Title: Tidy Towns community
1Tidy Towns community STANSBURYs Tidy Towns group
is a dedicated group of local residents who meet
every Tuesday and who volunteered almost 4 000
hours of community service projects the past
year. The group undertakes a range of projects
associated with beautification, maintenance and
environmental improvement including recycling,
feral pest eradication programs, weeding and
tree planting. The group has accumulated a vast
array of resources including watering equipment,
a truck, 4WD, tractor, trailer and tools housed
in the towns past Country Fire Service building.
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9Proactive partnerships Various community groups
are involved with ensuring STANSBURY continues
and extends its commitment to being a clean,
proud and sustainable town. Highlight is the
STANSBURY Seaside Markets, a major community
event held on the foreshore between September
and April. The event attracts visitors from far
and wide with funds benefiting community
projects. Tidy Towns volunteers and the local
Lions Club also partner in a range of projects
including can recycling initiatives and various
foreshore projects.
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16Positive beautification Several beautification
projects are completed, underway and planned for
the towns foreshore area. Planting programs
coordinated through a broad network of partners
are a feature in and around the township. The
schools commitment to various environmental care
and restore projects bears the testimony that
STANSBURYs residents more than care for their
environment and look forward to a sustainable
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23Further highlights The District Council of Yorke
Peninsula has a strong commitment to working with
residents to develop its assets and foster
community spirit. Council staff encourage and
actively support STANSBURYs Tidy Towns
objectives and projects. Environmental
innovation and sustainability are major elements
of STANSBURYs commitment to their local
environment. Recycling programs are a priority
with well organised public and school recycling
systems in place. STANSBURYs Coastal Walking
Trail offers great views of the towns beach and
aquatic environment. Interpretative signs
provide information on local native flora and
fauna together with sharing the many partnerships
involved in the trails creation. Primary School
students have been active contributors to the
development of a range of the towns
interpretative brochures. Colourful and well
designed, the brochures promote historical
buildings, agriculture, aquaculture, business and
general tourism attractions.