Title: Jerry Held
1 Implementing CRM What needs to be done?
Nick Hancock October 4, 2002
- CRM components
- Key implementation principles
- Implementation examples
3CRM components
Citizen access channels telephone, F2F etc
Service depts. systems
Datastores Corporate systems
Citizen database
4Some implementation principles
5Architecture principles 3-tier
- Anywhere, anytime access employees, customers,
- Lower overhead one deployment, everybody on the
same version - DATA TIER
- Better control one data source better
management information, better service
6 Self-Service
- Disability badge
- Planning application
- Student grant
- Council tax enquiry
- Book tennis court
- Defective street light
- etc etc
Citizen or Employee
7Data Model
Party Relationship Types
Longden Lane
Member of Jones Household
Employee of PPA
Lampost 1
Mr Jones
Father of Employee Ann Jones
Home Address/ Street
Place of Work
8Implementation examples
9Kingston upon Hull City Council
10Kingston upon Hull City Council
- Unitary Authority with approx 12,500 employees
and 265,000 citizens - eGovernment Goals
- Re-engineer corporate business model from
Departmental structure (silo based) into a
Customer Centric architecture - Seeking to interact with customers and partners
through a number of service delivery channels
11The Hull Solution
- Environmental Services Call Centre
- single channel, single service
- quick wins
- Land, People Property Database
- BS7666 NLPG compliant
- OS reference for all property
- Oracle Data Model
- Improved service to citizens
- Improved efficiency in service provision
- Focus on front office service with streamlined
back and middle office functions - enhanced staff satisfaction
- Positive citizen feedback
13Other thought leaders Liverpool City
Council Hertfordshire County Cambridgeshire
County L B Havering
14Library of 120 pre-packaged Local Authority
business processes covering
Social Services Revenues and
Benefits Housing Education Waste
Management Environmental Health Highways Plannin
g and Building Control Licensing Transport Ground
Maintenance Registration Leisure Economic
Development Human Resources Corporate Trading
15CRM for LG in 45 (days)
- A starter pack
- A defined set of 120 front line business
processes - covering all customer services provided
through one stop shops, - contact centres and back-office staff
- Citizen database and Data loading software
- (for up to 200,000 citizens), Data
model -
- Contact Centre, Workflow and Integration
software -
- Quick win with fixed implementation price,
scope and timescales - (up to 40 processes)
16- start SMALL
Think BIG