WRAP Emission Inventory Status - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WRAP Emission Inventory Status


WRAP Emission Inventory Status. For the Attribution of Haze Project Workgroup ... Emissions were estimated for the average weekday in each of the 4 seasons ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: WRAP Emission Inventory Status

WRAP Emission Inventory Status
  • For the Attribution of Haze Project Workgroup
  • Presented by Jeffrey Stocum
  • Oregon DEQ Emissions Inventory Specialist
  • as a representative of the
  • WRAP Emissions Forum
  • March 29th 2004

Available EIs
  • WRAP Interim 2002 Point and Area Source Emissions
    Estimates prepared by E.H. Pechan
  • Mobile Sources Emission Inventory prepared by
  • Dust Emission Inventory prepared by Environ

Interim 2002 EI
  • Often referred to as the like 2002 EI
  • This EI is a Point and Area Source inventory for
    criteria pollutants
  • The official 2002 EIs submitted to EPA and then
    to WRAP by the states will not be available until
    fall 2004.
  • Too late for this AOH project

Interim 2002 EI cont
  • These official 2002 EIs will be input into the
    Emissions Data Management System (EDMS) between
    June 2004 and Sept 2004 when the EDMS is
    scheduled to become operational
  • Currently the EDMS project is in the comment
    period concerning the Hardware and Software
    Development Plan

Point Sources
  • Began with Ver. 3 of the 1996 WRAP point source
  • Electricity Generating Units (EGUs) emissions are
    based on 2002 Emissions Tracking
    System/Continuous Emissions Monitoring (ETS/CEM)
    and 2002 EIA-767 estimates for large plants that
    submit to that system
  • Copper smelters in Arizona and New Mexico
    provided 2002 SO2 emissions

Point Sources Cont
  • Non-smelter, non utility sources (i.e. everything
    else) were projected to 2002 using growth factors
    and Integrated Assessment System (IAS) model
  • But
  • The 100 largest SO2 facilities estimates were
    replaced using 2000 facility level estimates
    submitted by the states gleaned from the Pechan
    milestone report

Area Sources
  • Doesnt include mobile and fire sources ag.
    burning, wildfire, or prescribed burning which
    were covered by other projects
  • Have been projected from the 1999 NEI Version 3
  • E.H. Pechan used the Economic Growth Analysis
    System (EGAS) 4.0 to provide growth factors to
    produce a 2002 inventory

Environ Mobile EI
  • Emissions were estimated for the 1996 base year
    and for four future years- 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018
  • Thus the 2003 year will be combined with the
    Interim 2002 Point and Area EI
  • The Mobile Sources EI covered
  • On Road Mobile
  • Off Road Mobile
  • Road Dust Emissions

Mobile EI cont
  • Emissions were estimated for the average weekday
    in each of the 4 seasons
  • Pollutants PM10, PM2.5, NOX, SOX, VOC, CO, NH3,
    SO4, OC and EC
  • CARB supplied Californias county level Mobile EI
    using EMFAC2000 and OFFROAD

On Road Mobile Sources
  • Vehicle classes broken into light duty (passenger
    cars, motorcycles, and trucks lt8500 lbs) and
    heavy duty vehicles
  • Separated gasoline and diesel
  • Emissions estimated by type of roadway
  • Rural/Urban
  • Interstate, Principal Arterial, Minor arterial,
    Major collector, Minor Collector, Local

On Road Mobile Sources cont
  • Utilized EPA MOBILE6
  • Many default inputs were updated by various
  • RVP, vehicle registrations, temperatures, I/M
  • EPA PART5 used for particulates
  • There were many modifications made that are
    detailed in the report

On Road Mobile Sources cont
  • March 2001 M6 draft version used for the 1996
    year EI
  • Activity is Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
  • From National Emissions Trends (NET) ver. 3
  • At the county and SCC level (vehicle type and
    roadway type)
  • Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada,
    Washington provided updated VMT

On Road Mobile Sources cont
On Road Mobile Future Years
  • Sept 2001 M6 draft version used for all future
    years (03, 08, 13)
  • VMT Projection
  • Accomplished through the use of VMT growth
    factors developed from EPAs Heavy Duty Vehicle
  • Utilized all updated MOBILE6 information that was
    received from the states

On Road Mobile Future Years cont
Off Road Mobile Sources
  • Covers the off road sources such as
  • Railroads
  • Aircraft
  • Agricultural equipment
  • Lawn and garden equipment
  • Recreational marine vessels and personal
  • Construction equipment
  • Airport ground service equipment
  • Commercial marine vessels

Off Road Mobile Sources cont
  • Utilized NONROAD 2000 Model for the 1996 base
    year and the NONROAD 2002 model for the 03, 08,
    13 and 18
  • Commercial marine, locomotives, aircraft are not
    included in the NONROAD model and are estimated
    using traditional NEI methods

Off Road Mobile Sources cont
  • Commercial Marine
  • Within 25 miles of the coastline
  • Coos Bay -OR, Columbia River Ports, Puget Sound
    ports, Snake River barging
  • Emissions ? LF EF Ship Power Time
  • CARB provided California Emissions

Off Road Mobile Sources cont
  • Locomotives
  • 1996 NET Fuel use EFs
  • Aircraft
  • Utilized FAA Emissions and Dispersion Modeling
    System (EDMS)
  • _at_ 9 large hubs
  • Applied to smaller airport aircraft traffic
    throughout 12 WRAP states
  • CARB supplied CA aircraft emissions

Off Road Mobile Future Years
  • The growth factors used in the EPA NONROAD2002
    model were deemed too large for projections

Off Road Mobile Future Years cont
  • ENVIRON developed state level growth factors so
    that state to state growth factors could be taken
    into account for estimating future year emissions

Road Dust
  • Paved and Unpaved portions
  • Original 1996 EI from National Emissions Trends
    (NET 96)
  • When the initial 2018 work was completed for
    modeling it was determined that there were too
    many inconsistencies resulting in sharp changes
    in emissions at county (artificial) boundaries

Road Dust cont
Road Dust cont
  • Old 96 inventory was adjusted-
  • Paved road reentrained road dust from PART5
  • Unpaved based on EPAs AP-42 road dust emission
    equation with adjustments
  • Revisions to State Average Silt Content
  • Revisions to Average Daily Traffic Volume (ADTV)
  • Application of Transport Fractions (Pace 2002)

Road Dust cont
Road Dust cont
Road Dust cont
  • Paved road dust emissions increase by about three
    percent/year from 1996 to 2018
  • Unpaved road dust emissions are projected to
    decrease between 1996 and 2018, by about 0.75
    per year
  • Overall road dust PM10 emissions increase by
    about 6 from 1996 to 2018.

  • Attribution of Haze Emission Inventories
  • We have
  • Interim 2002 Point and Area source EI grown from
    1996 (Point) and 1999 (Area)
  • 2003 On Road Mobile EI
  • 2003 Off Road Mobile EI
  • Any year Road Dust EI based on extrapolation
    between 1996 and 2018
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