Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1OHS risk assessment
Sylvie Siffermann Ministère du travail
A view from the Mont Blanc - Haute-Savoie
2French OHS Organisation
- The Labour Ministry
- 22 regional departments
- 100 local departments
- 600 labour inspectors
3Regional departement
4Why assess risks
- To protect health-safety of labour force
- To meet prevention requirements
- To encourage social dialogue
- To ensure high quality standarts in employment
- To improve the company performance
5Local Partners - labour inspection- insurance
funds- occupational medicine- OPPBTP
Prevention institution for building industry-
social partners Trade unions- professional
6Facts Figures
- 15 million employees
- 900.000 labour accidents or road-accidents / year
- 1.800 deaths
- 5.000 occupational illnesses
- Direct costs
- 7 billion euros / year
- Indirect costs
- 21 billion / year
- Job replacement, medical care, incapacity and
disability costs ...
8Transposition of EU-OHS directives in French
- EU OHS Directive 89 / 391
- ? ? ?
- Law n91-414 of 31.12.1991
- nine prevention principles
- Decree n2001-1016 of 05.11.2001
- documentary evidence
- Penalty fine
9General prevention principles
Article L.230-2 du code du travail
- A) avoid risks
- B) assess unavoidable risks
- C) build in safety at design stage
- D) adapt work to human worker
10E) take into account the state of the artF)
substitute with less dangerous equipmentG) plan
prevention action
Article L.230-2 du code du travail
11H) give priority to collective protection rather
than individualI) train the workers.
Article L.230-2 du code du travail
12Legal Liability
- In the past, the victim was
- a pre requisite for a case
- Now, even without a victim offence of
endangering - If there is an omission, negligence or
13What to do ?1-Prepar prevention
approach2-Assess the risks3-Make up an action
plan4-Act, implement5-Reassess, reevaluate
14Deming wheel
3 Check
2 Do
4 Act
1 Plan
Corrective actions prevention
- Notion of continuous improvement
15How ?-The employer must guaranty the staffs
health and security-The approach must be
global-The process must be dynamic
16How ?-The employees and union representatives
must be involved-The assessment must be made on
the real work situation
- Danger is a state
- Risk scale of danger in case of exposure
- i. e. Electricity can be dangerous but when
nobody is exposed to electricity, the risk of
accident is zero.
Hazardous situation
Caused by
Equipement or personnel
Hazardous event
Possibility of
avoiding or limiting harm
- - The frequency and the duration of exposure to
danger - - The possibility to escape the danger
- (time available for running away ?)
- - Level of risk management (existence of
prevention measures) - - Environment around the danger area
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21Eliminating or reducing risk
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23Merci de votre attentionBlagodaria
24RISK ASSESSMENTSylvie Siffermann
- Risk Evaluation - Sofia May 2003