Title: Phonics
2Letter and Word Center
Short o Stamps Write on index cards several words
with different phonograms having the short vowel
sound of o, such as hot, mop, dog, cob, and box.
Have children choose a word to stamp using letter
stamps and an ink pad. Then have children change
the first letter to stamp rhyming words. Have
children read their list to others.
3Word Play
4Short and Long Vowel Sounds
P l a n
5Blends and Phonograms
6Blends and Phonograms
7Letters and Sounds
Word Checkers Materials 32 squares of paper
with short vowel
words taped to
the clack squares on a
checkers Have children play checkers
with short
vowel words. Before
they can land in any square,
have to say the word and
use it in a sentence. ESL
Before playing the game, partners say and act out
some of the words in context, such as I sat
down. I pat the cat. I tap the table. I
fell down
8Differentiation of Phonics Center Activities
10Fluency Goals Grade 1 53 WCPM Grade 2 89
WCPM Grade 3 107 WCPM 50th percentile from
Hasbrouck Tindal, 2004
11Scaffolding Fluency Development
Word Level
Word families bell, cell, dwell, shell,
smell, spell, swell, well, yell High frequency
words saw, could, one, was, with
Sentence Level
According to the picture, what is the best answer
to the question?
Passage Level
- Hi! Im Little Bill. This is a story about a boat
that 12 - I made all by myself. I named it The Moby
Dick. 23 - One Saturday morning, I woke up and saw that it
was 34 - bright and sunny outside. Hurray! I could go
with 43 - my brother to the park and sail my new boat. 53
12- Establish Fluency Routines
- Read Connected Text
- Reread Passages
- Partner or Paired Reading
- Choral Reading
- Readers Theatre
- Tape-Assisted Reading
- Reading with Feeling
13(No Transcript)
14Fluency Progress Chart
15Differentiation of Fluency Center Activities
17Practice High Frequency Word Walls
- Letter Trains
- Choose a word from the word wall and put each
letter on an index card. Place the letter cards
in a bag. Have children take one letter out of
the bag until all letters are drawn. Then have
children look at their letters and turn
themselves into letter trains by moving into the
right order until the word is spelled correctly. - Rhyme Clues
- Use clues like the one below to review words
- It begins like just and it rhymes with bump.
(jump) - As each word is identified, point to it and have
children use the word in a sentence.
18Practice High Frequency Word Walls
- Letter Sounds and Context
- Write j on the board and say
- The word Im thinking of begins with j and
finishes this sentence Kangaroos can ______. - Continue this routine with other high frequency
words. - Play Wordo
- Distribute sheets with a nine block bingo grid.
Call out Word Wall words and have children write
them in any block on their sheets. When nine
words have been called, shuffle the cards and
read words one at a time. Children spell each
word and cover it with a marker. The first child
with a completed row wins.
20Which Words Go Together?
- cat
- bear
- fish
- jump
- dog
- bare
- mouse
- whale
- wail
- growl
- skip
21Degrees of Meaning
22Differentiation of Vocabulary Center Activities
23Text Comprehension
24- Part I
- Say the following word lists and ask the children
how the items named go together - Bed, rug, desk, toys
- House, car, trees, mailbox
- Ocean, river, lake, stream
- Part II
- Give the children categories and have them list
words that would go under that category.
What did he want?
What did he get?
How did he try to get it?
After That
Bear says he will take the tops.
Hare and his family tend the crops.
Bear gets the tops of carrots, radishes, and
Bear is mad about being tricked.
27Graphic Organizers and Activities
K W L Charts
Semantic Feature Analysis
Get the Gist
Venn Diagram
28Differentiation of Comprehension Center
29Organization and Management of Centers
- Organization of Content
- Organization of Process
- Management
30Organization of Content and Process
31Teacher Files Center for Appropriate Time
Teachers keep ideas until the time is right for
students to practice a particular skill.
32Grade Level Planning and Creating of Centers
- Grade level planning for centers
- Saves time
- Saves effort
- Saves money
- Saves resources
33School Centeralized Site
School provides a centralized area for teachers
to share materials and ideas.
34Organization of Content
- Teachers should first look at student assessment
data to determine - Who has mastered this skill?
- Who understands the skill, but needs more
practice for fluency? - Who generally understands the skill, but needs
more practice to master the skill? - Who does not understand the skill?
35Organization of Process
- How soon should I start centers?
- Teachers may introduce centers after the first
few weeks of school. - How many centers should I start with?
- Teachers may introduce centers one at a time.
- How much time should I schedule for each center?
- Look at Time in a whole new way.
- How many centers should I differentiate?
- Differentiate within the center for the needs of
the students when possible.
36More Questions to Consider
- Do I want my students to work in heterogeneous or
homogeneous groups in centers? - Do I want extra time for small group instruction
for the struggling readers during center time? - What Data will I use to create my flexible
groups? - How often will I restructure my groups?
37Optional Ways to Set Centers Up
Teacher Small Group Instruction
Phonemic Awareness
Word Works Center
Phonics Center
Phonics Center
41Sample Centers
42Sample Centers
43Management of Centers
44How Does a Teacher Manage Centers?
- Room Arrangement
- large group area
- small group areas
- Rules versus Procedures
- plan procedures
- teach procedures
- consistently enforce procedures
45How Does a Teacher Manage the Classroom?
- Academic Tasks to Consider
- Whole Group Activities
- Small Groups
- Student Centers
- Independent Activities
- Transitions
46Contact Information
- Eastern Regional Reading First Technical
Assistance Center (ERRFTAC) - (850) 644-9352
- 227 North Bronough Street
- Suite 3200
- Tallahassee, FL 32301
- sturner_at_fcrr.org