- Presented By
- Kellee M. Husband
- Department for Environmental ProtectionEnergy
and Environment Cabinet - March 23, 2008
2M-DBP History
- LT2ESWTR (2006)
- Improves microbial protection
- Does not change any existing requirements from
SWTR suite - Stage 2 DBPR (2006)
- Builds on Stage 1 DBPR
- Addressing multiple threats with multiple
3 4Purposes of the LT2ESWTR
- Improve public health protection
- Reduce illness caused by Crypto and other
microorganisms - Tailor requirements based on
- Level of treatment
- Source water quality
- System size
- Provide systems and states with flexibility
- Supplement and fill data gaps
- Most systems will only need to monitor
- Balance disinfection with control of DBPs
5Cryptosporidium (Crypto)
- Protozoan parasite
- Common in surface water
- Resistant to traditional disinfectants
- i.e., chlorine
- Can pass through filters
- Causes cryptosporidiosis
- Filtration and alternative disinfectants can
remove and/or inactivate
6LT2ESWTR Process
Systems Subject to LT2
Small systems w/ low E. coli
Initial Round Source Water Monitoring
Bin 1 systems
Bin Classification
Choose Toolbox Option(s)
Implement Tool(s)
Second Round Source Water Monitoring
- All Subpart H systems
- Use surface water or GWUDI sources
- Wholesale systems
- Compliance deadlines and options based on people
served - Divided into four schedules
- Wholesale systems with own Subpart H source(s)
comply based on population of largest system in
their CDS
8Implementation Timeline
9Implementation Timeline
11Use of Cryptosporidium Data
- Calculate a mean Cryptosporidium concentration
- To determine Bin Classification for each raw
water source or treatment plant - To determine whether additional treatment is
12Bin Treatment Overview
- PWSs are classified into one of four bins
- Based on initial monitoring results
- May set additional requirements
- Bin 1 no additional treatment
- Bins 2, 3, 4 additional treatment or control
13Bin Classification Filtered Systems
14Toolbox Options
- Range of treatment and control process options to
meet bin requirements - Source protection and management
- Prefiltration
- Treatment performance
- Additional filtration
- Inactivation
- Offer Crypto treatment credits
15Implement Option(s)
- Install chosen treatment to meet bin
requirements - Schedule 1 April 1, 2012
- Schedule 2 October 1, 2012
- Schedule 3 October 1, 2013
- State can allow up to 2 additional years
16Reporting Crypto Results
- PWS and facility ID
- Sample location and date
- Sample type (field or matrix spike)
- Sample volume filtered
- Was 100 of filtered volume examined
- Number of oocysts
17Submitting Cryptosporidium Data
- Laboratory will Report Data through the LT2/Stage
2 Data Collection and Tracking System (DCTS) - Except for Schedule 4 systems that report
directly to KY - Enter or Up Load and electronically release the
data for PWS review approval and submission to
EPA State - PWS will Review Electronic Data Through DCTS
- PWS releases data back to the laboratory if it
has questions - No Questions PWS submits data to EPA as
approved or contested
18Use of E. coli Data
- E. coli data confirms the levels that trigger
Cryptosporidium monitoring by small, filtered
PWSs. - PWSs with mean E. coli that exceed trigger level
will be required to monitor for Cryptosporidium
to determine bin placement - E. coli trigger levels were set at a mean of
- 50 E. coli/100 ml for flowing stream-type source
waters - 10 E. coli/100 ml for reservoirs/lake source
19Reporting E. coli Results
- PWS and facility ID
- Sample location and date
- Analytical method number and type
- Source type
- E. coli/100 mL
- Turbidity
20Submitting E. coli Data
- Laboratory will Report Data through the LT2/Stage
2 Data Collection and Tracking System (DCTS) - Except for Schedule 4 systems that report
directly to KY - Enter or Up Load and electronically release the
data for PWS review approval and submission to
EPA State - PWS will Review Electronic Data Through DCTS
- PWS releases data back to the laboratory if it
has questions - No Questions PWS submits data to EPA as
approved or contested
21 22Preparing the IDSE Report for Standard Monitoring
- Every system that Conducts IDSE Standard
Monitoring Must prepare and submit a Report For
Standard Monitoring - Monitoring Forms are available electronically
and EPA has developed a Standard Monitoring
format - Before Beginning Stage 2 Compliance systems must
prepare a Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring
Plan - Subpart H systems serving gt3,300 people must
submit a copy of your Stage 2 compliance
monitoring to the state.
23Stage 2 DBPR Compliance Monitoring Preparing
IDSE Report
- IDSE Report is done after all sampling complete
for the IDSE - Stage 2 site selection process is based on
Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA) - Average all TTHMs and HAAs data collected at the
location - TTHM and HAA LRAAs are the most important factor
of site selection - Select the highest TTHM and HAA sites
24Determining Stage 2 Compliance Monitoring Schedule
- Select Peak Historical Month
- Use peak historical month selected in IDSE
standard monitoring plan unless new data suggest
another month - Develop a sample schedule using the peak
historical month and the applicable Schedule
compliance start date - Cant start compliance sampling before this date
- Conduct Stage 2 DBPR compliance Monitoring when
25Requirements For IDSE Report
- I. General Information
- II. Stage 2 DBPR Requirements
- III. Monitoring Results
- IV. Justification of Stage 2 DBPR Compliance
Monitoring Sites - V. Peak Historical Month and Stage 2 DBPR
Compliance Monitoring Schedule - VI. Distribution Schematic
- VII. Attachments
26(No Transcript)
27General Information
- I.A. PWS Information- If nothing has changed
since completion of SMP, copy information from
previous plan - I.B. Date Submitted- Enter Either the date that
your system is submitting the form
electronically, putting it in the mailbox, or
dropping your form off with an express delivery
service. Be sure to submit IDSE Report before the
deadline. - I.C. PWS Operations- If nothing has changed since
completion of SMP, copy information from previous
plan - I.D. Contact Person- Enter the contact
information of the person who is submitting the
report. This should be the person who will be
available to answers questions from EPA and or
State reviewers
28Stage 2 DBPR Requirements
- II.A Number of Compliance Monitoring Sites - Copy
the numbers from the Stage 2 Compliance
Monitoring Requirements table that correspond to
source type and the population served by your
system. - II.B. Schedule - This should be the same schedule
entered for standard monitoring plan. - II.C. Compliance Monitoring Frequency - Locate
the monitoring frequency from the Stage 2
Compliance Monitoring Requirements table that
corresponds to your source type and the
population served by your system. Put a check
mark in the box corresponding to that monitoring
29(No Transcript)
30Monitoring Results
- III.A. Did you deviate in any way from your
approved standard monitoring plan? - Put a check
mark in the appropriate box to identify whether
your system collected any standard monitoring
samples on different dates or at different
locations than indicated in your approved
standard monitoring plan. - If you sampled on a different date or during a
different week than scheduled in the approved
monitoring plan, you should write an explanation
in the space provided (or in attached sheets).
You should include the standard monitoring site
ID, the scheduled sampling date or week from your
monitoring plan, and the actual sampling date.
You must also explain why you sampled on a
different day or week than planned. - For example The ice storm in late January cause
power outages at labs and so they could not
process any samples
31Monitoring Results Cont
- III.B. Where were your TTHM and HAA5 samples
analyzed? - Put a check mark in the appropriate
box to identify whether your system analyzed TTHM
and HAA5 samples in an in-house laboratory or
sent the samples to a certified laboratory for
analysis. If you analyzed your TTHM and HAA5
samples in an in-house laboratory, check the
appropriate box to identify whether your
laboratory is certified. If you sent your TTHM
and HAA5 samples to a certified laboratory, enter
the name of the laboratory in the blank. If you
used more than one laboratory (e.g., if you used
different laboratories for standard monitoring
samples and Stage 1 DBPR compliance samples),
list both laboratories, or check in-house and
list the name of the laboratory if applicable.
32Monitoring Results Cont
- III.C What method(s) was used to analyze your
TTHM and HAA5 samples? - Put a check mark in the
appropriate box to indicate the analytical method
used to measure the TTHM and HAA5 concentrations
of your standard monitoring and Stage 1 DBPR
compliance samples. If more than one method was
used (e.g., if you used different laboratories
for standard monitoring samples and Stage 1 DBPR
compliance samples), check more than one method.
If you do not know what method was used, contact
your laboratory.
33(No Transcript)
34Monitoring Results Cont
- III.D. IDSE Standard Monitoring Results - TTHM -
Enter your TTHM results for each standard
monitoring site for each monitoring period in
which you collected data. For each sample result,
enter the date on which sampling was conducted.
If you are a subpart H system serving more than
49,999 people or a ground water system serving
more than 499,999 people, you were required to
conduct standard monitoring at more than 8 sites.
Therefore, you will need to attach additional
sheets. - III.E. IDSE Standard Monitoring Results - HAA5 -
Enter your HAA5 results for each standard
monitoring site for each monitoring period in
which you collected data. For each sample result,
enter the date on which sampling was conducted.
If you are a subpart H system serving more than
49,999 people or a ground water system serving
more than 499,999 people, you were required to
conduct standard monitoring at more than 8 sites.
Therefore, you will need to attach additional
35(No Transcript)
36Monitoring Results Cont
- III.F. Stage 1 DBPR Compliance Monitoring Results
- TTHM - Enter your TTHM results for each Stage 1
site for each monitoring period in which you
collected data. For each sample result, enter the
date on which sampling was conducted. Attach
additional sheets if needed. - III.G. Stage 1 DBPR Compliance Monitoring Results
- HAA5 - Enter your HAA5 results for each Stage 1
site for each monitoring period in which you
collected data. For each sample result, enter the
date on which sampling was conducted. Attach
additional sheets if needed.
37(No Transcript)
38Justification of Stage 2 DBPR Compliance
Monitoring Sites
- Enter the site ID from the distribution schematic
and the site type (whether it is highest TTHM,
highest HAA5, Stage 1 DBPR, or a site selected
using criteria other than the site selection
protocol). - For example This site had the 2nd highest TTHM
LRAA - An example of how you might justify a site that
was not selected using the protocol - Among the three remaining high TTHM sites,
standard monitoring Site 4 has the highest TTHM
LRAA. However, Stage 1 DBPR Site 7 has only a
slightly lower TTHM LRAA than standard monitoring
Site 4. Therefore, we choose Stage 1 DBPR Site 7
over standard monitoring site 4 to maintain the
historical DBP record.
39(No Transcript)
40(No Transcript)
41Peak Historical Month and Proposed Stage 2 DBPR
Compliance MonitoringSchedule
- V.A. Peak Historical Month- Enter the month that
you determined to be your peak historical month. - V.B Is Your Peak Historical Month the Same as in
Your IDSE Standard Monitoring Plan? - Put a check
mark in the appropriate box to identify whether
your system used the same peak historical month
as in your standard monitoring plan. If your
standard monitoring results prompted you to
change your peak historical month, explain how
you selected a new peak historical month. - V.C. Proposed Stage 2 DBPR Compliance Monitoring
Schedule - Enter the ID for each Stage 2 DBPR
compliance monitoring site in the table (these
should match the IDs you enter in Section IV and
on your schematic). Enter your proposed sampling
schedule for the number of monitoring periods
identified in Section - II.C. The entry can be a specific date or week
and can be in a number of different formats. - Remember that at least one monitoring period must
be during the peak historical month identified in
Section V.A
42Stage 2 IDSE ReportCompliance Determination Stage
2 DBP Rule compliance is based on locational
running annual averages of approved monitoring
sites, calculated quarterly. Accordingly, name
of PWS compliance with the Stage 2 DBP Rule would
conform to 40 CFR 141.620 (General Requirements),
141.621 (Routine Monitoring), 141.626
(Operational Evaluation Levels) and 141.629
(Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements).
43Additional Requirements
- VI. Distribution System Schematic- A distribution
system schematic is required only if it has
changed from your approved IDSE standard
monitoring plan. If it has changed, attach the
revised distribution system schematic. - VII. Attachments - Put a check mark in each of
the boxes corresponding to any attachments that
you have included in your report. A distribution
system schematic is required only if it has
changed since you submitted your IDSE standard
monitoring plan - One of the attachments is language that states
how your water system will calculate
compliancethis is required to make the Report
44IDSE Report Submittal
- If you submit your IDSE report electronically,
you also have the option to submit attachments in
hard copy. - Include a note in your electronic IDSE report
explaining that attachments are being submitted
in hard copy, and mail the hard copy to the IPMC
mailing address in your Requirements Summary
Sheet. - The IPMC will match the hard copy submission with
your electronic submission when it is received. - If you are a subpart H system serving gt3,300
people, you must submit a copy of your Stage 2
compliance monitoring plan to the state. If you
include compliance calculation procedures in your
IDSE report, the report can meet the requirement
of the plan, and you do not have to prepare or
submit a separate plan. - Enter the total number of pages in your IDSE
report (including attachments) in the blank at
the bottom of this section. This will allow EPA
or your state to ensure that all pages were
- Kellee M. Husband
- Department for Environmental ProtectionEnergy
and Environment Cabinet - March 23, 2008