Title: Hows The Climate
1Hows The Climate ?
2262 responses
- Age
- 34 under (18)
- 35-50 (131)
- 50 (83)
- USG Grade Level
- 3-5 (76)
- 6-9 (114)
- 10/above (64)
3The Annual Performance Evaluation process is
4The performance evaluation process is handled
well in my Department ?
5There should be a process in place for Staff to
rate Supervisors/Managers ?
6I understand the Hay System ?
7The Hay System used at UW to determine the
USG/Salary level of a position works well?
8Managers/Supervisors in my Dept. work with Staff
to keep job descriptions current ?
9It would be useful to me to have access to all
job descriptions pertaining to Staff on campus ?
10I have a good understanding of my benefits
package ?
11I am satisfied with benefits package ?
12I have a good understanding of my early
retirement option ?
13I feel adequately compensated for the work I do ?
14Policy pertaining to temporary appointment and
casual earnings employees is adhered to in my
dept. (Policy 54)
15Comments ?
- I am not in favour of performance evaluation as
it is inconsistent across campus. If every
department acted in the same way toward staff, I
would be satisfied with it. - The university can reduce our salaries benefits
consider our jobs redundant whenever it wants
to. The Staff Association can do nothing to
prevent this from happening. Therefore, the
Staff Association should pursue becoming an
Association that is certified. - Re. 9 should be able to retire before 62
without penalty. 10. should be lower-allow
retirement 55-60 without penalty. Would like to
see employer ratings given by Faculty-is Arts,
Eng, Math et. Giving same ratings or some allow
to rate staff higher--some departments busier
than other deserve more compensation
16- I feel our salaries are very good but get
frustrated that someone doing the same job as me
(maybe as well, maybe not) is getting
considerably more money because of how long they
have been here, not because they are doing a
better or more responsible job than me. re ques
7 This would be great. - need clearer policies on hiring, upgrades,
evaluations and need to enforce them - 1. UW is an amazing place to work. It should
never become unionized (for staff). Too
destructive. _at_. It would be nice to see staff
faculty profiles in the Gazette so people can
learn about the great people/activities at UW.
It might increase pride ownership in UW, which
I think is already fairly good. 3. professional
development opportunities for staff. re ques4
No idea of what that is re ques5 no idea how it
works re quest 10 many years away, haven't
researched this too well
17- I find if your boss doesn't like you it doesn't
matter how well you do your job, you'll still be
rated poor -gt adequate. Favouritism plays a
large part in reviews. I've had this experience
in 2 departments. - Generally speaking, I think the policies
procedures surrounding HR issues are adequate. I
think they just need to be more clearly
communicated. - Do not understand the reason for difference in
weekly hours that is 35, 37.5 and 40. There are
many who work more than 40 hours yet are only
compensated for 35. Seems if a job was set at
certain number of hours 30 years ago it cannot
change even though the workplace has.
18Survey Presentation and All Comments
- http//www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infostaf/index.html