Title: Current Conflicts: Conflict Resolution
1Current Conflicts Conflict Resolution Peace
- Peace is the only battle worth waging.
- -Albert Camus
- Introduction video clip
- History of Conflict Resolution Peace Education
- Micro View of Conflict
- -Psychological Theories of Conflict
- Meso View of Conflict, Conflict Resolution
Peace Education - - Statistics Crimes and Youth
- - The School System Conflict Resolution Peace
Education - Guest Speakers
- Mrs. Linda Simpson, Constable Evan Hung, Mr.
Peter Kemp - BREAK
- Macro View of Conflict Resolution Peace
Education - -Video Clips Ghandi, Civil Rights Movement,
Cooperation Ireland - Conclusion What Can You Do?
- -Concluding Remarks Dr. Desmond Tutu
3History of Conflict Resolution Peace Resolution
4Major Dates and Treaties
- Earliest Treaty - Battle of Kadesh Approx. 1270
BC - 1400s-1600s Great Law of Peace
- 1648 Treaty of Westphalia
- 1713 Treaty of Utrecht
- 1815 Congress of Vienna (Napoleonic Wars)
- 1845 Mexican-American War
- 1919 Versailles Peace Conference (WWI War
Nobody Wanted) - 1945 Allied Victory WWII
- Mid-1940s to 1989 Cold War
5Development of Conflict Resolution
- Quakers and Gandhi
- Cold War 1950s early 60s
- Pioneers
- John Burton
- Leonard Doob
- Herbert Kelman
6Peace, Conflict and the Individual
Wars begin in the minds of men
Preamble to the
UNESCO Constitution
since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in
the minds of men that the defences of peace must
be constructed
To Build Peace in the Minds of Men
7Reasons for Conflict
- Instinct Theory War in our Genes
- Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology
Evolution a Process - Freudian and post-Freudian psychoanalysis
- Nurtured to War
- Innate Depravity and Human Nature
- Naturally Depraved
8Reasons for Conflict
- Instinct Theory War in our Genes
- Aggression Natural Biological Trait
- Konrad Lorenz
- Re-channel biological energy to socially
non-destructive competition - Counter arguments
- Pessimistic War is Inevitable
- We have control over our actions
- Animal nature is our nature
- Species that invented war are capable of
inventing peace
9Reasons for Conflict
- Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology
- Evolution a Process
- Adaptive significance of behavior
- View of War (Men)
- Ecological competition
- Male-male competition
- Role of kinship patterns
- Genetic Relatedness (Fictive Kinship Patriotism)
- War in Early Human Evolution
10Reasons for Conflict
- Freudian and Post-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory
Nurtured to War - Unconscious Behavior
- Thanatos (Death Instinct) and Eros (Life
Instinct) - Must repress primitive tendencies to live
conflict free - Parents Discipline
- Society Punish
- Supranational Authority World Government
- Narcissistic Injury
- Pessimistic
- Cause of War
11Reasons for Conflict
- Other Theories
- Frustration-Aggression Theory
- Social Learning
- Conditioning
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
- Alienation and Totalism
12Attraction/Inhibition to War
- Attraction
- Thrill of War
- Right of Passage
- Acceptance
- Inhibition
- Average individual naturally resistant to killing
fellow man - Training change after 1950s
13Roots of Empathy Mary Gordon
- Molding a society of peace starts with youth
- Importance of Health Family
- Universal Need for Love and Belonging
- Public Education as an Equalizer
- Power of the Arts
- Empathy grows into more cohesive accepting
14Individual Action
- Individuals can make a difference
- Democracy Every Person Counts
- Powerlessness and empowerment both
self-fulfilling prophecy - At least three things needed to move peace
process - Primary block to the establishment of peace is
not so much the actual difficulty of achieving
it, but rather the feeling that it is impossible
- Notable Figures for Peace
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Dali Lama
- Pope John Paul
- Jesus Christ
- You
15Meso/Community View of Conflict, Conflict
Resolution Peace Building
16Our Communities, Our Nation The Issues
- Statistics on Conflict in Canada
- 56,271 REPORTED youth criminal acts in 2005/2006
(over 15,000 crimes against the person) down
from over 77,000 in 2001/2002 - Toronto School Study
- 1 out of every 5 reported committing at least one
- delinquent act in the past 12 months
- 2/5 students victimized
- High-risk Groups
- Aboriginal youth
- Gangs low SES, victims of abuse at home,
- ethnic minorities seek affirmation,
- friendship
17Schools a key institution in the mitigation of
violent behaviour and the creation of peace
- Why Schools?
- Can implement peace education into the curriculum
- Can train staff
- Can control politics of the environment
- Legitimacy of the school system
- Education is the most powerful weapon which you
can use to change the world. - -Nelson Mandela
18History of peer mediation in schools
- Research-based peer mediation programs began in
the 1960s - Teaching Students to Be Peacemakers Program
- Derived social interdependence theory
- Methods taught all students in a school the
nature of conflict, how to use negotiation
procedures, and how to mediate peer conflicts. - All students then took turns being a class and
school mediator.
19Types of Programs
- There are at least three ways to describe
conflict resolution and peer mediation programs
in schools. - Cadre or total student body programs
- Curriculum-based programs or Peer mediation
programs. - (a) skills-oriented approaches (b) academically
oriented Conflict Resolution Programs approaches
and, (c) structural change approaches.