Title: Psychology Licensing Board Disciplinary Actions
1Psychology Licensing Board Disciplinary
The Realities
Barbara A. Van Horne, MBA, Ph.D. APA Convention
August 2005
Published in Professional Psychology Research
and Practice, 2004, Vol. 35, No. 2, 170-178
2Survey of ASPPB member boards of disciplinary
complaints against psychologists and psychology
licensing board actions from 1996-2001
- 37 jurisdictions responded tho data incomplete
(61 of ASPPB Member Boards) - 58 to 69 of all licenses in US Canada
3Number of Complaints Filed
- Complaints filed against approximately 2 of
licenses - Given the wide variation in procedures for
processing complaints, consistency is notable
4Complaint Data
5Screening of Complaints
6Actions Not Reported to DDS
7Disciplinary Actions Not Reported to ASPPB
Disciplinary Data System
8Actions Reported to the ASPPB Disciplinary Data
Total of number of licensees reported by ASPPB
member jurisdictions in the Handbook of Licensing
and Certification Requirements for Psychologists
in North America (ASPPB, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2000a, 2001).
9Disciplinary Actions Reported to the ASPPB
Disciplinary Data System by Member Boards
- August 1983 - January 2005 Total 3303
- Total in Summary of top 10 2,762
- Difference between Total and Summary result of
some jurisdictions not reporting reasons or the
reason reported does not fall into one of Top 10
categories - 2000 to 2005 768 reported actions
January 2005
- Sexual/Dual Relationship with patient 842
30.49 - Unprofessional/unethical/negligent prac 823
29.80 - Conviction of crimes 252 9.12
- Fraudulent acts 173 6.26
- Improper/inadequate record keeping 148 5.36
- Breach of confidentiality 124 4.49
- Inadequate or improper supervision 121 4.38
- Failure to comply with CE requirements 121 4.38
- Impairment 108 3.91
- Fraud in application for license 50 1.81
- TOTAL 2,762 100
- Adequate and accurate data collection is
essential within jurisdictions and by ASPPB - More complete data on violations can inform on
needed continuing education and/or training in
preparation for licensure
- Increase awareness and understanding of the
vulnerability to impairment, such as those by the
APA Advisory Committee on Colleague Assistance,
further the goals of prevention and appropriate
intervention -
- Opportunities for supervision, collaboration,
mentoring, and consultation reduce isolation and
increase awareness - Encourage mentoring/collaboration/consultation
- Supervision, training, and CE influence attention
to ethical behavior
13Licensing Board BluesFact or Fiction?
- FACT Very few psychologists are found in
violation - Conclusion Self-assessment and awareness of the
risk of misconduct is critical - It is good for psychology to be
- attentive to consumer protection