teaching by asking instead of by telling.
- Lesson Objective
- Students will be able to discern the
appropriateness of a website for the purpose of
educational research.
3From the items shown, one is an example, and the
other a non- example. Your job is to figure out
what makes one example a good example and what
makes the other a non-example.
- Exemplars
- Positive www.gsusa.org
- Negative computer
4Look at these two items. The one on your left is
an example of the attribute for our lesson today.
The non-example is not.
- Example
Non example - www.congress.org www.congress
5- Now look at these two pairs www.congress.org
has attributes that www.congress does not.
6- For right now
- I want you to work
- alone and think about what these attributes
could mean. With this next pair, I would like you
to write down what you think the attributes of
the examples might be. This will be your
hypothesis. -
- Positive Negative
- www.loc.gov www.whitehouse
7What about these? What makes them positive
examples and negative examples?
www.amazon.com www.directcon
www.ebay.com www.csus.edu
8Where would you put this example, in the positive
or the negative side? www.nasa.gov
And how about this example ? www.ucd
9What are the attributes of the positive and
negative examples?
10Why are these endings critical to this technology
11Where we got our Information?
- Garlikov, Richard (not available). The Socratic
method Teaching by Asking Instead of by Telling.
Retrieved September 8, 2003 from the World Wide
Web http//www.garlikov.com/Soc_Meth.html - Weil, M., Joyce, B. (1978). Information
Processing Models of Teaching Expanding Your
Teach Repertoire. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice
Hall. - Lasley II, T., Matczynski, T., Rowley, J.
(2002). Instructional Models Strategies For
Teaching In A Diverse Society. Belmont, CA
Wadsworth/Thompson Learning. - Pritchard, Florence Fay (1994). Teaching
Thinking across the Curriculum with the Concept
Attainment Model. Not available Eric_No ED379303 - Louisell, Robert. Descamps, Jorge. (1992).
Developing a Teaching Style Methods for
Elementary School Teachers. New York, NY
HarperCollins Publishers Inc.