Campus Diversity: A Legal Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Campus Diversity: A Legal Update


expressive, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual or gender-motivated ... political views that 'homosexuality is a sinful, immoral and unhealthy lifestyle. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Campus Diversity: A Legal Update

Campus Diversity A Legal Update
  • Gerard D. St. Ours
  • Associate General Counsel
  • The Johns Hopkins University
  • October 29, 2008

Anti-Harassment Polices and Speech
  • Example 1 all forms of sexual harassment are
    prohibited, including ... expressive, visual, or
    physical conduct of a sexual or gender-motivated
    nature, when ... (c) such conduct has the purpose
    or effect of unreasonably interfering with an
    individual's work, educational performance, or
    status or (d) such conduct has the purpose or
    effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or
    offensive environment.

Anti-Harassment Polices and Speech
  • Example 2 For purposes of this policy,
    harassment is defined as (a) any type of
    behavior which is based on gender, . . . race, .
    . . national origin, . . . sexual orientation . .
    . , that (b) is so severe or pervasive that it
    interferes with an individuals work or academic
    performance or creates an intimidating, hostile
    or offensive working or academic environment.

DeJohn v. Temple University
  • First Amendment challenge to Temples sexual
    harassment policy
  • DeJohn, a grad student in the Military History
    department, claimed the policy was facially
    overbroad because it inhibited his free
    expression in class concerning women in combat
    and women in the military
  • Court agrees with DeJohn and grants injunctive

The Overbreadth Doctrine and Temples Policy
  • A regulation of speech must be struck down on if
    on its face it covers expression that is
    protected by the Constitution - - that is, it
    must be narrowly drawn so as not to reach
    protected speech
  • According to the Court, the Temple policys focus
    on the speakers motivation, coupled with use of
    hostile, offensive, and gender-motivated is
    on its face sufficiently broad and subjective
    as to conceivable cover any gender-motivated
    speech, the content of which offends someone.

Where is the severity and pervasiveness?
  • Answer it is not there, and that, in the eyes
    of the court, made the Temple policy fatally
    flawed Absent any requirement akin to a
    showing of severity or pervasiveness - - that is,
    a requirement that the conduct objectively and
    subjectively creates a hostile environment or
    substantially interferes with an individuals
    work - - the policy provides no shelter for core
    protected speech.

Cant a university prevent harassment before it
  • Well, of course, but the institutions policy
    should be qualified by the severe and pervasive
  • Private (JHU) vs. Public (Temple)
  • Conduct short of legal harassment?
  • Training
  • Reprimand?
  • Context matters workplace, classroom, time,
    place and manner

Other cases
  • College Republicans at San Francisco University
    v. Reed
  • On campus Anti-terrorism rally included visual
    displays depicting Hamas and Hezbollah flags on
    butcher paper flags had the word Allah in
    Arabic script at one point, students put the
    paper flags on the ground and stepped on them
    heated argument ensued
  • Student code Students are expected to be good
    citizens and to engage in responsible behaviors
    that reflect well upon their university, to be
    civil to one another and to others in the campus
    community . . .

Other cases
  • Student complaint trekking over Allah
    violated student code incitement to violence
    created a hostile environment incivil
  • USF hearing panel dismissed the charges
  • College Reuplicans still brought suit
  • Court does not strike down code provisions that
    are tied to threats/endangerment of health/safety
  • However, Court enjoins USF against enforcement of
    the civility provision.
  • Cannot prohibit speech merely because it is
  • University context
  • core political expression Expressive conduct
    provoked intense debate and was disrespectful and
    offensive to many but it was these very
    characteristics that were critical to its

Other cases
  • Roberts v. Haragan (Tex. Tech Law school case)
  • Student wanted to give speech and pass out
    literature expressing his religious and political
    views that homosexuality is a sinful, immoral
    and unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Court strikes down speech code and prior
    permission requirements because they were not
    narrowly tailored and were overbroad
  • School granted permission, but student sued
    anyway - - Court considered various aspects of
    school policy regarding forum, prior permission,

Policy Language
  • A. Conduct that disrupts or interferes with the
    orderly operation of teaching and research, or
    with other lawful or authorized activities.B.
    Conduct that causes, or can be reasonably
    expected to cause, or threatens physical harm to
    a person.C. Physical or verbal threats against
    or intimidation of any person which results in
    limiting her/his full access to all aspects of
    life at the university.D. Conduct or a pattern
    of conduct in which a person approaches or
    pursues another person with intent to place the
    person in fear of physical harm or with intent to
    harass or to intimidate the person.E. Conduct
    that violates the universitys hazing policy, or
    other conduct or a pattern of conduct that
    harasses a person or group.

A Few More Cases
  • Instructors posting of cartoons on office door
    indicating college fired the handicapped and
    depicting administrators as members of the KKK
    was defamatory and not protected speech.
    McBearty v. Ky Community and Tech. College Sys.
  • Employees invitation to student to pose for swim
    suit calendar was not sexual harassment and did
    not present grounds for termination. Va. Tech v.
  • Elderly campus residents pattern of asking
    female students out and sending cards and gifts
    does not constitute sexual harassment subjective
    response of students that this was SH fell short
    of reasonable women standard conduct was
    annoying and bothersome but not SH. Godfrey v.
    Princeton Theological Seminary

DOE Letter on Use of Race in Admissions
  • August 28, 2008 DOE Letter OCR lists parameters
    on use of race in admissions
  • Use of race must be essential to an institutions
    mission and stated goals 
  • The diversity sought by the postsecondary
    institution must be broader than mere racial
  • Quotas are impermissible 
  • Providing individualized consideration is
    paramount and there must be no undue burden on
    other-race applicants 
  • Before using race, there must be serious good
    faith consideration of workable race-neutral
    alternatives and 
  • Periodic reviews are necessary and the use of
    race must have a logical end point.

Review Constitutional and Statutory Limitations
  • Equal Protection Clause
  • provides that "no State shall deny to any person
    within its jurisdiction the equal protection of
    the laws."
  • Title VII
  • Prohibits discrimination in employment on the
    basis of race, gender, religion and national
  • Title VI
  • Prohibits discrimination in any program that
    receives federal funds

Strict Scrutiny and Narrow Tailoring
  • It is well established that when the government
    distributes burdens or benefits on the basis of
    individual racial classifications, that action is
    reviewed under strict scrutiny. . . . Racical
    classifications are simply too perniciious to
    permit any but the most exact connection between
    justification and classification. Parents
    Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School
    District No. 1, 127 S.Ct. 2738, 2751-52 (2007).
  • Remedial justification (remedying the effects of
    past intentional discrimination)
  • Diversity

Brief Review of Grutter
  • Supreme Court confirms that there is a compelling
    interest in higher education to expose students
    to widely diverse people, culture, ideas and
    viewpoints, and this interest permits
    universities to adopt narrowly tailored race
    conscious programs in admissions.

Student Admissions
  • Programs must be designed to ensure
    individualized review of applicants and their
    diversity attributes, which should include
  • Non-mechanical, full-file review of applicants
  • Flexible review entailing consideration of all
    pertinent elements of diversity in light of the
    particular qualifications of each applicant, and
    to place them on the same footing for
    consideration, although not necessarily according
    them the same weight and
  • Protection against burdens on individuals who do
    not benefit from the race-conscious policies.

Fisher v. Texas
  • Federal court denies request to require UT to
    re-evaluate applicants for admission without
    considering race cites Grutter
  • For students who are not admitted under the Texas
    Top 10 law, UT applies a multi-factor scoring
    process students are scored on two essays, and
    based on subjective assessment of several
    factors demonstrated leadership qualities,
    extracurricular activities, honors and awards,
    work experience, community service, and special
    personal circumstances. Sub-factors under
    "special circumstances" socioeconomic status of
    the family and the school, a single-parent home,
    whether languages other than English are spoken
    at home, family responsibilities, and race.
    Readers are trained to review applications under
    consistent guidelines/methodology.

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