Title: IMC Presentation to the International Investment Council
1The International Marketing Council Branding
South Africa May 2002
Photograph courtesy South Photos
2SA Vision
To improve the quality of life for all South
Africans by becoming the worlds most competitive
and admired emerging market.
3IMC Vision
To transform the image of South Africa internally
and externally by creating, coordinating and
integrating a compelling South African brand
proposition. This will be achieved by
coordinating and integrating this brand message
across all government departments, parastatals,
the private sector, civil society and all
Believe InSA
Global Positioning
4Original Intent of the IMC
- To coordinate marketing efforts and manage brand
perceptions - To create news proactively rather than reactively
- To provide context and balance in the news
- To promote the country proactively rather than
reactively - To focus efforts on Tourism, Trade and Investment
5The IMC Today
- Building on the original platform we have further
defined ourselves as an enabler - Provide leadership and a birds-eye-view
- Co-ordinating role
- Leverage initiatives
- Create strategic frameworks
- Build national pride
6- Strategic Projects
- Web portal
- Brand SA
Photograph courtesy South Photos
7Role of the Communication Resource Centre
- Opened last week
- Rapid response
- International perspective, monitoring and
prioritisation - Expert research and input
- Drafting capacity, interpretation and
recommendation - Recommendations co-ordinated with GCIS and
communication clusters - Inculcate Brand essence into all communication
- Crafting of responses
- Co-ordination and integration between CRC and
policy makers - Contribute to enrichment of government resources
- Keep track and audit dissemination of information
- Traffic the processes, requiring responses by
certain times - Chase and maintain the calendar of events
- Create a status report on which ministry has/has
not responded each month. We will offer training
and protocol development. - In critical situations, IMC will contribute to
speed up the process e.g. When items are multi
departmental, when they are of national
importance or when there is a crisis - IMC will create measurement of positive press
9Main Gateway and Web portal Southafrica.info Sa
Photograph courtesy South Photos
- World first
- Create a gateway single-point-of-entry for the
country - Easy access for investors, importers, exporters,
tourists, media and citizens who want any
information on South Africa - Linking to relevant South African websites
- Brand essence integrated throughout
11Web portal
12BrandSouth Africa
Photograph courtesy South Photos
- Common theme
- Common values
- Interpretive but within a framework
- Sense of direction
- Prevent mixed messages
- Vehicle to change national and international
14(No Transcript)
- Engage with people
- Engage with the land
- Its what you do, not see
Hope for humanity
- Maak n plan
- Ubuntu
- (communal spirit)
Alternativelifestyle / art
A nation that caresfor its own
Active notpassive
Interaction Nation
Shining light
South AfrICan
The SA way
- Showing the way forward
- Action over words
- The global example
A uniquenessmerged from differentcultures
- Melting pot
- Liberation through diversity
18National Icons
19National Icons
20Trade and Industry
SA inspiring the world
- Blue Sky (nature invention)
Urban Africa
Everything is possible
Land Of Opportunity
Action Nation
Inventors/ Achievers/ Entertainers
24Three strategic directions
- Forging a better way
- Ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things
- Active adaptability
25Expert Opinion
- Massive private and public initiative,
- radical innovation and
- inspirational leadership
- can elevate South Africa to a respected and
successful country in the relatively short time
span of ten years
26Branding a country
27Branding a Country
- Countries are also brands. If we were speaking
about a company or a product, we would say that
brand is the sum total of its history, its
culture, its products or services, its people,
its customers, its financials, its operations,
and its leadership - That brand whatever it may be is a reflection
of that which must remain inviolate Values - South African values are South African values
the core human truth that resonates in every
South African heart
28Branding a Country
- In terms of a country the brand stewards
specifically, the President and his cabinet can
solidify their leadership by re-identifying and
re-enforcing the core values of the country - Continuity and consistency are vital
- This responsibility too, lies with the rest of us
- Vukuzenzele!
29Branding a Country
- The IMC task is to make sure that the perceptions
are correct and accurate - If we do not actively position South Africa, then
the international media will and are, according
to their own agendas - Negative perceptions about South Africas image
and reputation has damaged our ability to compete
at optimal capacity in world markets, to
encourage investment, to create jobs, or to
attract tourists - There is often a negative self-perception which
is endorsed by many South Africans themselves - The image and behaviour needs managing
30Expert Opinion
- Do we have a national goal?
- In a land of diversity a very firm national goal
is essential. We need something that - every citizen, every level of worker or
executive can work towards. - Currently the goals are too fragmented to deliver
any significant success.
31Believe in SA
Photograph courtesy South Photos
32Believe in SA
- Change the way South Africans view themselves and
the future of their country, as a result
influence what they say about their country to
one another, and to the rest of the world.
33Proud of being a South African
34 35(No Transcript)
36Good Stuff
- Carmen 7th best musical, Mystries best drama
- Moved up the World Competitiveness Forum
- BMW investment of R2 billion
- World Summit of Sustainable Development
- Cricket World Cup- showcase SA and its people
- Singita best hotel in the world
- 43 cruise ships docked in CT last month
- Export boom - Nandos, Carrol Boyes cutlery,
Naartjie clothing, art and fashion - Moodys re-rating
- 3rd most recognized flag in the world
- Mandela 2nd most recognized icon in the world
after Coke, before Nike and MacDonalds! - Integrated infrastructure clinic, with roads
and electricity and water - 1,2 million homes built
37Good Stuff
- Nadine Gordimers the first South African to have
won the Nobel prize for literature - Zakes Mda won the 2001 commonwealth Book Prize
- SAs Mark Shuttleworth first African in space
- SA breweries is the fourth largest brewer in the
world, and produces over 50 of Chinas beer - SA electricity most cost-effective in the world
- Kreepy Krauly invented in SA
- There are more endemic plant species per hectare
in the Cape Peninsula than any other area in the
world - Kruger National park has the most innovative
management of a national parks anywhere in the
world - Church street longest in the world
- SA has the most species of trees in the world
38In conclusion
- We have a massive, but exciting task ahead of us
- South Africa has huge potential
- Marketing can make a difference, but there are no
quick fixes - The difference will be measurable
- The task is a very long journey, that needs
consistency and repetition - Only complete commitment will do from the
President, from the cabinet, from the
ambassadors, and from the people of our
beautiful, creative, vibrant, abundant, resilient