Shale Gas: Is Responsible Development an Oxymoron? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Shale Gas: Is Responsible Development an Oxymoron?


Elizabeth Paranhos Environmental Attorney Flowback and produced water Impoundments cause spills and release VOCs NYS: Impoundments significant source of HAPs New ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shale Gas: Is Responsible Development an Oxymoron?

Shale Gas Is Responsible Development an
  • Elizabeth Paranhos
  • Environmental Attorney

  • Game Changer?
  • Real Concerns
  • Risk Management
  • Crisis or opportunity?

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Game Changer?
  • On March 31, 2011 President Obama declared that
    recent innovations have given us the opportunity
    to tap large reserves-perhaps a centurys worth
    of shale gas.
  • Shale gas was less than 2 of total U.S. energy
    production in 2001. Now it is approaching 30
    and anticipated to equal nearly 50 by 2035.
  • Domestic energy sourcereduced energy
    independence. Cheap 4 gas.
  • Jobs.
  • Cleanest burning fossil fuel. Is it?

Ground Truthing
  • LCA-the science is still out. Howarth Study is
    on the high end. Recent National Energy
    Technology Laboratory study. Emissions 42 to 53
    percent lower than coal based electricity.
  • NREL JISEA harmonization study out spring 2012.
  • What about energy efficiency, renewables? Truth
    is gas is here to stay.

  • Economic prosperity, energy independence,
    drilling, cannot come at expense of human health
    and environment

Risk Management
  • How do we protect our air, water, communities,
    farms, and ecosystems?

Air Pollution
  • Oil and gas activities are the single largest
    source of methane emissions in the United States
  • In 2009, the methane emitted from oil and gas
    activities equaled approximately 328 million
    metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMT
    CO2e). This figure is roughly equivalent to the
    carbon dioxide emissions emitted from 78
    coal-fired power plants.
  • Potent GHG. Over a 100-year period, methane has a
    warming potential 25 times that of carbon
    dioxide. Over 20 years, 72 times more effective.
    Short life span.
  • Contributes to background levels of ozone-also a
  • Waste from venting, flaring, fugitives

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Inefficiencies and lost product
  • According to a 2010 Government Accountability
    Office report around 40 of natural gas
    estimated to be vented or flared on onshore
    federal leases could be economically captured
    with currently available control technologies.
  • Such reductions, if accomplished, could increase
    federal royalty payments by 23 million annually.
  • Technologies and practices to eliminate this
    waste are available and often result in immediate
    or short-term payback due to increased gas sales.

  • Ozone causes suite of health impacts including
    respiratory ailments and premature mortality
  • NOx and VOCs are released in abundance from
    natural gas activities
  • NOx and VOC emissions from gas production in the
    Barnett Shale are comparable to the combined
    emissions from all the cars and trucks in the
    Dallas Forth-Worth metro area.
  • Deterioration air quality previously pristine

Ground-level ozone
  • Winter-time ozone exceedances have occurred in
    Wyoming near the Pinedale-Anticline natural gas

Air toxics
  • Air toxics cause suite of illnesses including
  • Studies conducted at various locations in Texas
    and Colorado identified high levels of HAPs
    including benzene, a known carcinogen, at oil and
    gas exploration and production sites
  • Benzene detected above TCEQs long-term,
    health-based comparison value of 1.4 ppb
  • 11 of 32 unique areas sampled, most containing or
    in close proximity to residences
  • One fenceline site reached 1,100 ppb

EPA Action
  • EPA recently proposed suite of standards to
    reduce toxic and VOC emissions. Substantial
    methane co-benefits. Rules due to take effect
    April 3, 2010.
  • Scope of rules cover most significant sources of
  • Ohio General Permit for new production wells.
    Controls for dehys, tanks, combustion devices,
    equipment and pipeline leaks. Not to wells
    during drilling or fracturing phase because are

  • Water concerns. Do residents have reason to be

Federal Drinking Water Regulatory Regime (for
most industries)
  • In 1974, the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was
  • The EPAs Underground Injection Control (UIC)
    Program, under the SDWA, protects underground
    sources of drinking water (USDWs) from fluids
    injected into the ground for storage, disposal or
    enhancing oil and gas recovery.
  • In 1997, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th
    Circuit (Atlanta) ordered the EPA to regulate
    hydraulic fracturing under the Safe Drinking
    Water Act. This decision followed a 1989 CBM
    fracturing operation in Alabama that landowners
    say contaminated a residential water well. The
    court determined that injection, as used in the
    SDWA, means the act of forcing (a liquid) into
    a passage, cavity, or tissue. Legal
    Environmental Assistance Foundation, Inc. v. EPA,
    118 F.3d 1467, 1474 (11th Cir. 1997).

The Haliburton Exemption
  • While most underground injections of chemicals
    are subject to the protections of the Safe
    Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Congress in 2005
    exempted hydraulic fracturing as the
    underground injection of fluids or propping
    agents (other than diesel fuels) pursuant to
    hydraulic fracturing operations related to oil,
    gas, or geothermal production activities from
    the Acts most protections. Energy Policy Act of
    2005, Section 322.
  • Exception if diesel fuel is used as part of
    fracking, operator must obtain a permit.
  • Furthermore, the injection of frack fluids, for
    storage purposes, is subject to the UIC program,
    but is permitted into Class II wells rather than
    Class I because drilling fluids and produced
    water are not considered hazardous under RCRA.
    Exception diesel fuel.

Real Risks?
  • DOE Shale Gas Subcommitte determined risk of frac
    fluids leaking into drinking water is slim
    provided large depth of separation between
    producing zone and drinking water source.
  • Surface spill migration into shallow drinking
    water formation is however real concerns, as is
    methane migration due to poor well construction.

PA Department of Environmental Protection
Whats in frack fluids?
  • Fracking fluids are also exempt from disclosure
    requirements that would require oil and gas
    companies to disclose to the public and
    regulators the nature and concentrations of
    chemicals used in fracking.
  • Frac fluid is mixture of water, sand and
  • Human and animal health issue. Need immediate
    access to info.

Disclosure A Modest Proposal
  • Full disclosure of all fracking constituents
  • Voluntary self-disclosure is no substitute for
    mandatory disclosure under an oversight regime
    that ensures accuracy of the disclosure and
    appropriate penalties for mis-statements.
  • A voluntary program offers little or nothing in
    the way of peace of mind or assurances for
    residents, or water providers.
  • Companies could opt out as fast as they are
    currently opting in.
  • Reporting is a disincentive to use toxic
    chemicals and push companies to be safe, towards
    industry-wide adoption of safe fracking
  • MSDS not enough. Both composition and
  • Wyoming has model rule-Public disclosure of
    everything but proprietary. Latter disclosed to

Green Frac fluids
  • Companies should use inert, environmentally safe
  • Public disclosure of contents of frack fluids
    will help ensure this happens
  • If Chesapeakes CEO can drink fluids, all
    companies should use safe, non-toxic constituents

Legislative fix? FRAC Act?
  • 2009 House and Senate bills to remove regulatory
    SDWA exemption and require disclosure
  • March 2011 Democrats reintroduce FRAC act
  • April 2011 Dems release frack fluid report
    identifying 750 toxic chemicals used in fluids
  • No legislative action expected soon.

EPA action?
  • The U.S. EPA is investigating whether drilling
    poses any threats to drinking water. This
    includes an examination of the chemicals used in
    fracturing fluids. Agency officials say they hope
    to have final recommendations by 2014.
  • Investigating reports of drinking water
    contamination in Bradford and Susquehanna PA and
    prospective study in Washington county PA

  • August 2011 BLM announced consideration of new
    regulations for frack fluid disclosure and best
    practices re disclosure, well construction,
    wastewater, protection of drinking water
  • DOI has duty to manage public lands, including
    national forests, in manner that protects water
  • Must also prevent permanent impairment of the
    quality of the environment and by regulation or
    otherwise, take any action necessary to prevent
    unnecessary or undue degradation of the lands.

BLM Regulatory Protections
  • The scope of review, recommendations and new
    policies should define the fracking process and
    associated resource concerns as broadly as
    possible. For all wells on federal leases, BLM
    should follow the example of the STRONGER program
    and cover
  • Baseline surveys
  • Casing and cementing plans
  • Chemical information availability
  • Prior notification of fracking operations
  • Pit construction, maintenance and inspections
  • Source STRONGER (State Review of O NG
    Environmental regulations) PA review

Stronger Protections
  • Setbacks from domestic water wells and streams
  • ¼ or preferably ½ mile
  • Knowledge is key A Comprehensive baseline
    studies of hydrological conditions, including an
    assessment of the potential pathways for fluid
    movement into groundwater, and plans to prevent
    such movement
  • Tracers in fracking fluids to establish whether
    drilling and development operations are the cause
    of contaminating water resources.

Well construction
  • Key to limiting methane migration is proper well
    completion (cementing and casing) and pressure
    management (pressure tests of casing and
    state-of-the-art cement bond logs). Isolate
    gas-producing zone from overlaying formations.
    Sufficient casing to prevent communication
    between hydrocarbons and aquifers.
  • Also microseismic surveys to ensure fracturing is
    limited to gas-producing formations
  • Proper inspections and regulations are needed.

Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania
  • Date 2009
  • Company and Nature of Operations There were
    several reports of methane gas migrating to the
    surface and of drinking water well exploding.
    Upon testing, the PA DEP found that nine wells
    contained methane.
  • Isotopic analysis was conducted by the PA DEP
    and it was determined that the gas did indeed
    originate from a drilling formation of Cabot Oil
    Gas Corp.

Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania
  • Case Resolution and Current Status The PA DEP
    issued Cabot a notice of violation on February
    27, 2009, citing the companys failure to comply
    with Pennsylvanias Oil and Gas Act. The Notice
    also stated that PA DEPs investigation
    revealed that Cabot had caused or allowed gas
    from lower formations to enter fresh
    groundwater. Cabot must now get all casing and
    cementing plans approved by the PA DEP. (PA DEP,
    DEP Continuing Investigation Into High Methane
    Levels in Susquehanna County Wells, PA DEP Daily
    News Releases, Jan. 23, 2009)

Bradford PA
  • State fined Chesapeake Energy 1 million for
    contaminating water supplies of 16 families.
    Likely cause? Methane migration due to poor
    casing and cementing that allowed gas to migrate
    into shallow gas formations and contaminate
  • Chesapeake agreed to pay for water treatment for
    the families and stated it has enhanced its well
    construction and completion designs.
  • Did not admit liability, however.

State Regulation Casing
  • Surface casing shall be cemented into or through
    a competent bed and at a depth that will allow
    complete well shut-in without fracturing the
    formation immediately below the casing shoe.
  • Production casing This casing shall be
    cemented and, when required by the Division,
    tested for fluid shutoff above the zone or zones
    to be produced (CCR 1722.3)
  • Must be in compliance with 3.13 and done in
    such a manner that the injected fluids will not
    endanger oil, gas, or geothermal resources and
    will not endanger freshwater formations not
    productive of oil, gas, or geothermal resources.
    (T.A.C. Title 16, Part 1, 3.46(f))
  • CO requires requires operators monitor and record
    bradenhead annulus pressure during fracking to
    alert them to well construction failures. COGCC
    Rule 341

  • Fracking fluid containment ponds is pitless
    drilling a better management practice?

Flowback and produced water
  • Impoundments cause spills and release VOCs
  • NYS Impoundments significant source of HAPs
  • New Mexico Over half of incidents of ground
    water contamination due to faulty pits
  • In Pennsylvania, state authorities were forced to
    quarantine cattle after a pit leaked into their
    field, pooling in a smelly pool that killed the
  • In Colorado, leaky pits with torn liners spilled
    more than 6,000 barrels of waste, and one leaking
    pit contaminated drinking water with benzene.
  • And in Ohio, compromised pit liners and pit wall
    failures have sent pollution spilling out into
    the environment.

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Solution? Pitless drilling
  • Storage tanks-reduce likelihood of spills and air
    toxic emissions
  • WY requires 98 control of HAPs and VOCs from
  • CO 90 pitless operations in both the DJ and
    Piceance basins as of 2011.
  • Pitless drilling may not always be an option for
    horizontal frack jobs-where not feasible, all
    pits should be lined, fenced, and recycling or
    injection should be required as much as possible
    to reduce truck traffic, minimize spills and air
  • Multi-well pads encourage recycling. Water
    should be piped, not trucked, in between wells.

EPA Action
  • EPA recently announced rules to regulate
    wastewater. Rules will require wastewater meets
    certain standards before being sent to POTW.
    Proposed shale rule in 2014.
  • Also rules for injection of diesel into
    underground injection wells

  • Gas fields fragment the landscape, interfering
    with migratory routes, breeding, nesting and
    winter ranges.

Essential protections
  • Landscape level planning that provides for
    connectivity between important corridors and
    considers cumulative impacts over broad
    geographic area
  • Comprehensive drilling plans. Plan must describe
    wildlife resources and proposed BMPs to mitigate
    impacts. COGCC Rule 216.
  • Science-based identification of crucial wildlife
    habitat and corridors should be developed and
    disclosed and used to inform CDPs. CO/NM
  • Adequate enforcement and monitoring of surface
    use stipulations, mitigation measures

Wayne and other State Forest
  • Insist on landscape level planning
  • Ohio NEPA review?
  • Adequate mitigation measures to protect streams,
    wildlife, fisheries.
  • Setbacks
  • Baseline monitorin
  • NSO stips?

Boom Bust Cycle
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Then what?
  • A growing body of credible research evidence in
    recent decades shows that resource dependent
    communities can and often do end up worse off
    than they would have been without exploiting
    their extractive reserves. Cornell Dept. of
    City and Regional Planning, CaRDI report. David
    Kay The Economic Impact of Marcellus Shale Gas
    Drilling What Have we Learned? What are the

Who should pay and how much?
  • Severance tax is a tax imposed on the value of
    nonrenewable resources that will be used the
    state from which they are extracted
  • All states except NY and PA impose severance tax
  • Bill in PA legislature proposed to impose impact
    fee on wells and toughen clean water protection
    laws and penalties for environmental violations.
  • Severance tax should pay for short and long-term
    impacts of drilling to avoid undue burden on
    local communities and governments

Do taxes and regulation deter investment?
  • WY suggests no. State has some of the most
    stringent environmental regulations and a
    severance tax. Over same period of time when WY
    increased tax rate to approx 50 that of MT, and
    MT lowered it, the production value (product of
    price times volume) in WY was 5 times as high as
  • WY and CO have experienced considerable growth in
    gas production, in some cases higher than US
    overall, despite having some of toughest regs.

Should we follow France?
  • Estimated 55 municipalities have some ban
  • Santa Fe ordinance
  • Pittsburg, Morgantown, and NJ have banned
  • NY recently lifted ban. No drilling in NYC and
    Syracuse watersheds, buffers of 500-4000 ft

Some places are too special
Communities need protections
Know your rights!
  • Negotiate lease terms.
  • Lease term?
  • Access?
  • Baseline soil, air and water monitoring
  • Record crop production, animal fertility rates
  • Require companies clean up and compensate for any
  • Ohio has mandatory pooling. If acquire 90 of
    mineral rights, may force owners of 10 to
    participate. But no surface access to holdouts.

No mud, no lotus
  • Where do we go from here?
  • Stay informed!
  • Know your rights. Negotiate lease terms
  • Support tough rules that protect human health and
    the environment environmental review
    state/federal lands
  • Make injured plaintiff whole. Stronger fines and
  • Protect special places and communities
    moratorium, setbacks, NSO stipulations
  • Conserve and reduce energy. Energy independence
    starts with each one of us
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