2Magilligan Prison
3Equality Statement
Magilligan recognises that you are an individual
with your own circumstances and backgrounds this
includes different offences, religious beliefs,
political opinions, racial groups, ages, marital
status, disability and sexual orientation. Magilli
gan ensures that everyone is treated equally and
fairly, and to give every inmate the same
opportunities. All you need to know about
Magilligan has been produced in the hope that it
will help you and your families and that it
respects your individual differences and needs.
In July 2006, a survey was carried out by inmates
on the Induction Programme. This handbook is a
result of the feedback from over 50 of the
inmates who were in Magilligan at the time. Once
the survey was finished it was found that, whilst
the Induction Programme was helpful, inmates
thought there was too much information to
remember in such a short space of time. All you
need to Know about Magilligan has lots of useful
information about every aspect of prison life.
We have tried to give as much helpful information
as possible and hope that it is easy to read.
Each section is colour-coded to help you find
what you are looking for. The new Induction
Programme and this PowerPoint have been developed
and produced by inmates for inmates. The whole
programme is based on what inmates wanted and is
always available on all landings to help you with
any questions you have. A hard copy will be kept
in the Class Office, but you can take it to your
room whenever you need it. The information will
be kept as clear and up-to-date as possible. If
you think there is something which needs to be
added or changed, you can suggest this to any
officer on your landing.
COMMITTAL Accommodation pages 11 - 26 Sanitary
Arrangements pages 27 - 30 Lock and Unlock
Times pages 31 - 32 Staff pages 33 -
34 Healthcare page 35 Pastoral Care page
37 Ombudsman Office pages 38 -
41 Resettlement pages 42 - 47 ACTIVITIES
page 48 Education page
s 49 - 51 Training Workshops pages 52 -
55 Behavioural Programmes pages 56 - 57
6More Contents
ACTIVITIES (Cont) Gymnasium pages 58 - 60 Duke
of Edinburgh page 61 Visits pages 62
67 Passive Drug Dogs pages
68 PREPS pages 69 84 Adjudications
pages 85 - 86 Anti-Bullying
pages 87 - 91 Searches pages 92 - 95 LAST 6
MONTHS page 96 Temporary
Release page 97 - 103 Home Leave pages 104
7More Contents
- Emergency Fire Procedures page 106
- Property Allowance pages 107 - 111
- Smoking Policy pages 112 - 115
- Earnings pages 117 - 119
- Tuck-Shop pages 120 -122
- IPC Codes pages 123
- Food pages 124 - 125
- Benefits pages 126 - 130
- Telephone pages 131 - 133
- Letters pages 134 - 135
- Video-Link pages 136 - 137
- Probation pages 138 - 143
- Prisoner Development Unit (PDU) page 144
- Independent Monitoring Board page 145
8More Contents
- Requests and Complaints pages 146
- The Samaritans page 147
- Listener Scheme pages 148 - 151
- Suicide Awareness pages 152 - 153
- Northlands pages 154 - 156
- Fire Awareness pages 157 - 159
- The Older Prisoner page 160
- Criminal Justice Order
page 161 - 164
Near the End
- Transfer from Court
- Arrival in Custody
- Reception
- Healthcare
- Residential
- Faith and religious activity
- Assessment (within 28 days)
- Education Assessment
- Movement to committal landing
- 5 Day Induction Programme explaining all
aspects of prison life - NIACRO / Ombudsman
- Resettlement Plan (within 60 days)
- Resettlement Board
- Job Interview
- Cell housing allocated
- Education
- Training Workshops
- Behavioural Programs
- Gym
- Visits
- Preps
- Anti-Bullying
- Drug Free
- Sperrin
- Foyleview
- Home-Leave
- Town Visits
- Community Work
- Charity Events.
- Accommodation pages 11-26
- Sanitary Arrangements pages 27-30
- Lock and Unlock Times pages 31-32
- Staff pages 33-34
- Healthcare page 35
- Pastoral Care page 36
- Inmates in Magilligan are housed in several
different locations - The House-blocks
- H1 - General purpose (being refurbished)
- H2 - General population with a section for
vulnerable prisoners - H3 - Committal Wing (H3C/D) General population
(H3A/B) - Halward House Drug Free
- Sperrin Vulnerable prisoners Unit.
- Alpha Unit Is an assessment centre for inmates
transferring to Foyleview Resettlement Unit.
- HMP Magilligan has a variety of permanent and
temporary residential accommodation buildings. As
well as the three House Blocks there is Halward
House, Sperrin, Alpha Unit and Foyleview. The
accommodation arrangements are frequently changed
to meet your needs and those of the prison.
13Halward House
- Halward House is designed to assist you in
addressing any needs you may have to enable you
to resettle back into the Community on your
release. Needs may include education,
employment, accommodation and where needed, and
where assistance can be given, specific help to
address drugs use. - Selection for Halward House is the first stage
assessment for candidates wishing to progress
through Alpha to Resettlement Unit Foyleview.
Progression to Alpha and Foyleview will be
subject to meeting the eligibility criteria and
gaining approval from the selection panel. - A placement in Halward House alone does not
confer eligibility for progression. - Having satisfied the Assessment Panel that you
have met the criteria for Halward House you will
undergo a one month probationary period. This
period will be used to assess your commitment to
remain drugs free, identify your specific needs
in relation to drugs use and build on those
already identified in your Resettlement Plan.
14Halward House
- You will be required to
- Sign a contract upon admission to Halward House
- Be agreeable to random voluntary drug testing
- Be agreeable to random breath testing on
returning from a period outside the prison - Halward House has a zero tolerance policy for
Violence, Bullying, Drugs and Alcohol.
15Halward House
- Upon admission to Halward House
- You will be required to participate in Voluntary
Drugs and Alcohol Testing. This will commence
upon your reception to the unit and continue on a
frequent, random basis. In order to remain in
Halward House, your test results must show that
you are taking active steps to remain
Drugs/Alcohol free. - Failure to provide a sample for testing purposes
will be deemed to be a positive test result, and
may lead to your removal from the unit. - By the end of your probationary period your test
results must show that you are Drugs/Alcohol
16Halward House
- Upon completion of your Probationary Period
- You will continue to participate in Voluntary
Drugs/Alcohol Testing, as and when required. - A positive test result, or a failure to provide a
sample for testing, after your probationary
period has passed will lead to your removal from
Halward House - You must continue to actively engage with any
Drugs/Alcohol program or treatment that has been
identified for you to address your needs. - Any failure on your part to fully, actively
engage will lead to your removal from Halward
17Halward House
- A drugs free environment
- Privacy key to your own cell
- In-cell toilet and washing facilities
- Access to Freeview (upon purchase of Digibox at
your own expense)
- Sperrin house is a dormitory-based
accommodation with 4 dorms per wing each housing
8 inmates. -
- Extended access to Sky/TV/Phones
- A drug free environment
- Relaxed environment
- Foyleview is situated in the open part of the
prison. It is rather like an semi open prison
contained on the HMP Magilligan grounds and
operates in a different manner and has a more
relaxed regime than the other residential areas
within the prison. - Foyleview exists to assist with the resettlement
and reintegration of offenders back into their
20FOYLEVIEW (continued)
- Once established in Foyleview you will become
eligible for one town visit, every two weeks,
lasting six hours. You can spend this time with
your family outside the prison and it is in place
of normal visits. - You may be considered eligible for transfer
to Foyleview within the final 12 months of your
sentence and eligibility will be dependent on
continuing good behaviour and satisfactory
residential reports. - You will be allocated work to attend, every day,
inside or outside the prison. This work may be
with community groups or for practical skills in
NVQ qualifications. Upon reaching your Home Leave
Eligibility Date you may be eligible for home
leave from Saturday to Tuesday every two weeks.
Again this is in place of normal visits
- Must be enhanced or within 3 weeks of enhancement
- Must be within the final 12 months of your
sentence - Must have at least 4 months left to serve
- Must be within 6 months of Home Leave Eligibility
date - Must have served 4 weeks at this establishment or
HMP Maghaberry without any infringement of
prison rules - Must have a clear disciplinary record for a
minimum period of 3 months prior to application
for Foyleview.
- Have no outstanding court appearances
- Must be capable of carrying out any type of work
(as dictated by your work allocation rating) - Must be agreeable to voluntary drug/alcohol
testing - Must agree to forfeit visits and in their place
agree to accept one family town visit of 6hrs
every 14 days
- You will be required to
- Sign a contract on passing the Foyleview
selection board - Be agreeable to random voluntary drug testing
- Be agreeable to random breath testing on
returning from a period outside the prison - Forfeit visits once first family town visit has
been completed - Forfeit home leave when you become eligible for
the Foyleview home leave system - Foyleview has a zero tolerance policy for
Violence, Bullying, Drugs and Alcohol.
- We can help with issues relating to family,
housing and employment - We offer the facility to work outside the prison
on Community projects. (subject to assessment.) - You may become eligible for full-time, paid work
prior to your Early Date of Release (EDR)
- You will be allocated a cell on arrival on the
committal landing. It is your responsibility to
keep the cell clean and tidy at all times. A cell
plan is located on the walls of cells on the
committal landing. - You are expected to maintain a high standard of
personal hygiene at all times, showering or
bathing at least once a week. It is also expected
that you will wash your hands after going to the
toilet. You will be allowed to wear your own
clothes as long as they meet a reasonable
standard. If you do not have access to your own
clothes or they do not meet the required standard
you will be issued with prison clothing. When you
leave the landing you will be suitably dressed.
- Pictures/posters or any other material you may
wish to display may be placed on the notice board
only and not anywhere else. The duvet, pillow,
flask, plastic plate, bowl, mug, cutlery, chamber
pot, water gallon, hand basin (committal pack)
you were issued with on your arrival are your
responsibility and will remain with you during
your stay. - If a member of staff instructs you to return to
your cell for any reason, a fight on the landing
for example, you must do so immediately.
- You will be provided with the following items to
be kept in your cell - Chamber pot
- Water gallon
- Wash hand basin
- Toilet roll
- Soap
- Air freshener
- These items are for your personal use and should
remain with you throughout your time in
Magilligan. Should any of these items go missing
or become defective report the matter to an
officer on duty so that a replacement item can be
provided. This is your responsibility.
- For hygiene purposes you will empty your pot at
the earliest possible opportunity. - Pots will only be emptied and cleaned in the
Sluice Room on your landing. - In the Sluice Room disinfectant and toilet
brushes will be available to ensure that the pots
are properly cleaned. A hand basin and dryer are
also available for you to wash your hands.
- To alert night guard officers of a need to use
the toilet, you should press the alarm button in
your cell. - The night guard officer will enquire about your
need. Should there be more than one alarm at the
same time the night guard officer will check all
cells and prioritise each call. Priority will be
given to emergency calls. - At this stage it may be necessary for you to use
your chamber pot, and should this be the case
then you will be facilitated at the earliest
convenience to empty your pot using the Sluice
Room. Chamber pots are not allowed in the main
ablutions area. - To allow you out of your cell, the officer will
unlock your door, which will then be controlled
by an electronically-operated bolt. The officer
will then leave the wing and the electronic bolt
will be released, allowing you free access to
carry out your ablutions.
- At this stage you should remember that you are
not the only person living on the landing and
others may wish to use the facilities provided.
You should use the time only to go to the toilet
and wash your hands, returning to your cell as
quickly as possible. - On returning to your cell you should close your
cell door using the handle provided. - All spillages must be cleaned up immediately.
Disinfectant and cleaning materials are available
in the Sluice Room. - In the event of the system not operating, a
supply of hand wipes will be made available to
inmates. Where possible inmates will be notified
in advance of the suspension of the electronic
unlock system.
- Unlock each morning will follow staff parade.
- The wings will be locked for cleaning
- Monday to Friday
- 9.30 am 11.30
am - 2.30 pm 3.30 pm
- Saturday and Sunday
- 9.30 am
11.30 am - The wings may be unlocked before the above unlock
times at the discretion of the Residential Staff
(subject to cleaning being completed). - Unlock and Lock-up times may occasionally vary
for operational reasons.
- Monday to Friday
- 11.30 am Lunchtime lock-up
- 3.30 pm Tea-time lock-up
- 5.45 pm 7.30 pm
- Saturday and Sunday
- 11.30 am Lunchtime lock-up
- 2.15 pm 7.30 pm
- Here is a description of the staff you are most
likely to meet and their role in Magilligan. - Night Guard Custody Officer Occupational
Service Grades- undertakes functions within
Magilligan which are predominantly concerned with
the maintenance of the security of the prison.
The role involves prisoner contact, but not
prisoner engagement. - Residential Officer - There are a number of
uniformed officers working on the landing who are
responsible for its day to day running. They will
help ensure you receive your proper entitlements
and will deal with any questions or problems you
may have.
34STAFF (continued)
- Principal Officer Identified by two pips on the
shoulder, this officer is responsible for the
residential areas of the prison. - Senior Officer This officer can be identified
by a single pip on the shoulder and is
responsible for overseeing the work of the
residential officers. - Governor Non-uniformed staff with different
managerial responsibilities who also make
important decisions affecting you, such as home
leave, regime reclassification, discipline etc.
- On arrival a member of staff from the healthcare
unit will make an initial check on your health.
The doctor will see you the following weekday. - Treatments and medication are dispensed every
morning by the nurse/medical officer. The nurse
is also available during the day through a
request to a residential officer - If you wish for a referral to a doctor you should
make this request in the morning through the
nurse/medical officer - All medical matters are confidential between you
and healthcare personnel and will only be
discussed with another member of staff in very
exceptional circumstances. Should this arise it
will be discussed with you.
- During your time in prison you are entitled and
encouraged to practice your religion. Magilligan
has dedicated chaplains who are available to give
pastoral support and guidance. - Much of their time is spent discussing personal
matters with individuals on a one-to-one basis. - Services are held weekly. There are Christian
meetings organised by the Prison Fellowship which
take place during the week in the Prison.
- Ombudsman Office pages 38-41
- Resettlement pages 42-47
- How the Ombudsman System Works
- Whatever your complaint is about, you should use
the Prison Service complaints service first to
try and deal with the problem - Talk to staff on the wing and see if they can
sort out the matter informally - If they cant help, make a formal complaint
through the N.I. Prison Service internal
complaints procedure - If you are not satisfied with the answer, you can
39OMBUDSMAN (continued)
- If, after exhausting the internal Prison
complaints system, you are still not happy and
think that you have been dealt with unfairly, you
can complain to the Prisoner Ombudsman. You must
do this within 30 days of getting a final reply
from the Prison Service. - The Ombudsmans Office will not normally
investigate a complaint before you have had a
final reply to your appeal, but if you have not
had a response from the Prison Service within 6
weeks, you can complain to us.
40OMBUDSMAN (continued)
- To make an application to the Ombudsman, you
should write to us or fill out an application
form. - When you send your application to us, we will
decide whether we are able to investigate your
complaint. We will tell you if you need to pursue
your complaint further with the Prison Service.
If appropriate we will begin an investigation. - A Prisoner Ombudsman investigator will look
carefully at the facts and will report to the
Ombudsman. They may - Try to seek a local resolution to your complaint.
- Write a letter or short report.
- Draft a longer report that will be sent to the
Prisoner Ombudsman office.
41OMBUDSMAN (continued)
- Once we have their comments to the longer report
we will send a draft to you. You will be given
the opportunity to comment on the report at this
stage. Once everyone has seen the report, the
Ombudsman will formally approve it and make
recommendations if appropriate. - Where the Ombudsman makes recommendations he
will also then follow up and check that these
have been acted on.
- Shortly after the Induction Programme a member
of staff will help you to complete a personal
resettlement plan outlining how you are going to
spend your time in prison. This plan will
identify areas of work, education and programmes
aimed at assisting you to address your offending
behaviour. - The aim of resettlement is to encourage you
to deal positively with issues and circumstances
that may have led to your offending, and to help
you prepare for your release. - Within a few weeks of your transfer to
Magilligan you will attend the resettlement board
and your plan will be agreed.
- The Resettlement team have a Multi-Agency
approach and consist of - Prison staff
- Probation Officer
- Psychologist
- NIACRO Resettlement Worker
- Northlands Family Support Worker
- External Support Services
- A Resettlement plan will be drawn up with your
agreement. This plan will focus on areas which
will play an important part in your resettlement,
for example - Accommodation
- Finances
- Employment
- Education/Training
- Coping on the outside
- Prison sentences alone do not produce a change in
offending behaviour. - It will help you to use your time in custody in a
constructive and positive way. - Resettlement provides a link between your custody
and your return back into the community.
- You may be eligible for this leave to help
prepare for your release. - Application forms are available in each
Residential area. All applications must be made
six weeks in advance and have supporting
documentation e.g. letter from potential
- Job interviews
- Benefit claims
- To seek accommodation
- Training / NVQ
- Driving theory test
- All assessment documents will be held
securely in the Resettlement Office. - Documents will not be made available to anyone
else without your consent unless there is deemed
to be a risk of harm to yourself or to others.
- Education pages 49-51
- Training Workshops pages 52-55
- Behavioural Programmes pages 56-57
- Gymnasium pages 58-60
- Duke of Edinburgh page 61
- Visits pages 62- 67
- PREPS pages 69-84
- Anti-Bullying pages 87-91
- Searches pages 92-95
- A representative of the Education Department
will meet with you and advise you of suitable
courses that are available. - A full range of accredited courses are offered,
including the Profile of Achievement to Essential
Skills (Entry 1 to Level 2). - G.C.S.E. English, Maths and Art.
- A full range of Open University courses (O.U.)
with short taster courses (Openings). - Computer Aided Design (C.A.D.) This course is
video conferenced from the North East Institute
and takes approximately 1 year to complete.
50EDUCATION (continued)
- CLAIT This is a 6 week course and covers the
basics in I.T. e.g. Word Processing,
Spreadsheets, Database and PowerPoint. - CLAIT Plus This course takes approximately 6-8
weeks to complete and is more in-depth and
requires clients to have completed CLAIT. - Computer Technicians Course.
- Recreational Education in Pottery, Art and Paint
Magic are also available.
51EDUCATION (continued)
- Full Branch Library Service
- Open Sundays.
- Education students may access Library from Monday
to Friday providing a library officer is
available. - Maximum 4 books.
- To be considered for a City Guilds/NVQ course,
you need to be serving a sentence of at least 6
months. Other accredited courses have no time
restrictions. - Your suitability for courses is assessed during a
comprehensive committal interview and through
testing which is carried out during induction. - You can apply for places in the workshops during
your committal interview, this will be actioned
as part of your resettlement plan.
- Places on courses are allocated by the Labour
Allocation Board who meet weekly. During your
resettlement interview you will be placed on a
waiting list and advised by the Workshop Manager
when a vacancy is likely to arise.
- The Training Workshops offering AQAs, City
Guilds and NVQs are - Bricklaying
- Joinery
- Floor and Wall Tiling
- Painting and Decorating
- Plastering
- Computers - Microsoft Technician Course
- Metal Fabrication and Welding
- Furniture Making
- Industrial Cleaning
- Gardening
55WORK (continued)
- Other areas of work include
- Recycling
- Printing Workshop
- Picture Framing
- Embroidery
- Poppy Assembling
- Grounds Maintenance
- Project Work ( Internal)
- Community Work ( External)
- Paid Employment work ( External )
- Orderlies (Residential areas)Â
- If you are working you are paid a weekly wage
depending on your regime level.
- The Prisoner Development unit, in co-operation
with other departments within the prison,
delivers a range of behavioural and re-settlement
programmes. You will be encouraged to participate
in programmes that are relevant to you. -
- Some of the programmes that are offered are
- Induction (including family induction)
- Drugs Education and awareness
- Basic Substance Awareness
- Vulnerable Prisoner Drug Awareness
- Substance Misuse Information Sessions
- Alcohol Management
- Anger Management
- Sex Offender Treatment Programme
- Barnardos Parenting Matters Programme
- Barnardos Parents on Release Programme
- Barnardos Parents Together
- Talking to Children about Tough Issues (Drugs and
Alcohol) - Motivational Enhancement Group Skills
- Re-settlement Advice Centre
- Pre-release/Discharge Programme
- Art Therapy
- Duke of Edinburghs Award Scheme
- You will be told about these programmes during
your induction programme and when planning your
time in custody. Staff are happy to discuss these
programmes and their relevance to you.
- A variety of sports and physical education are
available in the Gymnasium which is supervised by
fully qualified staff. - Activities include
- Weight training
- Indoor/Outdoor Soccer
- Badminton
- Table-Tennis
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Boxacise
- Athletics
59GYMNASIUM (continued)
- External Awards offered include
- R.E.C. First Aid Awards ABC
- R.E.C. Basic First Aid Award
- R.E.C. Emergency First Aid Award
- R.E.C. HSE First Aid at Work Award
- FOCUS Gym Instructor Award Levels 1 2
- Navigation Award
- Canoe Proficiency 1 Star 2 Star
- Boxacise Award
60GYMNASIUM (continued)
- A time-table for use of the facilities by
different locations is displayed on the notice
board each landing. - Your level of Regime will determine how many
periods of gym you will be allowed in a week.
- This scheme is available in Magilligan and
offers a National Certificate of Recognition. The
award is achieved by taking part in the normal
day to day activities within the prison. - There are three levels of achievement
- Bronze Takes at least six months to achieve
- Silver Takes at least six months to achieve
- Gold Takes at least twelve months to achieve
- For further information on the award ask a
Residential Officer to contact the Prisoner
Development Unit (PDU) on your behalf.
- Visits are an important way for families to stay
in touch, and to help support a person through
their prison sentence. - The visits area of Magilligan has been designed
to create a safe, secure and friendly environment
and a relaxed atmosphere for you and your
visitors. - It has baby changing facilities and a crèche for
younger children which is staffed by NIACRO and
refreshments are available for purchase.
- Entitlement
- Each inmate is entitled to one statutory visit
not less than 30 minutes in duration and three
privilege visits per month. This works out at one
per week. -
- In addition enhanced prisoners are entitled to an
extra visit once per month. This must be taken
- Visits are open Wednesday To Sunday (closed
Monday and Tuesday) - Morning session
- 915 a.m. 1200 a.m.
- Visitors must be in by 1115 a.m.
- Afternoon session
- 215 p.m. 345 p.m.
- Visitors must be in by 315 p.m.
65VISITS (continued)
- A computerised booking system is in operation.
You are given a booking reference number for each
visit which you must pass on, in advance to your
intended visitor. Your visitor should then quote
this number when booking a visit. - Child Centred Visits (CCV) are an opportunity for
the children to have a special visit with their
dad. Children will be allowed to bring in items
from home including homework. Parents or
guardians can also have their lunch together in
the visits area. - Family officers are available to help you and
your family process and organise the CCVs. They
will also be available to discuss any aspect of
Magilligan including concerns or complaints.
66VISITS (continued)
- A visits guidance booklet giving contact details
for the booking office is available from the
booking office in the visits area. - In addition there are closed visit areas
private rooms that are available for
consultations with your solicitor or in
exceptional circumstances (e.g. family problems)
these rooms are available through a request to
the Governor. - Inmates that dont receive visits for whatever
reason (e.g. foreign inmates) may fill out a
Governors 35 request which, if granted, will
entitle them to a proxy parcel a parcel of
clothes that may be posted to the jail.
Clothing and money can be sent in through visits
or sent out through permission obtained by a
Governors Request Form. One paperback book per
visit is permitted through visits and should not
be sent in by post.
68Passive Drug Dog
- Stemming the supply of drugs into prisons means
reducing the opportunities to traffic via visits
and returning from home leave. Passive Drug dogs
are deployed in the following circumstances
within Magilligan. - Visitors to prisoners
- Prisoners returning from Home Leave.
- Compassionate Temporary Release - prisoners
returning - Town Visits - prisoners returning
- Working out - prisoners returning.
- The aims and objectives of the progressive
regime system are to encourage prisoners to - Participate in work
- Address their offending behaviour by
participating in specific behavioural programmes - Act and behave in a mature manner having respect
for staff, facilities, other prisoners and
- There are three regimes, each having its own
level of incentives. They are - Basic
- Standard
- EnhancedÂ
- Generally it will be a residential officer who
will complete reports on your progress within
the prison. These reports are completed weekly
for basic and standard inmates and monthly for
those that are enhanced, they will help determine
your level of regime. There is a requirement for
you to gain positive reports in order to advance
to the next level. These reports are confidential
and can only be viewed on request through a
residential officer.
71REGIMES (continued)
- Negative reports will result in you being moved
to a lower level. A residential officer will
provide you with further information on how these
reports operate. -
- Any member of staff who you come into contact
with may complete a separate report on you. This
report will be considered in deciding your level
of regime. -
- A full detailed list of the incentives for each
regime is available through staff on the landing.
Take time to read this and understand the
differences between the three regimes.
72REGIMES (continued)
- How you are assessed
- Regular reports will be written by a residential
officer. - For Basic and Standard inmates they will be done
on a weekly basis. - For Enhanced inmates, they will be completed
monthly. - Reports will also be written by staff from
outside the residential areas and will be taken
into account for promotion/demotion.
- Fail to demonstrate a satisfactory relationship
with staff and other inmates - Have an unacceptable disciplinary record
- Do not enter into a resettlement plan
- Do not address their offending behaviour
- Make no effort to obtain work resulting in nil
- Have a good relationship with staff and other
inmates - Have an acceptable disciplinary record
- Participate in prison work
- Enter into a resettlement /custody plan
- Address offending behaviour
- Have an excellent relationship with staff and
other inmates - Address their offending behaviour
- Enter into a resettlement plan
- Have a clear disciplinary record for at least 3
months - Participate in prison work
- Pass a voluntary drugs test
- From Basic to Standard
- A minimum of 4 consecutive favourable personal
officer reports with recommendation for promotion - 1 month clear disciplinary record
- Fulfil all other stated criteria for the Standard
regime - From Standard to Enhanced
- A minimum of 8 consecutive favourable personal
officer reports with recommendation for promotion - 3 month clear disciplinary record
- Fulfil all other stated criteria for the Enhanced
- Recommendation to move you to the Enhanced level
must be justified by your continuous exceptional
behaviour - Behaviour will be judged on areas such as
- Conduct
- Personal Hygiene
- Participation in work
- Education
- Programmes
- Attitude towards staff and other prisoners
- It is also a necessity of the Enhanced Regime
that you actively take part in your Resettlement
- From Enhanced to Standard
- 2 adverse reports in any 3 month period
- Fail a Voluntary Drug Test
- Found guilty on adjudication of
- - 1 serious offence
- - 2 lesser offences
- Failure to return from a period of Temporary
Release - Failure to fulfil stated criteria for Enhanced
- From Standard to Basic
- 2 Adverse reports in any 3 month period
- Found Guilty on adjudication of
- -1 serious or
- -2 lesser offences
- Failure to fulfil stated criteria for Standard
- You will be informed of the general content of
each report, particularly adverse reports. - This will allow you the opportunity to improve
your behaviour and if necessary comment on any
report. - You are entitled to know the reasons for a change
in your regime. - You will have the opportunity to comment on any
report in writing using a letter sheet. These
comments do not represent a formal complaint,
merely the chance for a balanced view on each
- The Progressive Regime System will affect all
inmates at H.M.P Magilligan and your regime level
may be altered if you are found guilty as a
result of a Governors adjudication. - If you are found guilty the Residential Principal
Officer will consider whether it is a serious or
lesser offence. - 1 serious or 2 lesser offences will result in you
being placed on a lower regime. - Inmates found guilty of a particularly serious
offence may be reduced to Basic regime. - For progressive regime assessment a first charge
for a lesser offence will not usually be
considered after a period of 6 months.
- A full list of the offences can be obtained from
a residential officer on your wing. - Please note, these are for general guidance only
and the categories of serious or lesser offences
may alter to reflect the severity or
circumstances surrounding the offence.
- You may appeal a decision in writing to the
Residential Governor using the regime appeal form
within 7 days of the date of the decision. - The Residential Governor will hear the appeal and
reach a decision within 7 days of the appeal
being lodged.
- All inmates facing disciplinary charges are
given time to prepare their case. All
adjudication hearings are always properly written
out and recorded. - Findings and punishments are made fairly and
consistently on the evidence available and
mitigating circumstances are considered.
86ADJUDICATIONS (continued)
- Adjudication awards that could be given are
- Stoppage of earnings for a period from 28 days to
56 days - Stoppage of any or all privileges other than
earnings from 28 days to 42 days - Exclusion from associated work for a period not
exceeding 14 days - Cellular confinement from 3 days to 14 days
- Policy Statement
- HMP Magilligan will not tolerate bullying or
intimidation. -
- What is Bullying?
- Bullying is conduct motivated by desire to hurt,
threaten or frighten someone and may take various
forms- - Assault (including sexual)
- Verbal abuse
- Forcing others to hand over possessions
88ANTI-BULLYING (continued)
- Why do people Bully?
- To have power over others
- To relieve boredom
- To achieve material gain
- To boost credibility
- Because they think its acceptable in prison
- For fun
89ANTI-BULLYING (continued)
- Symptoms of bullying
- Are you in fear of other inmates
- Are you being pressurised
- Are you in debt
- Are you being forced to hand over property under
threat of violence - If the answer to any of the above is YES than
you are being bullied
90ANTI-BULLYING (continued)
- What can you do?
- Tell someone a friend or a member of staff
- Trust someone you will be listened to
- Dont keep it a secret this is what bullies
want - Never lend or borrow anything whilst in custody
- Do not let yourself be pressurised into doing
something you know to be wrong - Do not have excessive amounts in your IPC
91ANTI-BULLYING (continued)
- The penalties for Bullying will be heavy and may
include - Being charged under Prison Rules
- Being removed to the S.S.U.
- Refusal of home leave
- Being demoted in Regime level
- De-selection from Foyleview
- Searches are a fact of prison life and are
carried out in the interests of inmate and staff
safety and general prison security. They can be
carried out at any time and may include a full
search and any property you have.
- The prison officers will inform you that they
will be carrying out a full search and will
explain the procedure. - You will be asked if you have any prohibited
articles to declare. - The top half of your clothing and footwear will
be carefully examined. Then the top half of your
body is checked to ensure that nothing of a
prohibited nature is concealed. - One item of upper clothing will be handed back
for the top half of your body. - You may also be asked to open your mouth for
visual inspection. - All the clothing from the lower half of your body
will be carefully examined and the lower half of
your body checked. - The searched clothing will be handed back in
order for you to re-dress.
94BODY SEARCHES (continued)
- If you refuse a full body search and cannot be
persuaded to co-operate the prison officers will
inform you that you must be searched. - Unauthorised/Prohibited items will be removed and
the matter will be reported to the Governor and
inmates are likely to be placed on report.
- A cell search can be carried out at any time and
the cell does not have to be occupied at that
time. - On your return to your cell, if you have any
complaints, you should contact a residential
officer. - You are responsible and accountable for all items
in your cell. Unauthorised/Prohibited items will
be removed and the matter will be reported to the
Governor and inmates are likely to be placed on
- Temporary Release page 97-103
- Home Leave page 104
- During your stay in prison you may be granted
periods of temporary release. - One of the conditions of this release is that
you return to the prison at the agreed time. If
you fail to return on time you will become
unlawfully at large. The PSNI will be informed
and you be liable to arrest. Also your details
will be posted on the Northern Ireland Prison
Service website and may be publicised.
- Home leave is an earned privilege available to
all sentenced inmates, but there is no guarantee
that you will automatically be granted leave or
receive the full quota of leave. - Each application will be considered on its
individual merits.
- You may be temporarily released on leave for the
purpose of - Medical treatment
- Engaging in Employment
- Training/Education
- Resettlement
- Assisting in the transition from prison to
outside life
- Factors which will affect your eligibility
- Your risk assessment
- Your behaviour
- Where you will stay during your home leave
- Will there be family support
- Are you addressing your offending behaviour
- Will victims need to be informed
- You can request form HL 1 from a residential
officer - All applications must be made 4 weeks prior to
the date applied for Schedule 1 offenders 6
weeks. - Do not apply to go out or return on dates that
fall on bank holidays or weekends. - The full quota of home leave and resettlement
leave, cannot be taken in a single period. - Leave will be of 2 days duration and subsequent
periods of no greater than 3 days duration.
- Leave should be used constructively throughout
the eligibility period to complete resettlement
and integration with the family - If you are in continuous custody for more than 2
years you must retain at least 2 days home leave
to be taken in the last month before discharge - Resettlement leave may only be used for
resettlement purposes - Home leave and resettlement leave can, where
appropriate, be combined, but the period of
release must not exceed 5 days
- Qualification and applications
- A circular is normally issued around the
beginning of November with the criteria. These
will include your having successfully completed
at least two days home leave. Town visits do not
- Emergency Fire Procedures pages 106
- Property Allowance pages 107- 111
- Smoking Policy pages 112- 115
- Earnings pages 117- 119
- Tuck-Shop pages 120- 122
- IPC Codes pages 123
- Food pages 124- 125
- Benefits pages 126 - 130
- Telephone pages 131- 133
- Letters pages 134 - 135
- Video-Link pages 136 - 137
- Probation pages 138 143
- Prisoner Development Unit (PDU) page 144
- Independent Monitoring Board page 145
- Requests and Complaints pages 146
- The Samaritans page 147
- Listener Scheme
page3 148 - 151 - Suicide Awareness pages 152 - 153
- Northlands pages 154 - 156
- There is an established evacuation procedure in
the event of a fire which you should be familiar
with. In the event of a fire follow staff
instructions. If you discover a fire you should
report it immediately to a member of staff. - Â If a prisoner is found to have caused a fire
this will lead to a criminal prosecution. - For more information see Fire Awareness on pages
- Anything hooded
- Woollen Hats
- Anything black/navy of pure colour (e.g. pure
black/navy bottoms or jumpers) - Jumpers/bottoms with a logo/stripe down the side
will be permitted
- Do not give any items of clothing away or dispose
of any on the wing. Send all unwanted items to
your rack in Reception for storage or to be
destroyed (this excludes socks and boxers) . - Property that comes in through visits goes to
reception for checking and then should go to the
block the next day (if entitled). Generally no
parcels sent by post are accepted, although an
exception may be made for inmates not receiving
visits. - Radios, music systems, etc No microphones. The
Works Department check items for safety and then
seal them. This takes approximately 1 week. Do
not remove or tamper with the seals.
- A total of 25 CDs, tapes and Playstation games
will be allowed. These will not be allowed in
through visits, but can be purchased through the
tuck shop - No tobacco, cigarettes, fruit or food are allowed
to be brought back from Home Leave. - When you are time served you must bring your
quilt, flask, etc. to reception with you. - When going to Reception to be discharged for home
leave take a full set of clothing (including
underwear and shoes) to leave in Reception for
changing into on your return. The clothes you
return in will then be checked and returned to
you the following Wednesday.
- You should not normally bring items back from
either the workshops or the classrooms to their
cell. Exceptions may be made for study books and
audio CDs and tapes associated with a course, but
permission must be sought in advance from a
member of staff. Inmates working on computers are
not allowed to bring floppy disks or CDs back to
their cell without permission.
- Magilligan does not ban smoking, but recognises
the need to protect non-smokers from the effects
of second hand smoke (passive smoking). - There are smoking and non-smoking parts of the
prison which are clearly identified. If you are
in doubt ask a member of staff.
- Any area where there is a health, hygiene or
safety issue e.g. kitchen area - All communal areas
- All parts of inmate accommodation (except
individual cells and the designated smoking
room) - All prison vehicles
- To and from court appearances
- All staff and inmates are encouraged to comply
with this policy for the health of everyone
within the prison. Failure to do so may result
in disciplinary action.
- Any inmate who wishes to stop smoking may request
assistance either by contacting their Residential
Officer, healthcare nurse or by asking on the
Induction Programme. - Â
- Smoking cessation classes are available on a
first come first served basis.
- Smoking is still the greatest cause of
preventable illness and premature death in
Northern Ireland, with smoking related illnesses
claiming 3,000 lives every year. - The new smoke free legislation was introduced at
the end of April 2007. - From the 30th April 2007, you are only permitted
to smoke in your cell (provided you do not share
the cell with someone else).
116SMOKING (continued)
- The Prison Service will try, as far as possible,
to double-up smokers. If two smokers share a cell
then they will be able to smoke in that cell. - Smoking will not be permitted in dormitories.
- If you share a cell with a smoker and you ask the
person to stop smoking and they refuse then speak
to your Class Officer. - Smoking cessation groups are run within
Magilligan and nicotine replacement therapy is
funded for those who attend the class.
- On arrival at the prison you will be allocated an
account for your personal cash. Money, in the
form of cheques or postal orders made payable to
The Governor, can be sent to the prison and
will be credited to your account. With the
senders name and prison number of the inmate on
the back of the cheque. - Cash should not be sent through the post but can
be deposited by visitors at Visits Reception. - There is a limit of 500 on inmates IPC.
- To check your account you can request a printout
which is similar to a bank statement. There is a
1 fee for this service.
- The table below gives a summary of earnings
119EARNINGS (continued)
- Examples
- A inmate who works 7 sessions on the Basic Regime
level will receive only the flat wage of 6.00
(1060p) - A working inmate on the Standard Regime level
will receive the weekly wage of 6.00 (1060p)
plus the 5.00 incentive payment, giving a total
of 11.00 - A working inmate on Enhanced Regime level will
receive the flat rate of 6.00 (1060p) plus
14.00 (101.40) incentive payment, giving a
total of 20.00
- Tobacco, toiletries, confectionary, etc. can be
purchased from the Prison Tuck-Shop. - To place an order you must complete a tuck-shop
form which will be given to you by residential
staff on a Friday and returned first thing on
Saturday morning. Tuck-shop is then issued on the
following days - H1 Tuesday
- H2 - Thursday
- H3 Alpha Wednesday
- Sperrin Friday
- Foyleview Friday
121TUCK-SHOP (continued)
- A mandate form needs to be obtained from the
class office in order to purchase items not on
the tuck-shop form. This form gives your
authorisation for money to be taken from your
I.P.C. to pay for the ordered item. - Inmates must have sufficient money in their
I.P.C. at the time of ordering to cover the cost
of the item they wish to order. - The completed mandate form should be handed in to
the Class Officer. - All non tuck-shop form items require security
clearance before they can be purchased on your
122TUCK-SHOP (continued)
- The form lists what is available and the price.
- Â
- Your level of regime will determine how much you
can spend in the tuck-shop each week -
- Basic 20 earnings
- Standard 30 earnings
- Enhanced 50 earnings
- EI - Earnings in GRO - Grant out
- MCI - Mandate charge in MO - Misc. out
- MI - Misc. in OPT - Optician fees
- NIO - PC2 Claim paid PO - Post out
- PMO - Purchase mandate out PC1 - PC1 Claim paid
- RI - Reception in VO - Visit out
- TI - Transfer in TO - Transfer out
- VI - Visit in TSO - Tuck-Shop
- PI - Post in TXO - Extra shop
- A multi-choice menu system operates in
Magilligan. - This menu will be displayed on the notice board
of your landing for you to choose from. You must
ask a Residential Officer for a meal order sheet
on which you can record your choice of meals for
the next three weeks. The completed meal order
form must be given to a Residential Officer by
the following Friday. Changes to your menu can be
made through the Class Office.
125FOOD (continued)
- If you require a special diet, for medical,
religious or other reasons, this can be arranged
for you and you should speak to your Residential
Officer at the earliest opportunity. - You are required to maintain a high standard of
hygiene and keep your cutlery and utensils clean.
- How custody affects your claim
- Once in legal custody, you do not qualify for the
Jobseekers Allowance. - This takes place from day of committal until the
day before release. - Partners can contact their local office to make a
lone claim. - On release an appointment should be made to make
a fresh claim.
127BENEFITS (continued)
- Any changes in circumstances should be passed to
claim office as soon as possible. - When in custody, Income Support is suspended.
- Partners can claim Income Support, they must,
however, meet normal conditions - On release, you should make an appointment for a
fresh claim.
128BENEFITS (continued)
- Once in legal custody, you are disqualified from
Incapacity Benefit. - This takes place from day of committal until day
before release. - When a decision is made to stop benefits, you
will be notified by letter.
129BENEFITS (continued)
- When given a custodial sentence, your claim may
remain but payment will stop whilst in custody - If renewal is required whilst in custody, a
letter will be sent to the Prison - On release, a decision will be taken about
reinstating the claim.
130BENEFITS (continued)
- If in custody for more than 4 weeks, a claim will
be disallowed, this is considered a permanent
break in care. - On release, a fresh claim should be made.
- If you need to tell your family of your
whereabouts on arrival at Magilligan, a member of
staff will call them on your behalf. The
following list of numbers have been added on your
phone list - All these calls are confidential and cannot be
monitored - Confidential Services Phone Numbers
- Gamblers Anonymous 028 71 351 329
- Alcoholics Anonymous 028 90 434 848
- Child Death Help line 0800 282 986
- Crime stoppers 0800 555 111
- Police Confidential line 0800 666 999
132TELEPHONE (continued)
- More Confidential Numbers
- National Drugs Help line 0800 776 600
- Solvent Abuse Help line 0800 800 2345
- Relate Marriage Guidance 0845 130 4010
- Gam Care 0845 600 0133
- Samaritans 0845 790 9090
- Northlands 028 77 750 647
- Your personal phone numbers will have been
automatically placed on the system in Magilligan
by the time you arrive further numbers may be
changed/added by asking a residential officer for
a number sheet. - Your personal calls may be monitored!
133TELEPHONE (continued)
- Further telephone numbers may be added by asking
a Residential Officer for a number amendment
sheet. - If you have not already been issued with a pin
number one will be given to you. This is
confidential and you are not to show it to other
inmates. - A phone credit order sheet will be on the
landing from Saturday, this must be filled in by
Monday at 9.30. The phone credit will be placed
on the system on Wednesday at 12.30.
- You have been provided with writing paper and
envelopes in your committal pack. You are
entitled for your first letter on committal to be
posted free of charge and then two free lette