Title: Characteristics of Tourism1
1Characteristics of Tourism1
- Tourism is an economic activity (started as
leisure but evolved) - Thus, tourist is defined as the consumer
- Tourism is concerned with the consumption and
expenditure of tourists in the places they are
visiting - In international tourism foreign exchange
earnings by touristss consumption are important
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
2Differentiating Characteristics of Tourism1
- Tourism is an invisible export activity
- Products and services are complementary
- Demand in tourism not for a specific product but
for a bundle of services - All these services forming the final product are
not independent and complementary - Accomodation travel catering all have to
exist together - Even the tourism products of various countried
can be complementaryi.e. Cultural tours to
Turkey, Greece, Israel and Egypt
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
3Differentiating Characteristics of Tourism1
- There is no distinct industry solely producing
for tourism - There is no such production activity that can be
called tourism industry - Tourism service and product cannot be stored for
future and it should be consumed when it is
available or it is lost. There is no inventory of
the product - i.e. Hotel room, seat in an aircraft, a daily
city-touretc. - Production and consumption in tourism take place
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
4Differentiating Characteristics of Tourism1
- Direction of transaction is reverse
- Unlike the usual trade goods, in tourism
consumers are shipped to the location where the
services, commodities and goods are located. - Thus it is an invisible trade item
- Intermediaries in consumption
- The products can be consumed by intermediaries
(tour operators, tarvel agencies, guides, hotel
and restaurans staff) - The number intermediaries are getting less by the
help of technology
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
5Differentiating Characteristics of Tourism1
- Tourism product is fragmented
- Tourist product is a package
- The product components are
- Transportation
- Destination/ground-land services
- Local transport/transfers
- Accomodation
- Catering
- Recreation
- Guiding
- These are all sectors by themselves
- These are all independent sectors by themselves
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
6Differentiating Characteristics of Tourism1
- Travel is an experience
- There is no tangible product in tourism
- Tourist buys an experience that can not be tested
before (but what can you do instead of testing?
Opinions) - It is an image-dream
- Demand is volatile/ unstable/ seasonal
- Tourism is unstable
- It is affected by wars,strikes, political crisis,
technological developments, natural disasters,
preferences of touristsetc. - Mass tourism and cultural tourism are seasonal
and concentrated in summer months (and sometimes
winteri.e. Switzerland)
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
7Current Economic Downturn Will it influence
Turkish tourism?
- "Kriz Türk Turizmi Için Avantaj Olabilir"
- 11 Ekim 2008 1936
- http//www.aktifhaber.com/news_detail.php?id18757
9 - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanligi Tanitma Genel Müdürü
Tasbasi, dünyada yasanan ekonomik krin
etkilerinin daha çok 2009'da ortaya çikacagini
belirtti. -
- Kültür ve Turizm Bakanligi Tanitma Genel Müdürü
Tasbasi, dünyada yasanan ekonomik krin
etkilerinin daha çok 2009'da ortaya çikacagini
belirtirken - "Ancak, Avrupa'da yasanan ekonomik kriz Türk
turizmi için bir avantaj olabilir" dedi. - (TÜROFED) Yönetim Kurulu Toplantisi'nda
gazetecilere açiklama yapan Tasbasi, Türkiye'deki
fiyatlarin diger ülkelere göre düsük olmasi
nedeniyle avantajli oldugunu söyledi. Tasbasi,
dünyada bir krizin yasandigini ve krizin
etkilerinin daha çok 2009'da ortaya çikacagini
belirterek, "Ancak, krizden turizmi açisindan
faydali çikabiliriz. Kriz, bizim için avantaj
olabilir. Bizim fiyatlarimiz özellikle rakibimiz
olan Italya, Ispanya, gibi ülkelere göre daha
düsük. Insanlar ekonomik kriz dönemlerinde
seyahatlerini daha ucuz yerlere kaydirmaya ve
daha ucuza seyahat etmeye çalisirlar. Bu bizim
için ciddi bir firsat olabilir" diye konustu.
8Current Economic Downturn Will it influence
Turkish tourism?
- Ingiltere'de kriz turizme siçradi
- 13/09/2008 1022
- http//haber.sol.org.tr/ekonomi/3704.html
- Ingiltere'nin en büyük üçüncü tur operatörü XL
de krize teslim oldu. Emlak krizinin ardindan
iflas eden ilk turizm sirketi olan XL binlerce
Ingiliz turistin gittikleri ülkelerden geri
dönememesine yol açti. Ingiltere XL iflasini
"üzgün gün" olarak ilan etti. - Ingiltere'nin en büyük üçüncü tur operatörü olan
ve her yil milyonlarca tur satmasiyla ünlenen XL
adli turizm firmasinin iflasi Ingiltere'de "üzgün
gün" olarak duyuruldu. Böylelikle Ingiltere'de
yasanan durgunluk emlak sektörünün ardindan
turizm alanina da siçramis oldu. Finansman
sorunu ile petrol fiyatlarindaki artisin
sirketin iflasinda etkili oldugu bildiriliyor. -
- Iflasin açiklanmasinin ardindan, sayilari
binlerle ifade edilen Ingiliz turistin,
gittikleri ülkelerde sahipsiz kaldiklari
bildirildi. - XL tarafindan satilan turlarla dünyanin çesitli
ülkelerinde yaklasik 67 bin Ingiliz turistin
bulundugu, 200 bin kisinin ise ileriye yönelik
rezervasyon yaptirip ödemede bulunduklari
9Differentiating Characteristics of Tourism1
- Travel motivations vary
- Travel motivations are heterogeneous
- These motivations and eventually final decisions
can be influenced by very subjective reasons as
well - Motivation movere to move
Yarcan, S. Lecture Notes. Introduction to
Tourism. Department of Tourism Management.
Istanbul University
- People dont take trips
- trips take people.
- John Steinbeck
- All tourism practitioners must understand
peoples (tourists/consumers) motivation to
travel - Why?
- A motivational profile is important to understand
how well the destination characteristics fit the
needs of the travellers - To be successful
- In order for a business to be successful it has
to meet the needs and expectations of the
customers - To have repeat business
- To generate positive word of mouth advertising
- To maintain or increase the level of charging
12Asking the Question?
- Why do tourists travel?
- or a better/more specific question
- Why certain groups of people choose certain
holiday experriences? - What is your choice of travel? Why?
13Answering the Question
- All individuals can provide their specific
answers but it is not enough - We can use different sources to answer the
question - History can be a good source
- Romans travelled for (escape, social prestige,
social interaction, health) - Pilgrims, monksetc. travelled for spiritual
experience - Heradotus travelled out of curiousity
- Grand tour traveller for education (political
power??) - Other examples
14- Current Market Researches
- Very basic or specific and complex market
researches are undertaken to understand the
travel motivations of people - They are undertaken
- by scholars for academic purposes
- by market survey companies
- by governments (for a tourism master plan)
- or sometimes by cooperation of both scholars and
survey companies
15Examples of Researches by Scholars
16Uysal and Hagan (1993). Motivations of Pleasure
Travel and Tourism (in Eds). M. Kahn, Olsen M.
And T.Var. Encyclopedia of Hospitality and
Tourism. NY VNR
- Push Factors
- Motivations
- Escape
- Rest and Relaxation
- Self-esteem
- Prestige
- Health and fitness
- Adventure
- Social interaction
- Benefits
- Interests
- Socio-economic and demographic factors
- Age, gender,income, education,family life-cycle
and size, race, ethnic group, occupation, second
home ownership - Market Knowledge
17In recent years, as a newly emerged tourism
destination and moderately developed country,
Turkey has enjoyed increased visitation from
abroad, including Japan.The purpose of this
exploratory study was to segment Japanese
travelers to Turkey using travel motivations as
part of travel behavior descriptors. The
article concludes with marketing and management
implications as suggested by the study findings.
Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 41Segmenting
the Japanese Tour Market to Turkey Ercan
Sirakaya- Muzaffer Uysal -Carlton F. Yoshioka
18Examples of Market Research by a Market Survey
19- http//www.businessmonitor.com/
- http//www.marketresearch.com/product/display.asp?
productid1461769xsr - http//reports.mintel.com/sinatra/reports/display/
20Sample Questions
21- 3. Theories of Psychology is also an important
source of understanding travel motivations - Human motivation is a topic of psychology
- There are different approaches to why people are
motivated to do certain things - One approach is offered by need theories (of
course not only for travellers)
22Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Needs HierarchyTheory
- Maslow arranged five needs in a hierarchy
- Satisfaction-progression process
Self- Actualization
23- Pearce presents a hierarchy of travel motives
based on Maslows theory of motivation combined
with the idea of a career ladder (Pearce, 1988
1990 as cited in Pearce, Morrison and Rutledge,
1998). - The career ladder emphasizes that people have a
range of motives for seeking out holiday
experiences (Pearce, Morrison and Rutledge,
24Fulfillment needs
Travelers tend to be more selective in their
emphasis on travel motives with experience
Travelers have multiple motives in their pattern
of needs even though one category of needs may be
more dominant
Need for self-actualization Need for flow
Self-esteem/development needs
Need for self-development Need for growth Need
for curiosity/mental stimulation Need for
mastery, control, competence Need for
self-efficacy Need to repeat intrinsically
satisfying behaviors
Need for status Need for respect and
recognition Need for achievement
Relationship needs
Need to reduce anxiety about others Need to
Need to give love, direction
Safety/security needs
Need to reduce anxiety Need to predict and
explain the world
Need for security
Externally oriented
Internally oriented
Need for escape, excitement, curiosity Need for
arousal, external excitement and stimulation
Need for sex, eating, drinking Need for
relaxation (manage arousal level)
25- During an individuals lifecycle, motives are
influenced by internal and external factors such
as personal needs, money, health and social
influence () - These motives can be at different levels of the
travel career ladder and can alter according to
satisfaction of a particular need as experience - is gained ()
Source Adding Psychological Value to Heritage
Tourism Experiences by Bronwyn Jewell and John C.
Crotts at http//espace.library.uq.edu.au/eserv/UQ
26Push Factors (demand)(internal-psychological
traveller related related with the tourist
generating destination/country)
- Motivations
- Escape
- Rest and Relaxation
- Self-esteem
- Prestige
- Health and fitness
- Adventure
- Social interaction
- Benefits
- Interests
- Socio-economic and demographic factors
- Age, gender,income, education,family life-cycle
and size, race, ethnic group, occupation, second
home ownership - Market Knowledge (perceied image information
27Push Factors / Income
- Importance of disposable/discretinary income
- Question
- What is the influence of discretionary income for
business travel market? - Compare leisure travel vs. business travel
- In times of decline companies may switch to lower
class of air fare, to less expensive hotels, cut
travel budgets - However, since it is not for leisure, it will
continue ever at lower levels during times when
leisure travel suffer from disruption
28Push Factors / Age
- Age trends of populations in the tourist
generating destination / country is important - For example
- Europe declining birth rates, older population
- Older population (grey market) less family
responsibilities, more discretionary income for
self, time and ability to travel,
29Pull Factors/tourism supply factors (external
related with the tourist-receiving
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Socio-cultural resources (man-made)
- Infrastructure and Superstructure
- Operating Sectors
- Marketing Activities
- Attitudes towards tourists
30Pull Factors/supply factors 1. Natural Resources
and Environment
- It consists of naturally existing resources that
any area has available for the use of travellers - Air and climate, physiography (phsical
geography), landforms, flora, fauna, bodies of
water, beaches and all natural beauties - A diverse composition of natural resources can
help even-out the seasonality of the demand
(instead of focusing on beaches only, riding,
whitewater rafting, artistics apprieciation
events, mountain climbing, sailing, ecological
excursions, campingetc.)
31Fauna as a tourist attraction
- Examples of
- Natural Resources
- of Turkey
33Rafting Sites
- Artvin Çoruh River
- Coruh, renowned internationally as one of the
fastest flowing river in the world, and venue of
the 4th World Watersports Championships in 1993
which saw 300 competitors from 28 countries. - Artvin Altiparmak (Barhal) River
- Rize Firtina River
- Antalya Köprüçay River
- Içel Anamur (Dragon) River
- Içel Göksu River
- Dalaman River
34Climbing Sites
- Kaçkar Mt. Range (The Black Sea)
- Antalya-Beydaglar (Mediterranean)
- Mt. Erciyes (Central Anatolia)
- Nigde Aladaglar (Central Anatolia)
- Mt. Ararat (Eastern Anatolia)
- Mt. Süphan (Eastern Anatolia)
- Bolkar Mountains (Mediterranean)
- Mercan (Munzur) Mountains (Eastern Anatolia)
35Caretta Caretta
36Tuz Gölü- Salt Lake
37Bird Watching-Ornithology
Tokat Ballica Cave
42Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
- History/historical heritage
43Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
44Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
- Gastronomy
- Food Tourism
- Wine Tourism
- Gourmet Tours
- Culinary Tours
45Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
46Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
47Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
- Traditions
- Language
- Agriculture
- Agro-tourism
- Rural tourism
- Ekolojik tarim turizmi yabanci turistlerden büyük
ilgi görüyor. Fethiye'nin Yaniklar mevkiinde
hizmet veren Pastoral Vadi organik tatil köyünde
turistler günün bir bölümünü bahçe çapalayip
domates toplamakla geçiriyor.
48Pull Factors/supply factors 2. Socio-cultural
resources (man-made)
- Education
- Science/technology
- Air and space museums
- Technology museums (ODTÜ Bilim ve Teknoloji
49Pull Factors/supply factors 3. Infrastructure
and Superstructure
- Infrastructure and superstructure is built on
natural environment - Infrastructure All underground and surface
developmental constructions such as water supply
systems, sewage disposal systems, gas lines,
electrical lines, drainage systemsetc. - Superstructure Facilities constructed to
primarily to support visitation and visitor
activities such as airports, railroads,
roads,parks, marinas, bus and train stations,
resorts, hotels, shopping ceters, places of
entertainment, museumsetc.
50Pull Factors/supply factors 4. Operating Sectors
- Transportation
- Ease of access to destination
- Cost of travel to the destination (cost structure
of the country, exchange ratesetc.) - Travel (travel agencies and tour operators)
- Accomodation
- Supply of accomodation and amenites at the
destination and their quality - Food and Beverage Services
- Entertainment sector
- Events sector (festivals, sports events,
travelling exhibitions, conferences, trade
showsetc.) - Attractions sector (aquariums, zoos, waterparks,
theme parks, museums, art galeries, botanical
gardensetc.) - Adventure and outdoor recreation sector (hiking,
rafting, cycling, scuba diving, nature/wildlife
51Pull Factors/supply factors 5.Marketing
- All promotional activities that are aimed at
potential visitors - Tourism destinations is bought sight unseen,
and people lack personal information - They depend on recommendations and use media
information - Many countries are offering similar products so
marketing is a very important - To influence the visitor perceptions
- To stimulate travel
- To provide information
- To differentiate the destination from other
52- The Ministry of Tourism and Culture used
different promotional campaigns in different
countries both in 2007 and 2008 - The promotional material was based on the
specific interests of potential tourists from
differen regions of the world i.e. Europe, Far
East and Middle East
53- These push and pull factors are not discrete and
the categorization here is made for
exemplification - Factors are interlinked, they are separated here
for easier comprehension
54Class Exercise
- With your group member pick a certain group of
travellers (by nation, bu demographic
characteristicsetc.) that visits Turkey for
pleasure travel - Discuss the reasons why this group of travellers
choose Turkey as a destination - Make a list of TOP 5 push and pull factors
55Groups to Choose
- Health/medical tourists
- Adventure travellers
- Eco-tourists
- Arab countries leisure market
- Back-packers