Title: Ecological networks in Europe an overview
1Ecological networks in Europe- an overview -
2Introduction the ecological network concept
- counteract fragmentation
- conservation of core areas
- buffering
- maintaining and establishing ecological
connectivity - tool for ecological design and planning
- tool for interaction with other land uses
3Different approaches in designing ecological
networks in Europe
- Eco-stabilizing approach Estonia, Lithuania
- - focus on communities and species assemblages
- aims at maintaining a coherent spatial structure
of interconnected ecosystems - Bio-ecological approach Western Europe
- targeted species recovery or habitat restoration
- more process-oriented than the eco-stabilizing
approach - Greenways approach USA, Russia, Czech Republic
- open natural or semi-natural areas around urban
areas - providing easy access to nature for citizens
4Elements of ecological networks
- It is a simple system,
- consisting of
- core areas
- buffer zones
- corridors
- restoration areas
5A typology of corridors
Line Corridor
Line Corridor with nodes
Stepping stone corridor
Landscape corridor
6Ecological Networks Current programmes
- Applied at all scales from local to
supracontinental - Over 150 ecological network programmes worldwide
- Over 50 ecological network programmes in Europe
- Many in planning stage
7Networks under development in Europe
- International level
- - Emerald Network
- - Natura 2000 Network
- - Pan European Ecological Network
- - ECONET-CA/Eco-Region projects in CCA
- - Green Corridor Network
- National level national ecological networks,
wider countryside approach in UK and Ireland - Regional level and trans-boundary networks
8The Emerald Networks
Natura 2000 Networks
- Network of protected areas
- 1989 Recommendation No 16, 1996 Resolution No 3
on a network of Areas of Special Conservation
Interest (ASCIs) of Bern Convention (1979) (CoE)
soft law - Pan-European scale (47)Africa (4)
- Designated ASCI sites coherent with Natura
network in EU states - Aims at protecting
- - Habitats of wild flora and fauna species
(listed under Annex 2) - - Endangered natural habitats
- - Areas of importance for migratory species
- Pilot projects are to be carried out
- Encourages corridors
- Network of protected areas
- EU Bird directive (1979) Special Protection Areas
(SPAs) - 1992 EU Habitats Directive coherent European
ecological network of Special Areas of
Conservation Annex I (habitats) and II (species)
(SACs) - obligatory, legally binding - SPAsSACs
- 25 EU member states
- Aims at protecting
- - Habitats of wild flora and fauna species
(listed under Annex 2) - - Endangered natural habitats
- - Areas of importance for migratory species
- Corridors are mentioned in Article 10, but not
9The Emerald and Natura 2000 Networks
10Pan European Ecological Network (PEEN)
- Ecological network, 53 countries, legally
non-binding - Promotes synergy between different networks
- Internationally accepted
- Endorsed in 1995 as part of the PEBLDS
- Reinforced in 2003 Kyiv Resolution on
Biodiversity - PEEN Experts Committee (CoE, ECNC)
11Kyiv Resolution - PEEN Target I
- By 2006, the Pan-European Ecological Network
(core areas, restoration areas, corridors and
buffer zones, as appropriate) in all States of
the pan European region will be identified and
reflected on coherent indicative European maps,
as a European contribution towards a global
ecological network.
12Kyiv Resolution PEEN Target II
- By 2008, all core areas of the PEEN are
conserved, and guidance is given to all involved
sectors to implement PEEN
13Indicative maps of the Pan-European Ecological
14EECONET in Central Asia
- ECONET for 5 states of Central Asia
- NGO Initiative WWF and variable stakeholders of
the region - Aims to integrate ecological network in the
regional and national plans of sustainable
15National Ecological Networks in Europe
- Development of national and regional ecological
networks is not yet consistently placed in an
international perspective - They vary a lot in
- - geographic scale
- type of core areas and ecological corridors
- N.B. The map only includes information about
Council of Europe states
16Regional level / Trans-boundary projects
17Cross border Duna Drava-Kopacki Rit Ecological
Regional level / Trans-boundary projects
18ECNC Involvement in ecological networks
- 14 years of experience
- ECNC coordinates the establishment of the PEEN
together with the Council of Europe - ECNC developed, inter alia, the indicative map of
the PEEN for CEE and SEE - ECNC supports the establishment of Natura 2000 in
the new EU Member States and the EU Accession
Countries - ECNC coordinated cross-border pilot projects
- ECNC coordinates facilitation and communication
programmes - ECNC assists local authorities and stakeholders
in the development and financing of ecological