Title: BSc Hons Nursing Graduate Diploma in Nursing
1BSc (Hons ) Nursing/Graduate Diploma in Nursing
2General information
- BSc (Hons) in nursing - a 4 year degree course
(adult branch) - Graduate Diploma in Nursing- a two year 4 month
course (adult branch) - Nursing studies degree (-rarely -student exits
with this award after 3 years, and is required to
undergo 13 weeks of practice consolidation in
order to achieve registration
3General information
- Course is modular
- Theory is integrated with practice placement (50
practice, 50 theory) - Total credit points over each year totals 120
- Students in years 2,3,4 must pass clinical
practice module and written assessment
4Integration of theory and practice
- Years 1, 2 and 3 go out on practice for 15 weeks
a year - Placement 1 is 7 weeks before xmas .
- Placement 2 is 8 weeks before the summer
holidays. - Year 4 have 15 weeks consecutive placement
- Remaining time is spent in University
- NB Grad dip Students , and practice consolidation
students have summer placements
5Clinical Placements
- Placements are allocated by Napier University.
- Known at QMU as Work-based learning (WBL)
- Some students get experience in Fife or Forth
Valley -
6Placement allocation
7Skills acquisition
- Achieved in University through teaching,
simulation, independent practice and OSCE - A list of skills achieved before each period of
work-based learning is included in the mentor
handbook These skills meet the remit of the
essential skills clusters (NMC) - Year 4 students must achieve successful numeracy
in practice, assessed by mentor.
8Role of Clinical supervisor
- See the students for a group clinical tutorial
approx once a week either in University or the
clinical area - Reflection
- Exploration of issues which occurred in ward and
facilitation of further learning - Group learning
- Group support
- Monitoring progress
- Participation in discussion contributes to
achievement of learning outcomes
9Assessment process
Clinical Supervisor Assesses achievement of
learning outcomes through tutorial process
Mentor reads learning outcomes, Identifies
learning opportunities Carries out Mid way
assessment, final assessment
Self-assesses at start, during and end of
WBL. Presents learning outcomes at Clinical
tutorials Presents written work at end of
- Student carries own Work-based Learning practice
record - Contains learning outcomes
- Contains assessment forms
- Mentor receives handbook with copies of outcomes
and assessment forms.
11Learning Outcomes
- Consist of an outcome, and a suggested learning
activity to fulfil it e.g. - Practise in a fair/anti-discriminatory way,
acknowledging the difference in beliefs and
cultural practices of individuals or groups. - Suggested Learning Activity
- Identify a patient/client or a client group with
specific beliefs and cultural practices Discuss
the way in which nursing care in your area
responds to the values and customs of this
individual/group OR - Discuss the processes in place that would be
actioned should this situation be encountered. - Identity the ways in which care given
demonstrated sensitivity to cultural diversity - Proficiencies C1,2,3,4
12Learning outcomes
- Are mapped onto the NMC proficiencies ,which in
turn cross reference to the essential skills
clusters - Successful achievement of them by the individual
student is assessed by the clinical supervisor
during the clinical tutorial process
13The clinical tutorial process
- Students must prepare evidence to support their
presentation of each outcome. - They must be able to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding appropriate to their level of
education . - Process involves reflection, discussion and
research, and links theory with their practice.
14The mentors role in student assessment
- To identify /facilitate learning opportunities
which allow the student to achieve their learning
outcomes for that period of work-based learning. - To liaise directly with clinical supervisor if
there is a problem, or through the P.E.F - To carry out a mid-way assessment, (recorded in
the students WBL practice record) - To carry out a final assessment
15 The final assessment
- This allows the mentor to assess the
professional performance of the student using
specific criteria.
16Assessment of professional attributes
17Assessment of professional attributes (cont)
- Provides high quality care as evidenced by, for
example - Observing infection control policies
- Carrying out technical procedures with
appropriate skillcare for level of training - Recognises and works within the boundaries of the
professional caring relationship as evidenced by,
for example - Accepting comment and constructive criticism from
qualified staff. - Sharing appropriate non- personal information
with staff and patients - Maintaining a professional demeanour in times of
challenge - Conforms to QMU standard of self presentation, as
evidenced - By for example
- Uniform worn correctly, with ID visible
- Grooming, taking account of need for safety i.e.
shortnails, removal of jewellery, hair tied
18Final assessment
NAME OF STUDENT /matriculation number
--------------------------------------------- WBL
----- On the basis of the above professional
assessment, this student has received a grade of
appropriate) Mentors Statement
19Record of ongoing achievement
- QMU students will electronically collate
- all WBL mentor assessments (e-portfolio)
- This will allow successive mentors to view them
in order to help them form judgements about their
students progress. - Students will also use their self-assessments,
final assessments and reflection to identify
areas for development of their performance in
their next placement .