Title: Deep Recession
1Deep Recession Deeper Questions? Benita
Hewitt Director, Christian Research
- What did we do?
- 2005 interviews with a nationally representative
sample of UK adults - Conducted by Research Now 24-27th April 09
- Why? To find out
- who is searching for more meaning in their lives
- what has prompted them to search
- where they considered looking
- what action they took
- what they found helpful and would consider doing
3How have we defined a searcher?
- Someone who has had cause to reconsider their
core values, or think about the big issues like
the meaning of life, in the last year
4How many are searching?
Base Total Sample (2005)
5Who is searching?
- Over 70 of
- all age groups from 18 to over 65
- males and females
- every region in Great Britain
- all social grades except the lowest (67 of Es)
6What has prompted the search?
Any of these 70
Base Total Sample (2005)
7(No Transcript)
8Where do searchers look?
9No. 1 is spending more time with family and
The most important thing is to love and be loved
10No. 1 is spending more time with family and
Jesus said I give you a new commandment love
one anotherJohn 13.34
11Recent research by
Charities Aid Foundation
John Low, Chief Executive, saidWhile nobody
would have wished for the recession, society may
emerge the healthier for it. Circumstances are
bringing many families closer together
12No. 2 is contacting past friends
Base searchers (1472)
The most important thing is to love and be loved
13Searching for love
SITES BUCK CREDIT CRUNCH - During the credit crunch the number of
subscribers at Christian Connection, the UKs
leading Christian dating site, increased by more
than 40 per cent - Its a similar picture for sister dating site
Ivory Towers, specifically serving graduates - One mainstream US dating site reported a massive
increase in people joining on September 29 - the
day the Dow Jones fell by 700
14No. 3 (considered) Doing voluntary/community
But, only 54 of those who consider it actually
do it!
15No. 3 (thats worth it) Praying
After spending more time with friends and family,
praying is the most helpful activity
16Given everything that was tried, what was the
least helpful?
17Only around 4 in 10 of those who considered
horoscopes actually used them and found them
18Are women or men more likely to spend
time away alone to reflect on
1917 considered 11 tried 10 found it helpful
19 considered 10 tried 9 found it helpful
Men are equally likely to find spending
reflective time alone helpful
2023 of the population do not have a religion and
are searching
do they even consider going to church?
They are more likely to be middle class and
21Not really!
They are more likely to be middle class and
22(No Transcript)
23Where do the non religious searchers consider
24What do they find most helpful?
The most important thing is to love and be loved
25Jesus said I give you a new commandment love
one another
John 13.34