Title: Tourists image formation processes
1Tourists image formation processes
- Branding Market Development
- 20 February 2007
- Rounding off last lecture
- Image formation among tourists
- Destination choice image, what is a
destination image, how is it formed, how is it
used - How to meassure image
- Image formation a practical exercise
3 Source Gartner (1993) pp.194-195. Â
4Source Echtner Ritchie (1991) p.6.
5People make sense of places through
- Planned intervention
- product offers, marketing
- Their own others use of place
- personal experience hearsay
- Place representation
- films, novels, media reports
(Kavaratzis Ashworth 2005)
6People make sense of place through
- ..its history that gives a destination its
colourful past in which a sense of place is
created (Durie et al. 2005 p.44) - architecture, literature, food, landscape, music,
film - visitors learn to read Scotland afresh in ways
that resonate with their own times (ibid. p.48) - authenticity vs. accuracy
7A cultural image model (Therkelsen 2003)
8Network of cultural images an example
9Cultural images shortcut to positioning
- useing the cliché as a hook on which to hang
more detail (Morgan Pritchard, 2001, p.275). - avoid cognitive dissonance (Gartner 1993)
exploit existing images, not total revolution
(Smith 2005)
10How to measure image familiarity-favourability
- Familiarity
- Never heard of
- Heard of a little bit
- Know a little amount
- Know a fair amount
- Know very well
- Favourability
- Very unfavourable
- Somewhat unfavourable
- Indifferent
- Somewhat favourable
- Very favourable
(Kotler et al 1999)
11How to measure image semantic differentials
The image of Copenhagen
(Kotler et al. 1999)
12How to measure image Qualitative interviews
(Sayre 2001)
13Image study in practise - Aalborg
- Two groups
- Experienced Aalborg residents
- New residents / commuters
- Assignment
- If Aalborg was an animal, what animal would it
be? -
- With point of departure in this question the
groups are to identify four characteristics which
summarise their understanding of Aalborg as a
tourism destination. -
14Further readings
- Kotler et al (1999) Marketing Places Europe
Harlow Prentice Hall - Sayre S. (2001) Qualitative methods for
marketplace research. Thousand Oaks Sage. - Jensen O.B. 2005. Branding the Contemporary City
Urban branding as Regional Growth Agenda?
Plenary paper for Regional Studies Association
Conference, Aalborg 28-31 May 2005.