Title: Lab 27 Goals and Objectives:
1Lab 27 Goals and Objectives NO MADACIDE NO
HAND WASHING before 3538!!! Exercise 33
Lethal Effect of UV Light Score plates (, ,
, -) for growth using control side of each plate
as for comparison record on class
sheet Exercise 35 Effectiveness of Alcohol as an
Antiseptic Each person do, follow supplemental
packet directions p.113 Exercise 38
Effectiveness of Hand Scrubbing Four groups
total each group elect a scrubber and scrubber
assistant, Others do plating Use solid
pre-poured plates, plate using flame
sterilized spreader, 10 plates per group 1
tap water control (0.4ml), 3 basin A (0.1ml,
0.2ml, 0.4ml) 3 basin B (0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml),
3 basin C (0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml) Exercise 36
Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing Four groups
each test all 8 antibiotics against two organisms
(assigned), two plates per organism, 4 discs
per plate. Exercise 37 Evaluation of
Antiseptics Each try five agents against both
organisms S. aureus P. aeruginosa SAME five
agents for both to compare Gram pos. vs. neg.
2Replacement Directions for Exercise 35
Effectiveness of Alcohol as an Antiseptic
Supp. page 125
Divide plate into 6 wedges
A left/non-dominant thumb dirty B
left/non-dominant thumb again (how many
microbes removed just by touching agar?) C
right/dominant thumb dirty D right/dominant
thumb dipped in alcohol and allowed to dry (how
many microbes removed/killed by alcohol dip? E
right/dominant index finger F right/dominant
index finger wiped with alcohol swab (how many
microbes removed/killed by swabbing with alcohol?)
3Fig. 38.1
Stop at step 5 while you still have skin!
410 plates total 1 tap water control (0.4ml),
3 basin A (0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml) 3 basin B
(0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml) 3 basin C (0.1ml, 0.2ml,
5Exercise 36 2 plates each organism, 4 discs per
plate Each organism gets tested against 8
different antibiotics Group 1 Staphylococcus
aureus Escherichia coli Group 2
Staphylococcus aureus Proteus vulgaris Group
3 Proteus vulgaris Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Group 4 Escherichia coli Pseudomonas
6Lab 27 Goals and Objectives NO MADACIDE NO
HAND WASHING before 3538!!! Exercise 33
Lethal Effect of UV Light Score plates (, ,
, -) for growth using control side of each plate
as for comparison record on class
sheet Exercise 35 Effectiveness of Alcohol as an
Antiseptic Each person do, follow supplemental
packet directions p.113 Exercise 38
Effectiveness of Hand Scrubbing Four groups
total each group elect a scrubber and scrubber
assistant, Others do plating Use solid
pre-poured plates, plate using flame
sterilized spreader, 10 plates per group 1
tap water control (0.4ml), 3 basin A (0.1ml,
0.2ml, 0.4ml) 3 basin B (0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml),
3 basin C (0.1ml, 0.2ml, 0.4ml) Exercise 36
Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing Four groups
each test all 8 antibiotics against two organisms
(assigned), two plates per organism, 4 discs
per plate. Exercise 37 Evaluation of
Antiseptics Each try five agents against both
organisms S. aureus P. aeruginosa SAME five
agents for both to compare Gram pos. vs. neg.