Title: Mike Smith
1Control of Pollution (Oil Storage)(England)
Regulations 2001
- Mike Smith
- Hampshire Environment Management
- Itchen Team
2Oil Pollution Incidents 1990-2003(Figures for
England Wales)
3Top 5 Causes of Oil Pollution(England and Wales)
1. Accidental spillage 2. Vandalism 3. Leaking
tanks 4. Collision 5. Poor operation
4Whats so bad about oil?
- Environmental impact
- toxic, persistent and bio-accumulates
- prevents industrial and recreational use
- looks unpleasant
5Whats so bad about oil?
- Economic Impact
- fines
- clean-up costs
- replacement of fish
- company reputation
6The Control Of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England)
Regulations 2001
7Who do the regulations affect?
- Commercial, industrial, institutional premises
storing any type of oil
- Containers gt 200 litres, above ground
- Tanks, Drums, IBCs, Mobile Bowsers
8Implementation time-scales
- Introduction was phased over several years to
allow industry time to comply
- Originally High Risk sites were targeted
- As from 1st Sept 2005 all oil stores must comply
9Principal Requirements
- Good tank design standards (including pipework)
- Secondary Containment - bund, or - drip
tray (drums and mobile equipment)
10Exemptions Waste mineral oil
- Any mineral based lube or industrial oil which is
unfit for its intended use
- All other waste oils are covered by the
11Exemptions Underground storage
- Underground storage - controlled by Groundwater
Regulations and Code of Practice
12Exemptions Inside buildings
- Building should provide secondary containment
- Building Regulations - may require secondary
containment for fire safety purposes
13Exemptions Domestic oil storage
- Wholly or mainly as a private dwelling
- exempt if container is less than 3500 litres
14Building Regs Requirements
- New / replacement domestic tanks to comply with
Approved Document J
- Secondary containment required if
- or close to watercourse or drain or loose
fitting manhole cover
- or spilled oil could run over hard ground into
- or tank vent can not be seen during refilling
15Exemptions Refining or onward distribution
- Oil refineries or storage for the onward
- Institute of Petroleum - Environmental Guidelines
for Petroleum Installations
- Good environmental practice expected at all sites
16Exemptions Agricultural use of oil on farms
- Silage, Slurry Agricultural Fuel Oil
Regulations 1991
- Secondary containment gt1500l
- Prior notice to the Agency
17General Requirements Primary Container
- Container defined as fixed tank, drum, mobile
bowser or Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC)
- Container must be fit for purpose sufficient
18General RequirementsSecondary Containment
- Tanks, mobile bowsers, IBCs - 110 total capacity
if the container
19General RequirementsSecondary Containment
- Impermeable to oil and water
- Pipes passing through wall must be adequately
20General RequirementsLocation
- Positioned or other steps taken to minimise risk
of damage by impact
- other steps taken - collision barriers or
21General Requirements Ancillary Equipment
- Ancillary equipment (eg valves, filter, sight
gauge, vent pipe) must be within the secondary
- Fill pipes should be inside the bund but where
unavoidably outside a drip tray must be used
22Fixed TanksSight Gauges
23Fixed Tanks Pipes, Valves Taps
- Vent pipes, taps and valves within bund
- Must be directed down into the bund
- All taps and valves - must be fitted with locks
and locked shut when not in use
24Fixed Tanks Pipework
- Protected from damage and corrosion
- Aboveground - properly supported
- Underground - regular testing
- leak detection - joints only allowed where
inspection facilities present
25Fixed Tanks Flexible delivery hoses ...
- Tap/valve at delivery end with auto close
- Must not be capable of being left open unless has
auto shutoff
26Fixed Tanks Flexible delivery hoses
- Kept in secondary container when not in use
- Have lockable valve where pipe leaves container
27Fixed Tanks Pumps
- Minimise damage by impact
- Check valve to prevent tank drain down
- Protect from unauthorised use
28Fixed Tanks Delivery to the tank
- If tank and vent pipe can not be seen then an
auto-overfill prevention device must be fitted
- Fixed couplings must be used if available (and in
good condition)
29Mobile Bowsers
30Mobile BowsersAncillary Equipment
- Valves, filters, sight gauges, vent pipe and fill
point within the secondary containment system
31Mobile BowsersTaps and Valves
- Taps or valves through which oil can discharge to
the open must have a lock and be locked shut when
not in use
32Mobile BowsersFlexible delivery pipes
- Be fitted with a manual pump or a valve at
delivery end which closes automatically when not
in use
- pump and valve locked shut
- be fitted with a lockable valve where it leaves
the tank
33Drum StorageDrip tray capacity
- Single drum minimum 25 of its capacity
- Multiple drums minimum 25 of total capacity
34The Control of Pollution (Oil Storage)
(England) Regulations 2001
A Pictorial Guide to Aspects of Compliance
and Non Compliance of Oil Storage Tanks
35Oil container should be Fit for the purpose of
storing oil
36Oil container should be Fit for the purpose of
storing oil
37Tank situated in a High Risk area
38Oil storage tanks provided with secondary
containment system
39Oil storage tanks provided with secondary
containment system
40Tank positioned or steps taken to minimise risk
of damage by impact
41Tank positioned or steps taken to minimise risk
of damage by impact
42Secondary containment with 110 capacity
43Secondary containment with 110 capacity
44Secondary containment impermeable no valves or
openings for drainage
45Secondary containment impermeable no valves or
openings for drainage
46Pipes passing through secondary containment sealed
47Ancillary equipment within secondary containment
48Site gauge properly supported
49Site gauge valve fitted with an autoclose valve
50Pipes protected from impact or collision damage
51Pipes protected from corrosion and properly
52Vent pipes, taps and valves arranged to discharge
into containment system
53Vent pipes, taps and valves arranged to discharge
into containment system
54Overfill prevention device if tank and vent pipe
cant be seen when filling
55Taps and valves fitted with locks and locked shut
when not in use
56Fill pipe within secondary containment or with a
drip tray
57Fill pipe within secondary containment or with a
drip tray
58Screw fittings used during delivery where present
59Flexible draw off pipes with tap/ valve at
delivery end with automatic shut off when not in
60Flexible draw off pipe with lockable valve locked
shut when not in use
61Pump set protected from impact damage, collision
and unauthorised use
62Pump set protected from impact damage, collision
and unauthorised use
63Enforcement Awareness
- EA responsible for enforcing the regulations,
likely to be in the first instance by issuing of
- Oil and Tank Industry involvement
- Guidance available - leaflet, DEFRA, PPG 2 26,
OFTEC, Oil Care Campaign
- Web site at www.environment-agency.gov.uk/osr/
- Queries to oil.regulations_at_environment-