Title: The University of Akron
1The University of Akron
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 (FERPA) (also known as the Buckley
3Michael D. Sermersheim
- Associate Vice President and Deputy General
Counsel - The University of Akron
- Office of General Counsel
- sermersheim_at_uakron.edu
- http//www.uakron.edu/ogc
Some ideas, examples, and quotations used in this
presentation are generated from the outstanding
Catholic University of Americas Office of
General Counsel website found at http//counsel.c
ua.edu/Ferpa/Questions.htm We commend their fine
effort. Additional quotations are used from the
dynamic interview of LeRoy S. Rooker, Director,
Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Dept. of
Education at the April 15, 1991 Annual Meeting of
the American Association of Collegiate Registrars
and Admissions Officers.
5FERPA provides specific rights to the student
- Inspect and review education his or her records
6- Exercise control (with some limitations) over
disclosures of information contained in his or
her education records - Seek to correct those records, in a hearing if
necessary, when he or she believes the records
are inaccurate or misleading - Consent to disclosure of his/her records
7- Report any violations of FERPA to the FERPA
Office in Washington - In all instances, be informed about his or her
FERPA rights
8What is a student educational record?
- any record (in handwriting, print, tape, film,
or maintained on any other medium) maintained by
the university, an employee of the university, or
an agent of the university, which is directly
related to a student
9UA Policy - 3359-11-08 Policies and procedure for
student records
10UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- Exceptions
- University officials with legitimate educational
11UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- Officials of another school, upon written request
of student
12UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- officials of the u.s. department of education,
the comptroller general, and state and local
educational authorities, in connection with
certain state or federally supported education
13UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- In connection with a student's request for or
receipt of financial aid as necessary to
determine the eligibility, amount or condition of
the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and
conditions of the aid
14UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- If required by any Ohio law requiring disclosure
that was adopted before November 19,1974
15UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- To organizations conducting certain studies for
or on behalf of the university
16UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- To accrediting organizations to carry out their
17UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- To parents of an eligible student who claim the
student as a dependent for income tax purposes
18UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully
issued subpoena
19UA Policy prohibits release of student
educational information without consent
- To appropriate parties in a health or safety
emergency - Directory information so designated by the
university - The result of any disciplinary proceeding
conducted by the university against an alleged
perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged
victim of the crime upon request
20The medium for storage media is not
pertinent.Student educational records include
- Information on a computer monitor
- Registrar's documents
- Class lists
- Printouts in an office
- Academic advisors notes
21FERPA rules, DO NOT
- Use Social Security Numbers of students in public
grade posting - Link students names with their social security
number (except official business) - Leave stacks of student records unattended so as
to allow sorting through the papers by others
22- circulate printed class lists with student names,
social security number or grades as an attendance
roster - discuss the progress of any student with anyone
other than the student (including parents)
without the consent of the student - provide anyone with lists of students enrolled in
classes for any commercial purpose - provide anyone with student schedules or assist
anyone other than university employees in finding
a student on campus
23Ferpa Coordinator
- The university official charged with
responsibility for administering this policy is
called the FERPA coordinator. - Students who have problems or questions related
to this policy should contact the FERPA
coordinator for help.
24FERPA Person
25Some Common questions considered by FERPA
- When a student requests to see their records,
what are examples of records they may view under
FERPA? - Academic records
- Disciplinary records
- Official record in Deans office
- Faculty letters relating to the student to a Dean
- Letters of recommendation the student has not
waived the right to view
26More Ferpa Coordinator Questions
- During a university investigation, are responses
by students defined as education records under
- If the investigation is conducted by a campus
police department and the purpose is law
enforcement, not the pursuit of internal
university discipline, the records are not
education records under FERPA. - Students who wish to inspect and review their
education records should submit a written request
to the FERPA coordinator
27More questions
- Are student assignments considered education
records by FERPA? - Yes, the following, if they reveal the identity
of the student, are education records - written exams
- papers
- An institution cannot disclose or publish a
students work without prior consent, in writing
28Procedure to correct student record
- Encourage custodian to correct
- Provide written statement about incorrect record
(inaccurate, misleading, invasion of privacy or
other rights) must be signed and dated. - Review by FERPA Coordinator
29Decision made by President or designee
- President instructs FERPA coordinator whether
record should be changed - If the decision is to change the record, the
FERPA coordinator will advise the custodian to
make the change. - The custodian will then advise the requestor in
writing when the record has been changed and
invite the requestor to inspect the corrected
30If decision is not to change record, University
- Notify the requestor of its decision.
- Provide a copy of summary of evidence considered
and a written statement of the reasons for the
university's decision. - Advise student about placing in the record his or
her explanatory statement giving any reasons he
or she may have for disagreeing with the
university's decision and the basis for his or
her belief that the record is incorrect. - Give notice that he or she may request a hearing.
31What is a Public Record?
- Types, Form, and Possession by Public and
Non-Public entities - A public record is any record held by a public
office. - Any item that is stored on a fixed medium,
including - paper
- computer
- film
- disk
- May be
- drafts
- notes
AND is created, received, or sent under the
jurisdiction of a public office and documents the
organization, functions, policies, decisions,
procedures, operations, or other activities of
the office.
32Some highlights about public records
Right to prompt inspection of public records and,
upon request, copies of public records within a
reasonable period of time. A public office may
charge its actual costs for copying public
records or providing records in a medium other
than paper form. A public office does not have to
permit a requestor the ability to make his/her
own copies. A public office may not calculate
employee time into its charge for copying a
public record. A public office must allow
inspection of public records within established
business hours.
- Fake federal agents
- Casual conversations in public settings
- Release of more information than is requested
- Others who have an official cloak but no
34To Do and Not To Do
- DO review a copy of the student records policy
before responding to a request for education
records. - DO NOT release directory information on a student
without checking to see whether the information
has been flagged for non-release. - DO refer all subpoenas or IRS summons or other
legal process requests for education records to
the Office of General Counsel.
35To Do and Not To Do - 2
- DO obtain written permission from the student
before sharing educational record, including
grades and grade point averages, with parents or
others outside the university. (Exception a
parent with proof of support) - DO NOT request student information, or access the
students file by computer, unless you have a
legitimate educational interest and are
authorized to access the information.
36To Do and Not To Do - 3
- DO follow confidentiality provisions of FERPA by
not sharing education records information with
colleagues unless a legitimate educational
interest exists - DO NOT release information about a student
disciplinary matter without conferring with the
Office of General Counsel or the FERPA
37Future Issues
- Directory information and its release - consent
strategies and data sensitivity. - Will private right of action become a reality?
38Future Issues
- Digital signatures Emergency Data Archiving
Issues Numerical Identifiers Authentication - Data Accuracy in a Distributed Environment
Review of Transactional Data - Information Security, Integrity, and
39Principle of Education
- Administrators who handle arbitration of
computer abuse incidents on college campuses have
long recognized that more harm is done through
ignorance about information technology than
through a motivation to harm.
40Education, then, becomes a practical matter for
the institution, if not an ethical matter
- Such education regarding the privacy of
student information in a networked environment
means systematic instruction by the college or
university to enable students to understand fully
their privacy rights and the potential
implications of uses and misuses of information
41Education Considerations
- Assessment of educational needs
- Timing
- Dissemination vehicles
- Educating faculty and staff
42Examples of the Principle of Education
- Lesser education
- The institution provides required notification
about students right to privacy in compliance
with FERPA, probably through the student handbook
or campus newspaper, but does not educate
students further - The institution does not systematically attempt
to educate faculty, staff, or administrators in
legal or ethical privacy considerations.
43Examples continued
- Greater Application
- The institution has developed an institutional
process and delivers both a formal and informal
instructional program that educates the entire
community (not just students) about policies on
privacy and the potential uses and abuses of
technology in this regard. - The institution assumes the responsibility for
assessing the effectiveness of this