Title: Computing Motion from Images
1Computing Motion from Images
- Chapter 9 of SS plus otherwork.
2General topics
- Low level change detection
- Region tracking or matching over time
- Interpretation of motion
- MPEG compression
- Interpretation of scene changes in video
- Understanding human activites
3Motion important to human vision
4Whats moving different cases
5Image subtraction
- Simple method to remove unchanging background
from moving regions.
6Change detection for surveillance
7Change detection by image subtraction
8What to do with regions of change?
- Discard small regions
- Discard regions of non interesting features
- Keep track of regions with interesting features
- Track in future frames from motion plus component
9Some effects of camera motion that can cause
10Motion field
11FOE and FOC
Will return to use the FOE or FOC or detection of
panning to determine what the camera is doing in
video tapes.
12Gaming using a camera to recognize the players
13Decathlete game
Cheap camera replaces usual mouse for input
Running speed and jumping of the avatar is
controlled by detected motion of the players
14Motion detection input device
Jumping (hands)
Running (hands)
15Motion analysis controls hurdling event (console)
- Top left shows video frame of player
- Middle left shows motion vectors from multiple
frames - Center shows jumping patterns
16Related work
- Motion sensed by crude cameras
- Person dances/gestures in space
- System maps movement into music
- Creative environment?
- Good exercise room?
17Computing motion vectors from corresponding
- High energy neighborhoods are used to define
points for matching
18Match points between frames
Such large motions are unusual. Most systems
track small motions.
19Requirements for interest points
Match small neighborhood to small neighborhood.
The previous scene contains several highly
textured neighborhoods.
20Interest minimum directional variance
Used by Hans Moravec in his robot stereo vision
system. Interest points were used for stereo
21Detecting interest points in I1
22Match points from I1 in I2
23Search for best match of point P1 in nearby
window of I2
For both motion and stereo, we have some
constraints on where to search for a matching
interest point.
24Motion vectors clustered to show 3 coherent
All motion vectors are clustered into 3 groups of
similar vectors showing motion of 3 independent
objects. (Dina Eldin)
Motion coherence points of same object tend to
move in the same way
25Two frames of aerial imagery
Video frame N and N1 shows slight movement most
pixels are same, just in different locations.
26Can code frame Nd with displacments relative to
frame N
- for each 16 x 16 block in the 2nd image
- find a closely matching block in the 1st image
- replace the 16x16 intensities by the location in
the 1st image (dX, dY) - 256 bytes replaced by 2 bytes!
- (If blocks differ too much, encode the
differences to be added.)
27Frame approximation
Left is original video frame N1. Right is set of
best image blocks taken from frame N. (Work of
Dina Eldin)
28Best matching blocks between video frames N1 to
N (motion vectors)
The bulk of the vectors show the true motion of
the airplane taking the pictures. The long
vectors are incorrect motion vectors, but they do
work well for compression of image I2!
Best matches from 2nd to first image shown as
vectors overlaid on the 2nd image. (Work by Dina
29Motion coherence provides redundancy for
- MPEG motion compensation represents motion of
16x16 pixels blocks, NOT objects
30MPEG represents blocks that move by the motion
31MPEG has I, P, and B frames
32Computing Image Flow
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36Image flow equation 2 of 2
37Aperture problem
38Solving flow by propagation of constraints
39Info at corner constrains the flow along both
Solve constraints using contraint propagation or
differential equation with boundary conditions.
40Tracking several objects
- Use assumptions of physics to compute multiple
smooth paths. - (work of Sethi and R. Jain)
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42Tracking in images over time
43General constraints from physics
44Other possible constraints
- Background statistics stable
- Object color/texture/shape might change slowly
over frames - Might have knowledge of objects under survielance
- Objects appear/disappear at boundary of the frame
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46Sethi-Jain algorithm
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48Total smoothness of m paths
49Greedy exchange algorithm
50Example data structure
Total smoothness for trajectories of Figure 9.14
51Example of domain specific tracking (Vera Bakic)
Tracking eyes and nose of PC user. System
presents menu (top). User moves face to position
cursor to a particular box (choice). System
tracks face movement and moves cursor
accordingly user gets into feedback-control loop.
52Segmentation of videos/movies
- Segment into scenes, shots, specific actions, etc.
53Types of changes in videos
54How do we compute the scene change?
Anchor person scene at left
Scene break
Street scene for news story
From Zhang et al 1993
55Histograms of frames across the scene change
Histograms at left are from anchor person frames,
while histogram at bottom right is from the
street frame.
56Heuristics for ignoring zooms
57American sign language example
58Example from Yang and Ahuja
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