Title: The SIOP
1The SIOP ModelLesson Preparation
2Content Objectives
- We will
- Identify the features of Lesson Preparation
- Differentiate between Content Objectives and
Language Objectives - Select from a variety of techniques for adapting
content to the students proficiency and
cognitive levels.
3Language Objectives
- We will
- Use cohesive devices (ex. first, second, third)
with a partner to state the features of Lesson
Preparation. - Use a conjunction such as because or since
to explain the difference between content and
language objectives. - Produce a variety of sentence structures to
justify your choice of techniques to adapt
content. -
4Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
5Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
6Lesson Preparation FeaturesContent and Language
- Based on your current frame of reference
- Left side of the room
- Define Content Objective
- Right side of the room
- Define Language Objective
7Content Objectives
- Statements that.
- identify what students should know and be able to
do in a particular content area for a given
lesson - support state content standards and learning
outcomes - guide teaching and learning in the classroom.
Language Objectives
- Statements that.
- support students academic language development
in a given lesson - are clearly and simply stated, orally and in
writing - support ELD Standards Common Core/Essential
Language Objectives
The fate of the world
10Whats the how?
SIOP Model of Sheltered Instruction
11Language Objective Format
12Language Objective Format
Listening Reading Speaking Writing Thinking
13Language Objective Format
- Explicit
- academic language
- Word
- Sentence
- Discourse
14Language Objective Format
Language function Content stem Support
15Language Objective Format
16 Content Standard
- Math/ Gr. 2 NBT
- Compare two three digit numbers(100-999)
based on meanings of hundreds, tens, and one
digit, using gt , , and gt symbols to record
results of comparison
17Language Objective Examples
- We will use the phrases less than and greater
than to compare 3-digit numbers with a partner. - We will use the word, because, to compare 3-digit
numbers with a partner. - We will use extended sentences to explain to a
partner why one 3-digit number is greater than
18A Closer Look at Objectives Content?
or Language?
- Language Objective
- With our Think-Pair-Share partners, we will use
the phrases less than and greater than to compare
and help us order three digit numbers. - Content Objective
- Today we will compare three digit numbers in
19A Closer Look at Objectives Content?
or Language?
- CWe will summarize the distinct stages of the
life cycle of seed plants. - L We will use the word soil, sprout, growth, and
mature to explain the life cycle of a bean plant
using pictures. - C We will write arguments to support claims with
clear reasons and relevant evidence. - LWe will use transition words and phrases from
the word bank to justify claims in an
argumentative essay. -
20A Closer Look at Objectives Content?
or Language?
- CWe will draw inferences from a text by
referring to details and examples in the text. - LWe will use modals and phrases such as, From
what was said, we might guess that. to make
inferences from a text. - CWe will classify two-dimensional figures based
on the presence or absence of parallel or
perpendicular lines. - LWe will use the words parallel or
perpendicular, when labeling types of lines
according to their properties using realia and
graphic support. -
21A Closer Look at Objectives Content?
or Language?
- CWe will explain the impact of the Vietnam War
on American society and culture. - LWe will use comparisons with adjectives (e.g.
the most significant event, more obstacles than,
etc.) in order to compare events during the
Vietnam War that impacted American society using
a graphic organizer. - C We will identify the parts of the cell with a
partner. - L We will use demonstrative pronouns to identify
the parts of the cell (example This is the___)
using a word bank with a partner.
22Your turn!
- With a partner write a content and a language
objective for the sample lessons you brought with
you. - Share your objectives with another pair.
- Each group of 4 post one set of objectives on
chart paper.
23Objectives clearly defined
- To support state content standards and learning
outcomes - At lesson-level
- In student-friendly language
- To motivate and engage
- To develop all language skills
- To make objectives attainable
- Shared with the student
- Measurable
- Reviewed at the beginning of class, during class,
end of class
24Progress check!
- We will use a conjunction such as because or
since to explain the difference between content
and language objectives - Start your explanation this way Language
objectives are easy to identify because .
25Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
26Lesson PreparationShare Out
- Appropriate Content Concepts
- On grade-level
- Age appropriate
- Included in the Common Core/Essential Standards
27Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
28Lesson PreparationShare Out
- Supplementary Materials
- Thinking Maps
- Graphs
- Demonstrations
- Hands-on Materials
- Objects/Realia
- Visuals
- Graphic Novels
- Adapted Texts
- Related Literature
29Lesson PreparationCompare-Contrast
- Teacher 1s Supplementary Materials
- Materials Math Worksheet for practice with
addition. - Teacher 2s Supplementary Materials
- Manipulatives Paper popcorn bags, paper popcorn
for visualizing the addition problems - Materials dry erase markers, dry erase boards
for each student to write popcorn addition
sentences and practice addition with partners -
30Lesson PreparationCompare-Contrast
- Animal and Plant Cells
- Teacher 1s Supplementary Materials
- Materials Science Textbook, Worksheet
fill-in-the- blank, matching, labeling - Teacher 2s Supplementary Materials
- Manipulatives/Materials 3D Cell models, SMART
Board swoosh-ball interactive game, students as
cell parts, dry erase markers, dry erase boards
for each student to respond to questions
31Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
32Lesson Preparation Adaptation of Content
- Same contentAccess for all
- Chunk and Chew
- Native language texts
- Graphic organizers
- Adapted text (teacher written), highlighted text,
taped text - WIDA MPIs Illustrations, Point-Touch-Show,
33Lesson PreparationCompare-Contrast
- Teacher 1s Adaptation of Content
- Same spelling test as others teacher modifies
grade - Teacher 2s Adaptation of Content
- Student receives a spelling test with choices to
circle as the word is called out - cat kat sat mat
34Lesson PreparationCompare-Contrast
- Teacher 1s Adaptation of Content
- ELs are given extended time, and only have to
write 1 paragraph. - Teacher 2s Adaptation of Content
- ELs, depending on need, either
- -have extended time, or
- -use a word bank, or
- -write rough draft in first language, or
- -complete a multiple-paragraph graphic
35ELD Standard 4 The Language of Science
SPEAKING Level 1 Entering Level 2 Emerging Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Level 6 - Reaching
SPEAKING State how energy transfers using visual supports Give examples of how energy transfers using sentence frames and graphic supports Describe how energy transfers using sentence frames and graphic supports Compare and contrast how energy transfers using graphic supports Discuss how energy transfers using graphic supports Level 6 - Reaching
Adaptation of Content Level 1 using visual
supports Level 3 using sentence frames
graphic supports Level 5 using graphic
36Progress check!
- How did we produce a variety of sentence
structures to justify our choice of techniques to
adapt content?
37Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
38Lesson PreparationShare Out
- Meaningful Activities
- Link to background/past learning
- Emphasize key vocabulary
- Make concepts comprehensible
- Provide practice, application
- Provide genuine audiences and interaction
- Provide Language Practice L, S, R, W, Thinking
- Motivate and engage (90/10)
- Resources
- 99 Ideas and Strategies
- Making Content Comprehensible
39Lesson PreparationCompare and Contrast
- Teacher 1s Activity
- Copy words 3 times each.
- Teacher 2s Meaningful Activity
- Whack-a-mole!
- Teacher or student calls out a spelling word 2
students SWAT the correct form of the spelling
word from 3 choices on the wall - swet suit sweet
40Lesson PreparationCompare and Contrast
- Teacher 1s Activity
- Brainstorm solutions to a given problem in small
group. Write a problem solution paper using your
ideas. - Teacher 2s Meaningful Activity
- Brainstorm solutions to a serious problem in
small group. Use your brainstorming to help your
group write a letter (problem/solution paper) to
the editor of our local newspaper!
41Lesson Preparation Features
Clearly Defined Content Objectives
Plan Meaningful Activities
Clearly Defined Language Objectives
Adaptation of Content
Content Concepts Appropriate
Supplementary Materials
42Lesson Preparation
Now What?
43 The Six-Point Lesson Plan Class/Subject_______
Block/Period______ Teacher ____________________
Lesson Preparation
Lesson Format Todays Lesson Time Allotted (min.)
1. Focus and Review Focus (getting started/ warm-up activity) Review (related to prior learning)
1. Focus and Review Focus (getting started/ warm-up activity) Review (related to prior learning)
2. Introduction/Statement of todays objective(s)
3. Teacher Input (delivery of lesson)
4. Guided Practice (teacher/student)
5. Independent Practice (student)
6. Closure/Expectations (for tomorrows lesson)
Materials Needed
Building Background
Comprehensible Input
Lesson Delivery
44SIOP Sheltered
Instruction Observation Protocol
- SIOP Lesson Plan Templates
- Making Content Comprehensible Book
- SIOP PD Toolkit
- http//pdtoolkit.pearsoncmg.com
- SIOP Lesson Plans
- http//www.cal.org/siop/resources/lessonplans.html
45 Sample SIOP Lesson Plan
46Owning Lesson Preparation
- Begin to write a lesson plan you can use!
- Determine the domain (R, W, L, S and Thinking!)
- Create a Content Objective I can.verb topic
support. - Identify language focus for language objective.
- Create Language Objective based on the language
that students will use and understand to access
the content. - Include all features of Lesson Preparation
47Content Objectives
- How did we
- Identify the features of Lesson Preparation
- Differentiate between Content Objectives and
Language Objectives - Select from a variety of techniques for adapting
content to the students proficiency and
cognitive levels.
48Language Objectives
- How did we
- Use cohesive devices (ex. first, second, third)
with a partner to state the features of Lesson
Preparation. - Use a conjunction such as because or since
to explain the difference between content and
language objectives. - Produce a variety of sentence structures to
justify your choice of techniques to adapt
content. -
49SIOPQuick Write/Snow Balling!
1. On a piece of paper, make a statement -I
wonder -Now I understand -I still want to
know -I have learned -I cant wait to 2.
Ball up your piece of paper, and throw it to
the center of the room