Title: Petroleum Industry Management
1Petroleum Industry Management
- By Lauren Brian
- Natasha Gerstenschlager
- Zack Spears
- Jason McClenney
2Petroleum Industry Management
- Equations obtained from first situation
- 20m14m2 4m3 5,000 gallons of motor oil
- 10d1 14d25d3 8,500 gallons of diesel oil
- 5g1 5g2 12g3 10,000 gallons of gasoline
3Petroleum Industry Management
- Barrels of crude oil given to each factory to
meet demand - Factory 1 gets 49 barrels of crude oil
- Factory 2 gets 331 barrels of crude oil
- Factory 3 gets 675 barrels of crude oil
4Petroleum Industry Management
- Solution to doubled demand for all products
5Petroleum Industry Management
- Factory 1 gets 98 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 2 gets 663 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 3 gets 1350 barrels of crude oil.
- This solution is proportionally the same as the
original, and because we doubled the factors, the
solution will also double.
6Petroleum Industry Management
- New distributors demand is 2000 gallons of motor
oil, 4000 gallons of gasoline, and 4000 gallons
of diesel oil. -
7Petroleum Industry Management
- Factory 1 gets 13 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 2 gets 188 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 3 gets 250 barrels of crude oil.
- Any other solutions?
8Petroleum Industry Management
- Amount of crude oil needed for each factory to
meet demand of both groups of distributors. -
9Petroleum Industry Management
- Factory 1 gets 62 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 2 gets 519 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 3 gets 925 barrels of crude oil.
- This result is simply the addition of the
previous results obtained.
10Petroleum Industry Management
- Variation of 3 coefficients computer solution
11Petroleum Industry Management
- Shut down of factory 3 and companies ability to
meet demand -
- The back substitution produces and inconsistent
system. - The shut down of factory 3 makes meeting demand
12Petroleum Industry Management
- For now, the company should cut production to
original supply of - Factory 1 gets 49 barrels of crude oil.
- Factory 2 gets 331 barrels of crude oil.
13Petroleum Industry Management
- Addition of 4th factory identical to factory 3
- The new factory 4 provides ultimate flexibility
and allows for infinite many solutions.
14Petroleum Industry Management
- Supply of paraffin available to candle company
daily - Factory 1 provides 3 gallons of paraffin for each
of the 49 barrels of crude oil used daily. - Factory 2 provides 5 gallons of paraffin for each
of the 331 barrels of crude oil used daily. - Factory 3 provides 2 gallons of paraffin for each
of the 675 barrels of crude oil used daily. - Total 3,152 gallons of paraffin daily
15Petroleum Industry Management
- Production capability in absence of factory 1
- Back substitution produces an inconsistent
system. - Therefore it is impossible for the company to
meet the demand with only factory 2 and factory 3.
16Petroleum Industry Management
- Effect of factory 4 in absence of factory 1 to
meet demand -
- Back substitution produces an inconsistent system.
17Petroleum Industry Management
- Since factory 4 is identical to factory 3, it has
no effect in meeting demand. - Therefore, it is impossible for the company to
meet the demand with factory 4 in absence of
factory 1.