Javelina History Department - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Javelina History Department


Department of History Everybody needs History. So you want to be a History major. What you can do with a History degree. Graduate History at TAMUK. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Javelina History Department

Department of History
The past is a foreign country they do things
differently there. -J.P. Hartley
Join the History Department!  Travel to exotic,
distant lands.  Meet exciting, unusual
people.your ancestors.

  • Everybody needs History.
  • So you want to be a History major.
  • What you can do with a History degree.
  • Graduate History at TAMUK.
  • Meet the History department.
  • Course Descriptions.
  • Student Organizations

History Fits Your Degree Plan
  • General Education Requirements
  • U.S. History HIST 1301 and HIST 1302
  • Any HIST exclusive of Texas and/or U.S. History
  • Most education majors take HIST 3346 Texas
  • Engineers must take one advanced history or
    political science course. See Course Listings
  • Business Majors
  • Ag Human Sciences HIST 2321 or 2322 fulfills
    Gen Ed requirements.

What can you do with an undergraduate degree in
  • A history degree is leadership training.
  • History prepares communicators.
  • Historians and business.
  • Historians in the legal professions.
  • Information Management.
  • Teaching History.

Majoring in History
  • Introductory Courses.
  • U.S. History Surveys (6 credits)
  • World Civilization Courses (6 credits)
  • HIST 3301 Historical Methods.
  • One advanced course each from three of the
    following areas U.S., Latin American, European,
    or Non-Western history.
  • One Topics Course.
  • 33 credit hours of history (21 advanced)

Degree Plans vary B.A. History, B.A. History
with Teaching Cert. B.A. Social Studies
Composite (see advisor for details).
History outside the United States
  • HIST 2321 The Development of World Civilization
    (to 1500)
  • HIST 2322 The Development of World Civilization
    (since 1500)
  • HIST 3312 Europe in the Middle Ages
  • HIST 3314 Great Britain since 1603
  • HIST 3316 Europe, 1815-1914
  • HIST 3318 Europe since 1914
  • HIST 3320 Russia
  • HIST 3350 Latin America
  • HIST 3356 Mexico
  • HIST 3360 Women in History
  • HIST 3370 Asian History
  • HIST 4324 Technology and Society
  • Topics courses in European, Latin American, and
    Non-Western History

  • HIST 1301 U.S. History to 1877
  • HIST 1302 U.S. History since 1877
  • HIST 3332 American Controversy and Conflict
  • HIST 3334 The Civil War and Reconstruction
  • HIST 3336 Americas Rise to World Power
  • HIST 3338 The United States Since 1945
  • HIST 3340 United States Social and Cultural
  • HIST 3342 United States Foreign Policy
  • HIST 3344 American Frontier
  • HIST 3346 Texas History
  • HIST 3348 History of the Mexican American
  • Topics courses

Topics Courses
These courses are intensive seminars on
specialized topics, culminating in the production
of a significant research paper. For examples of
previous offerings, see below.
  • HIST 4370 Crucial Topics in European History
  • HIST 4392 Crucial Topics in Latin American
  • HIST 4396 Crucial Topics in Non-Western History
  • HIST 4380 Crucial Topics in United States History

Each history major must take at least one topics
course to graduate.
Professor Terrence J. Barragy Russia,
U.S. Military, Diplomatic, Texas Longhorns
Professor Sonny B. Davis Brazil, South
America, Latin America-United States
Relations, Latin American Military,
Portugal and Spain
Professor Harry R. Huebel American
Social and Cultural, Environmental, American
Culture of the 1950s and 1960s.
Regents Professor Leslie Gene Hunter American
West, Southwest, Methods of Historical
Associate Professor Dean T. Ferguson France,
Early Modern and Medieval Europe, Cultural
Associate Professor Larry Knight Texas, Urban
History, Gilded Age, U.S. Civil War
Associate Professor Brenda Melendy Germany,
Modern Europe, Holocaust, Africa
Assistant Professor Michael Houf
China/Asia, Middle East, Hong Kong
Assistant Professor Shannon L.
Baker Mexican History, with an emphasis on early
19th century Mexican American History.
Assistant Professor Roger Tuller U.S.
Constitutional and Legal History U.S. to 1815
Texas History
Emeritus Professor Ward Sloan Albro
III Mexican-American, Latin America, Mexican
Revolution, Mexican Culture.
Administrative Assistant Carolyn Kupke
Recent Books from the History Department
Since 1996
TAMUK History trains leaders
History is management training by example.
Famous History Majors George W. Bush Woodrow
Wilson Newt Gingrich Richard Nixon Teddy
Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez TAMUK History Graduate
Who controls the past controls the future who
controls the present controls the past.
History develops great communicators.
Anybody can make history. Only a great man, or
woman can write it. Oscar Wilde
Chris Berman ESPN founder
If you want to write, edit or produce, history
training is a good place to start.
Michael Palin of Monty Python
Historians in business.
  • Skills Historians Bring to Business
  • Archives and records management.
  • Research and writing company histories.
  • Record evaluation and reporting.
  • Researching land use histories or prior mineral
  • Providing company background for promotional

Historians and the Legal Professions
A history degree trains graduates to read and
understand large quantities of information, to
think critically and problem solve, to
communicate effectively, and to research
efficiently. These are all skills needed in
legal professions.
Nancy Carter (1963) Professor of Law and Director
of Pardee Legal Research Center, San Diego
Archivists Records Managers Librarians Information
Cecilia Aros Hunter, (1976) Archivist South Texas
Bruce Schueneman Professor, Systems Librarian
and Head of Systems Department James C. Jernigan
Teaching History A Noble Profession
TAMUK History Department trains South Texas
Gavin Levy (2001) Austin ISD Marshall
Schlessiger (2002) George West ISD Max DeBoard
(2000) Floresville ISD Alex Richards (2000)
Tuloso Midway ISD Steven Greek (1999) Harlingen
ISD Cassie Rincones (2001) Alice ISD Wyndi
Hanzelka (2002) Orange Grove ISD David Charles
(2000) Eagle Pass ISD Jackie Hunter (2000)
Premont ISD Donna J. Weber (2000) Calallen
ISD Julie L. Brandt (1999) Alice ISD partial
list of recent graduates
Carlos Blanton (1993) Assistant Professor of
History Texas AM
HIST 1301 American History to 1877
Required course for all majors. Narrates the
story of American history from before Columbus to
the end of Reconstruction.
  • Subject Matter
  • Conquest and colonization of North America.
  • The American Revolution and formation of the
    United States.
  • Manifest destiny and western expansion.
  • Economic and social development of U.S.
  • Development of sectional crises.
  • Civil War and Reconstruction

HIST 1302 American History since 1877
Required course for all students United States
history from the end of Reconstruction to the
Subject Matter Gilded Age
Industrialization Conflict from the Indian Wars
to the Gulf War Roaring 20s to the Great
Depression Segregation and the Civil Rights
movement Rise of suburban America
HIST 2321 World Civilization to 1500
Subject Matter Stone Age Economics Early River
Valley Civilizations Ancient Greece and
Rome Early Chinese and Indian Society History of
the Great Religions Trade and Urbanization Medieva
l Society

Philosophy, Modern or Classical
Language/Literature and Cultural
Studies Required 3 semester credit hours see
Note 1 (Literature/philosophy) See TAMUK
Catalog p. 67 and consult your advisor.
HIST 2322 World Civilization SINCE 1500
Subjects include 1492 The Columbian
Encounter Renaissance and Reformation Atlantic
Slave Trade Industrial Revolution in
Europe 1776-1848 The Atlantic Revolutions World
Wars 1914-1945 Comparative Genocides Globalization
and Global Commerce

Literature, Philosophy, Modern or Classical
Language/Literature and Cultural Studies
Required 3 semester credit hours see Note 1
(Literature/philosophy) See TAMUK Catalog p. 67
and consult your advisor.
HIST 3301 Historical Methods
Procedures and methods of historical research.
Introduction to types of historical data, the
analysis of sources, the use of computer
techniques in historical research, and the
methods of historical writing.
South Texas Archives
Required for all History Majors and Minors
HIST 3312 Europe in the Middle Ages
Political, economic, and cultural developments in
Europe from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance.
The age of chivalry, romance, and faith.
HIST 3338 The United States Since 1945
Topics Post-war abundance, the Cold War,
social and cultural changes, the Vietnam era, and
the post-Nixon years.
Let us study invisibility, webworking, psychic
nomadismand who knows what we might attain?
HIST 3344 American Frontier
The influence of successive frontiers upon
American political, economic, and social
developments from the earliest settlements to
HIST 3346 Texas History
Native Peoples of Texas. Spanish/Mexican
background of Texas history. What really happened
at the Alamo? The Cattle Kingdoms Black
Gold Texas Politics from LBJ to Dubya
HIST 3348 History of the Mexican American
  • Topics of interest include
  • Affects of the
  • U.S.-Mexican War
  • The Great Migration
  • The Impact of World
  • War II
  • The Chicano Movement

HIST 3350 Latin America
Topics Indian and Iberian Roots of Latin
America Conquest and colonization Religious,
economic, and political foundations Independence
movements Revolution and counter-revolution U.S.
and Latin American Relations The future of Latin
HIST 3356 History of Mexico
  • Topics of interest include
  • The Mayas and Aztecs
  • The Independence Wars
  • Santa Anna
  • The Revolution
  • The Modern Political System

HIST 4324 Technology and Society
A study of technology and society from the
perspective of social values, ethics, sociology,
social environment, politics and economics.
HIST 4370 Topics in European History
Blood, sex, and magic Histories of private
ritual in early modern Europe
History 4380 Biography as HistoryThe
Revolutionary Generation
  • Examine the lives of the men and women who
    invented America
  • What can their lives tell us about the times in
    which they lived?
  • How did their personalities affect the nation
    they created?
  • How has the way we have told their stories
    changed over time?

HIST 4380 Topics in American History--U.S.
Potential Topics Principles of Warfare Andrew
Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans Custers
Last Stand Trench Warfare during World War
I General George S. Patton Carlos Hathcock,
Americas Greatest Sniper The Persian Gulf War (I
and II)
Fulfills Social Science or Humanities
Elective Consult your advisor before enrolling.
Student Organizations
Phi Alpha Theta Honorary Society Robert J.
Kleberg History Society
Robert J. Kleberg History Club (since 1925)
The oldest student club at TAMUK is open to all
students, regardless of major.
RJK visit to Monterrey (2001)
In recent years, members have participated in the
Hispanic Heritage Festival, and have organized
trips to professional conferences in Monterrey,
Mexico and New Orleans.
RJK visit to Mexico 1926
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Alpha Theta is the international honor
society for history students.
Open to History Majors with at least 60 hours
towards a BA degree, rank in the upper 1/3rd of
their class, have at least 12 hours in history
with a 3.00 GPA, and maintain at least a 3.0
For more information www.phalphatheta.org
Graduate Study in History at TAMUK
Distinguished Graduates Calvin Blacklock, MA
administrator with CCISD Mario Cardenas, MA
Instructor, Southwest Texas Junior
College Lee Carter, BA, MA Professor, University
of Oklahoma John Gonzalez, MA Professor, Texas
Southern University William Leckie, BA, MA
Academic Vice President,
University of Toledo Jim Marcum, MA
Professor, Oklahoma Baptist University Manuel
Medrano, BA, MA Associate Professor, UT
Brownsville Michelle Riley, MA
Instructor, Del Mar College Mary Jo ORear, MA
Instructor, Del Mar College Howard Stansell, MA
PhD. Vanderbilt University
The Masters program of the Department of History
has been in existence for almost sixty years
beginning graduate teaching in June, 1936. The
first seven departments to offer Masters of Arts
and Masters of Science degrees were Agricultural
Education, Chemistry, Economics, Education,
History, Mathematics, and Physics. Since 1936
the History Department has successfully prepared
graduate students for further study or positions
in secondary and post-secondary education.
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