Title: Web2 meets the Enterprise
1Web2 meets the Enterprise
- Nick Kings
- nick.kings_at_bt.com
- BT Group
- A brief introduction to the Semantic Web
- An overview of knowledge communities
- Web 2.0
- Research Prototypes
- SemanticWiki - Semantic extensions to wiki
technology - Squidz - Knowledge sharing on the Semantic Web
- Future trends
3Scruffies and Tidies
4Semantic Web
- Todays web
- Machine-to-human emphasis on presentation
- Semantic web vision
- an extension of the current web in which
information is given well-defined meaning (Tim
Berners-Lee) - making web-based information machine-processable
- ltboldgtuse bold fontlt/gt ? ltproduct-codegt1234-6/Alt
/gt - also rules (reasoning business logic conflict
5What is the Semantic Web?
- Simple web pages
- mixes content and format
- Progression from HTML -gt XML
- XML allows content to be separated from
presentation - XML -gt RDF
- RDF Resource Description Framework
- Known vocabularies and meanings
- RSS early use of RDF
- RDF -gt OWL
- A dialect of RDF, but with particular defined
meanings - A Web based Ontology language
6An RSS example
7Where we are going with the Semantic Web?
8Ontologies Taxonomies
Taxonomy is a classification system where each
node has only one parent simple ontology
Living Beings
9Ontology of People and their Roles
Programme Mgr
Project Mgr
Typically, we want a richer ontology with more
relationships between concepts.
10Ontology modelling
11Mapping to the knowledge base
12Precision in Semantic Web Search
- Semantic Search could match
- a query Documents concerning a telecom company
in Europe, John Smith as a director, and a date
in the first half of 2002. - With a document containing At its meeting on
the 10th of May, the board of Vodafone appointed
John Smith as CTO - Traditional search engines cannot do the required
reasoning - Vodafone is a mobile operator, which is a kind of
telecom company - Vodafone is in the UK, which is a part of Europe
- CTO is a type of director
- 5th of May is a "date in first half of 2002
13Semantic Search
14Semantic Search Entity Results
15Semantic Search Entity Results
16The Semantic Web Is Dead
the grand vision of 'A Semantic Web' will not be
achieved, mostly because users cannot be expected
to annotate media with complex labels but can
only be expected to use simple tags
- Mor Naaman
- Yahoo! Research Berkeley
- Panellist
- WWW2007, Banff
17Knowledge Communities
- People work and live in teams
- Community of interest
- Community of practise
- Community knowledge
- Shared history
- Reputation
- Best practises
- Knowledge sharing requires a dialogue to be
supported - Two way!!!!!!!!
- Feedback
- I know you
18Knowledge Use
19Putting information into context
Personal space on the computer
- Information is produced and used in a context
- What am I trying to do?
- Why was this information produced?
- Who produced it?
- How reliable is the information?
- How must does it cost me to find, use or share
information? - Meta-data is used to capture context
Trusted circle of contacts (2-50 people)
Family and Friends
Moderately trusted people, you may expect to meet
again (50-5,000 people)
Colleagues and Neighbours
Citizens and Markets
Participants in marketplace. Some little shared
knowledge. (5,000 or more people)
20Problems with sharing?
- I tell you about a web page because
- I know you are interested in this page
- I want you to know what I am interested in, but
- This is a new area that we might both like to
know about - I just happen to be thinking about you (Ping!)
- Public goods
- Shared access to a shared resource
- Game theory why should I contribute something I
already know? AND no-one actually wants to know
about it - Lurkers
- Your PC is not a library, but an office and a
workbench - Files, documents and emails
- belonging to old and current projects
- Information is of more or less use
21Problems with sharing?
- Search and browsing is a learning process
- User behaviour (search patterns) change based
upon user needs/history and current information
found - Just sharing a page possibly looses a learning
opportunity - Experts tend to have topic specific starting
points - A user cannot predict how a page would be useful
in the future - Just because a page/document is visited does not
mean a page is actually useful - I was lost
- Experts are NOT very good at finding new
information - Fixed search strategies
- Newbies are far better
22Knowledge Management
- Dont forget the social side
- How to answer the problem this is useful to me?
- Make the tools intrinsically fun
- People come to do work not knowledge
sharing - How does this help me?
- Have you had more interesting conversations?
23Obligatory Dilbert
24What is Web2.0?
25Semantic WIKI
Social Software
Delicious Flickr 43things Stumbleupon
Open Source
Web 2.0
Semantic Web
Google maps Google news
26Wikis are just for factual information?
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29Wikis can be about anything
30Web 2.0
- Built upon four important themes
- Community provided content
- Folksonomies or tagging
- Web accessible APIs
- Thick clients (DHTML)
- Social networks accelerate use of applications
- Friends of friends
- Crucially requires the publication of meta-data
- But, allows people to contribute small pieces to
a larger picture - Little risk if incorrect information is produced
31Pulling the approaches together Web3.0?
- Web 2.0
- Low risk
- Community generated
- Semantic Web
- Formal
- Expensive
- Web3.0 ?
32Research Prototypes SemanticWiki
33SemanticWiki Wikipedia today
- Brac is a Croatian island by the Adriatic Sea.
The island has a population of 13,000, living in
numerous little towns, ranging from the 'main
town' Supetar, with more than 2,500 inhabitants,
to Novo Selo, where only a dozen people live. - Today, Brac lives mostly on tourism, but fishing
and agriculture (especially wine and olives) are
very important too, as is selling its precious,
white stone (which was used in building
Diocletian's Palace in Split, and is built into
the White House in Washington, DC, too). - Category Croatian Island
34SemanticWiki Typed links
- Extend Wikipedia with typed links
- So the computer understands it
Brac is a CroatiaCroatian island
located in the Adriatic Sea.
Brac is a CroatiaCroatianlocated in island
located in the Adriatic Sealocated by.
35SemanticWiki Extending Wikipedia
- Basically, just two changes
- Extend Link Syntax. Allow for
- Frankfurt (Main)Frankfurtlocated in
- Export articles as RDF
- http//en.wikipedia.org/rdf/Wikimania
- ltrdfRDFgt
- ltrdfdescription about"enWikimania"gt
- ltenlocated_in rdfresource"enFrankf
urt_(Main)" /gt - lt/rdfdescriptiongt
36SemanticWiki Answering Questions
- Beyond keywords
- Allows for questions like
- all presidents younger than 50
- popes born outside of Italy
- three biggest cities in all African countries
- movies from the 70s starring Sean Connery
- philosophical notions introduced by Russell
- Reasoning
- Is Brac in Europe?
37SemanticWiki Enhanced Maintenance
- Does every country have one capital?
- Is there a person with more than one mother?
- Is every person born before dying?
- Does the population density fit to population and
size? - Do the year articles births fit with the person
articles births? - Visit http//ontoworld.org/wiki/Main_Page for
more details
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41Research Prototypes - Squidz
42Semantic Knowledge Sharing
- Capture and combine both the social and technical
context - Reduce cost of sharing information
- Reduce cost of understanding information
- A user, while browsing, can share and annotate
pages (or add to existing annotations) - Technical context (formal classification, user
tags, comments) - Social context (who to share with and why)
- Other users made aware if currently browsed page
has been shared to them - Driven by case study requirement
- Can modify context by adding further annotations
- Discover related shared content
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47Future Trends Semantic Web Applications
- Next Generation Knowledge Management
- Automatic or semi-automatic generation of
ontologies and meta-data from documents - http//www.sekt-project.com/
- Enterprise information integration
- Ontology as glue for multiple different data
schemas - Semantic Service Oriented Architecture
- Semantic Web Services
- Describing services semantically makes it easier
to discover and (semi-)automatic composition of
new services - http//dip.semanticweb.org/
- Semantic GRID
- Automatic composition of Virtual Organisations
- http//www.ontogrid.eu and http//www.BEinGRID.eu
48Future TrendsEnd-user Experience - The
Knowledge Workspace
- Beyond documents tasks, processes
- Beyond multiple point applications (email,
browser, IM, word, ) - Bring these together in an integrated,
context-sensitive environment - Context modelling for
- Content delivery
- Context relevant, non-intrusive
- Collaboration
- Dynamic location and communication with context
relevant colleagues - Is Fred available?
- Is he relevant to my current context?
- Controlling context switching
- Learning
- Dynamic and on-demand learning
- A brief introduction to the Semantic Web
- An overview of knowledge communities
- Web 2.0
- Research Prototypes
- SemanticWiki - Semantic extensions to wiki
technology - Squidz - Knowledge sharing on the Semantic Web
- Future trends
50Scruffies and Tidies
Which one are you?
- Web 2.0
- Uses the enthusiasm of a committed community
- Semantic Web
- Use the enthusiasm of a committed computer
- Web3.0
- Uses both
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