Title: United States History 1301
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- The Renaissance
- Portugal Penetrates Africa and Asia
- Prince Henry the Navigator
- Bartholomew Dais(z) 1487-88
- Vasco da Gama 1498
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4Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)
5Vasco da Gama (1469-1524)
- Ferdinand and Isabella
- 1 Jan. 1492
- City of Granada
- Castle of El Hambra
- Edict of Isabella, Convert to Catholic or leave
Spain, affected Jews and Moors.
7Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile
- After several efforts on the part of Columbus,
Isabella and Ferdinand agreed to fund his efforts
to sail east by sailing west. - 3 Aug. 1492 Columbus sets sail from the Port of
Palos in southern Spain. - 12 October 1492 Columbus glimpsed an island on
the western horizon. - Named island San Salvador
- Arawak natives.
9Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
10Columbus embarking at Palos
11Columbus Landing in the Bahamas
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13Results of Columbus Discovery
- Portugal and Spain decided to divide the world
between themselves. - The Pope in 1493 issued the Papal Bull
Intra-Catera dividing the world 100 leagues west
of the Cape Verde Islands. - Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 between Portugal
and Spain moved the line 370 leagues west of the
Cape Verde Islands.
14Spanish Explorers
- Between 1492 and 1516 Spain explored and
populated the island off the Mexican coast. By
1517 Spain was ready to explore further inland. - Three major explorers for Spain
- 1517 De Cordova
- 1518 Grijalva
- 1519 Hernan Cortez or Cortes
- Black Legend
- Narrow Cultural Nationalism
15Hernando Cortez (1485-1547)
16Francisco Pizarro (1476-1541)
- King Henry VIII 1502-1547
- Act of Supremacy 1534
- King Edward VI 1547-1553
- Queen Mary 1553-1558
- English Inquisition
- marries Philip II of Spain
- Queen Elizabeth 1558-1603
- Excommunication by Pope
- Kills Mary, Queen of Scots.
18Henry VIII of England (1491-1547)
19Allegorical Woodcut 1589 Henry VIII and Pope
Clement VII
20Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
21Philip II of Spain (1527-1598)
22The defeat of the Spain Armada 1588
23Results of Defeat of Spanish Armada
- Dampened the fighting Spirits of Spain
- Gave further proof of Spain declining power
- Religious and Nationalistic emotions were high.
- Opened Eastern Seaboard for England to settle
- Established England as dominant sea power.
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