Title: Dental Deep Cleaning In Houston Heights
1Dental Deep Cleaning In Houston Heights
2- At Sapphire Smiles, our dentist examines your
teeth for signs of gum disease during regular
dental checkups. If you have gum disease or
periodontitis, then dentist near me treats it
with non-surgical periodontal therapy, comprising
scaling and root planning, before proceeding to
more advanced periodontal treatments. - Periodontal therapy refers to treatments for
periodontal disease, a common gum disease that
affects around 3 out of 4 adults at some point in
their lives. Periodontitis can be mild or severe.
As such, there are various types of periodontal
therapy procedures depending on the severity of
periodontitis, including dental deep cleaning,
gum sculpting, and more.
3Importance of Periodontal Therapy
- During your dental visit, the dentist will use an
instrument to measure the pockets of space around
your teeth, between the gums and teeth. - The depth of gum pockets usually determines if
you need periodontal therapy or dental deep
cleaning. - Periodontal therapy is necessary to catch and
stop gum disease before it worsens, which would
necessitate surgery. - If periodontitis advances, it will eventually
lead to severe gum infections and gum recession,
which may also lead to bone loss, tooth loss, and
more. - Your doctor will recommend periodontal therapy to
treat gum disease or periodontitis. However,
periodontal therapy is a broad term that
encapsulates a wide range of treatments, from
dental cleaning to periodontal surgery. - At the initial stages, your dentist will
recommend periodontal deep cleaning with scaling
and root planning.
4Types of Dental Cleaning
- Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning During prophylaxis
dental cleaning (otherwise called routine teeth
cleaning), the dentist will use periodontal
scaling to remove all the accumulated plaque and
tartar from your teeth. At this stage, the
bacterial infection can be removed on the surface
level since there is no gum recession. - Periodontal Scaling Root Planning Youll need
a periodontal scaling and root planning if the
bacterial infection has deepened your gum
pockets, leading to gum recession. Also known as
periodontal deep cleaning, scaling and root
planning consists of the dentist removing all the
accumulated plaque and tartar, and securing the
gum tissues around the tooth. - Gross Debriment Gross debriment is a procedure
used to examine your teeth to determine if you
need a periodontal scaling and root planning,
generally done if you havent had a dental
checkup for over a year.
5Periodontal Deep Cleaning Procedure
- Periodontal deep cleaning is a non-surgical
procedure used to treat gum disease and
periodontitis in its early stages. Dental deep
cleaning, also called scaling and root planning,
is usually done under local anesthesia, so you
dont feel anything. - The following are the two steps involved in
periodontal deep cleaning. - Scaling During periodontal scaling, the dentist
removes the plaque and tartar from your teeths
surface and from the pockets between your teeth
and gums. The dentist may perform scaling with a
scaler or an electric or ultrasonic instrument. - Root Planning During root planning, the dentist
will use a scaling device to remove the
accumulated plaque and tartar from your teeth and
gum pockets. Following that, they will clean the
roots of the tooth, eliminating all the bacteria
from the gum pockets. Once the gum disease is
treated, the dentist will secure the gum tissues
around the loose tooth, closing the gum pockets
and treating receding gums.
6Brushing and flossing may not be enough. Book
your dental cleaning today!
At Sapphire Smiles, our dentist carefully
examines your teeth and gums for signs of gum
disease during your regular dental checkups. If
you have any signs of periodontitis, he treats it
using non-surgical periodontal therapy before it
gets worse. For more information, please schedule
an appointment for periodontal maintenance at
Sapphire Smiles, Houston Heights.
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