Title: Creating and Running A Game
1Creating and Running A Game
2Background Preparation
- You have installed The Global Business Game (GBG)
on a personal computer. You have also checked
the games website to make sure you have included
any necessary updates to the games software. - You understand the experiential method and will
be altering your teaching style to realize the
methods learning benefits. - You have determined the level of game complexity
and its configuration to accomplish your courses
teaching objectives. This is discussed in the AM
and covers team creation methods, alternative
game configurations and growth scenarios. - You have assigned players to their companies and
you have collected from them their initialized
company Decision Set disks. You may also have
used in class the PowerPoint presentation named
Initialize found on the games website.
3Prof. Nathan Globus Shows You How
- Prof. Globus will take you through the steps he
took to create his game. - He has two sections of a senior-level strategic
management course with about 35 students in each
section. - He wanted a strong international emphasis,
believed firms should be rewarded for producing
shareholder value and wanted the economic
environments to be fairly competitive and tied to
real-world economic conditions.
4The Professor Creates His Game
- He clicked New Game because he created a new
game for the semester.
5Naming and Passwording the Game
- Prof. Globus named his game New Game.
- He created and verified his Password.
- Satisfied with his work he pressed Next to move
onto the next steps.
6Selecting the Number of Industries and Companies
- The good professor thought four-member firms
would be just about right for the complexity
level he will be choosing. - He didnt want the industries to be too big for
motivational purposes. - Three industries with five or six firms per
industry were created.
7Configuring Industry A
Click here to view and edit Scenarios available.
- This industrys Home Country is the United
States. - The countries in play are the U.S. and Mexico.
- Growth Scenario A will be used.
- Company performance evaluations are based
primarily on shareholder concerns.
8Examining and Outputting A Scenario
- Prof. Globus liked the growth trends associated
with the Scenario chosen. - He printed out copies of the charts for his
players indicating the underlying demand
characteristics for the games countries. - Copies of the charts were also given to his
players for Industries B and C.
9Country Economic Conditions
- The economic conditions for each country can be
changed on a quarterly basis. Prof. Globus
decided to do this because he wanted his game to
use real-world economic data. - His players will use The Wall Street Journal each
week to get their financial market information. - The cost of Subassemblies will remain the same
throughout the game.
10Mexicos Economic Conditions
- Only local financial conditions can be changed in
foreign Country Units. This is why the Stock
Market Index and Subassemblies are greyed out for
Mexico. - Prof. Globus thinks he will increase Mexicos
wage rates later in the game reflect its high
inflation rates.
This is greyed out because the United States
is the Home Country and only the Home Country can
issue stock.
11New Game Almost Complete
- Prof. Globus set up his Industries B and C
somewhat differently to provide contrasts between
them for a better post-game debriefing
experience. - The program automatically creates the files it
needs for future game runs. - Pressing Back allows the professor to change
any previous entries. He presses Finish
because hes satisfied with what he has created.
You can always change your mind by going Back.
12A Successful Game Creation
- The program tells Prof. Globus his game is ready
to play - His files are stored in his C Drive under Program
Files/The Global Business Game/Game Data/New
Game.game. - When he runs his game for its 4/2002 Start-Up run
the professor will access the New Game file.
13Priming the Game With Company IDs
- The simulation needs to know the names of all
companies and their managers. - Prof. Globus gets his game file via Open Game.
- He clicks on the file New Game and enters his
14Importing Company Information
- The professor clicks on the data storage method
used at his institution. In this case it is
Players Disks rather than a hard drive file. - He OKs each firms ID as he imports the
information. - Done is clicked when all disks have been read.
Dummy disks must be created for companies
failing to supply Decision Disks. Prof. Globus
tends to fine these companies for their
Working from a hard drive is faster, especially
if you are gathering Decision Sets from
off-campus companies.
15Checking Inputs and Outputs
- Prof. Globus can check on his games status and
its inputs and outputs at any time via Edit/Game
Explorer. - Industry Status tells him how many quarters he
has run and the Quarter/Year processed. - Clicking on the particular industry reveals all
reports and outputs associated with all elements
in the industry. - Here he has opened Industry A.
All zeros because the game has not been run.
16Checking on Players Submissions
- Player disks can be imported in any order.
- The Firm Data Summary Screen tells Prof. Globus
if all firms have submitted decisions. If they
have not he either contacts the company for its
decisions or creates a Dummy decision to get
the firm and the industry through the run.
The firms are checked off as they enter the
games data base.
17Using Game Explorer
- Game Explorer gives Prof. Globus an overview of
each industry as well as an inside view of each
company. - Clicking on Firm, Decision Sets allows him to
review and edit company decisions.
Click on the output or company
information desired.
18Examining Company Decisions
- To edit a decision press Allow Editing, change
the decision or decisions and then Save.
Click here to edit a companys Decision Set.
19Reviewing the Industrys Performance
- Most of the time Prof. Globus uses Game
Explorer to preview each industrys results
before releasing them to his players. - For example, Bulletins allows him to read both
the confidential information each company
receives and all public announcements in The
Global Industry Report.
20Reviewing the Industrys Performance
- Clicking on Administrators Reports gives the
professor side-by-side comparisons of company
21Saving the Start-Up Run
- Prof. Globus has reviewed the Start-Up results
and wants to export them to his players Decision
Disks. - He presses Begin Game under Game.
- A message warns him he is taking a final
action. After pressing Yes to go ahead, the
program tells him that his game is ready for play
after a few processing seconds.
22Preparing Start-Up Position Reports
- Prof. Globus must provide each company with their
Start-Up positions. The data being outputted
here will be somewhat different from the examples
in the Players Manual because of how he has
configured his industries. - He does this by clicking on Process on the menu
bar and approving or updating the 4/2002 Start-Up
runs economic conditions and playing parameters.
At the games beginning he has decided to not
meddle with these items but will later stir
things up.
23Accepting the Economic Conditions
- Each quarter Prof. Globus is asked whether he
wants to change the quarters Economic Conditions
and Exchange Rates.
24Using the Global Industrys Bulletin Board
- Prof. Globus likes to keep in touch with his
students through different methods. He uses the
Bulletin Board to make announcements about class
activities and occasional news events. Each
industry has its own Bulletin Board.
Click here to issue Bulletins.
25Occasional Activities and Events
- The professor knows that special, game-related
events will occur. - He explains these occasional events later in the
slides indicated - Critical Incidents in Strategic Management--
Slides 31-32. - Inter-Firm Transactions such as licensing or
purchasing Patents and buying or selling
television sets between competing companies--
Slides 33-39. - Fining or crediting companies-- Slides 40-41.
- Changing company passwords and re-storing disks--
Slides 45-46. - Fixing broken runs-- Slides 47-51.
- Spinning Off an industry-- Slides 52-53.
26Running the 4/2002 Start-Up Quarter
- Progress lines in the Process Quarter window
tell Prof. Globus the sub-routines within which
the program is operating. - Click Run Quarter to begin processing the
4/2002 quarter.
27Skipping Over Missing Firms
- Missing firms can be bypassed by pressing Skip.
- Prof. Globus usually contacts these companies or
Deactivates them. Once a firm has been taken out
of the simulation it cannot return.
Press Write to read-in the firms Decision
28Exporting the Start-Up Run Results
- The 4/2002 Start-Up results are read into the
player disks. - The program displays a message when all companies
have received their Start-Up files.
These files will be exported to each firms own
Decision Disk or a centrally located file .
29Inserting the Wrong Company Disk
- The games program keeps track of which company
disks are being read. - A memo appears if the wrong disk has been put in
the floppy drive.
30Advance the Game
- When Prof. Globus is satisfied with the results
of his games run he advances it to the next
quarter. If he subsequently has to fix the run
he can always recover and roll the game back.
You can always rollback the game to any
previous quarter.
31Invoking Critical Incidents
- Prof. Globus likes to expose his students to some
of managements softer decision issues. - He uses the games Critical Incidents later in
the game to accomplish this purpose. - Here he has chosen Incident 3.
- The simulation automatically announces the need
to respond to the Critical Incident on the games
Bulletin Board. - The program also keeps track of the Incidents
that have been used.
32Players Respond to Critical Incident
- The Critical Incident Bulletin Board announcement
appears. - The firms Decision Set panel brightens.
- The Incident number and the choice of four
responses is offered. This firm is about to
choose Response 4.
33Handling Inter-Firm Transactions
- Firms can buy or sell any patents to each other
in the industry. - They can also sell their Automatons or Base
Capacity. - Companies can be subcontractors of television
sets for others. This is in addition to bidding
for the Private Label needs of Home Electronics
34Inter-Firm Transaction Intentions
- The Game Administrator controls the field of play
for inter-firm transactions. - Companies wanting to buy or sell patents, TV set
output or Automatons and Base Capacity must
submit their completed forms from the Manuals
Appendix to the Game Administrator. - The Game Administrator initiates the announcement
of intentions. Asset Sales are also listed in
35Handling Transactions
- All transactions postings and sales are handled
via the Transactions window. - The example below deals with an offer to sell
Auto1s and the subcontracting of 25 TV sets.
36Entering the Transaction Intention
- Start the entering process via the Transactions
window. - Click on the assets to be offered for sale or
purchase. This example deals with a firm wanting
to manufacture TVs for other companies. The
asset transactions for Automatons and Patents are
handled in the same fashion.
Click here to add items for sale.
37Announcing A Subcontracting Offer
- In this example Firm 1 wants to sell 1 Auto1.
Its asking price is 35,000. - Only one Automaton of each type can be sold per
quarter. - Click the Save button to record and exit this
This sale will probably result in a capital loss.
38Announcement Written
- Prof. Globus writes a posting of all asset sales
offers for The Global Industry Reports Bulletin
Board. - The availability of assets for sale also appears
as part of each firms Decision Set.
39Recording the Subcontracting Sale
- Click on Modify selected item to enter an asset
sale. - Click Finish.
Click here to edit or complete the transaction.
40Fining or Crediting Companies
- Sometimes Prof. Globus finds it necessary to
either fine a company for a misdeed or credit one
to compensate for damages incurred. - He does this by first clicking on Administrator
Fines and Credits.
41Fines and Credits Dialog Box
- A firm in Industry A is about to be fined.
- Firm 3 was fined 50,000.
- The dialog box keeps a running record of all
previously assessed fines or credits.
42Restoring Company Disks
- Companies sometimes destroy or lose their
Decision Disks or corrupt their data. - Prof. Globus has found new disks can easily be
created in The Global Business Game.
43Make/Recover a Company Disk
- Access the Make/Recover Routine.
- The Recover Disk Dialog Box appears.
- Click on the Firm whose disk is being recovered.
- Choose the Quarter/Year to be recovered.
Click on Save to start the process.
44Restore to Company Disk
- Put the companys disk into your computers
floppy drive and click Save. The file name
shown will be transferred to the companys disk. - A message will confirm the file was created and
45Changing Company Passwords
- Prof. Globus cannot believe it but some companies
forget their password. This is easily fixed. - Access the Change Firm Password dialog box via
46Change the Firms Password
- Click on the Industry and Firm whose Password
will be changed. - Enter and confirm the new Password and Save.
- A message indicates that you have changed the
Password associated with the company. - Have the firm re-initialize its Decision Set disk
with its new Password.
47Fixing Data Input Errors
- Prof. Globus has learned that data input errors
are created by players under two circumstances. - Players sometimes discover they have made an
input error when they examine their results
after-the-fact. - The simulation discovers an error while it is
attempting to process the run.
48Dealing with the Error Situation
- Errors brought to the Game Administrator by
students are handled through the decision edit
process previously described. - The other error situation is discovered by the
Game Administrator when the simulation hangs up
during a run.
The firm forgot to hire Shift 2 25 Workers and
Shift 1 27 Workers.
49The Computer Run Hangs Up
- While the run is being processed a message
appears at the point where the error caused the
run to hang up. - The Process Quarter dialog box indicates the
error occurred while the game was Processing
plant and equipment changes.
The run failed while trying to process new plant
and equipment.
Something needs to be fixed.
50Finding the Companys Decision Set Error
- The error is in a firms Plant decision. Prof.
Globus reviews each companys plant expansion
decisions via Game Explorer. - The error found... Firm 2 wanted to purchase 2
Auto1s and 2 Auto2s but entered their total
purchase costs rather than the units desired.
The error found.
51Correcting the Error
Change the decisions.
- Prof. Globus corrects the decision. He usually
fines companies for these types of mistakes. - He can now continue the quarters run by
re-starting Run Game.
Enter the Edit routine.
Save and continue processing the quarter.
52Moving An Industry
- When multiple industries are being run Prof.
Globus has sometimes found that a problem-firm in
one of the industries forces that industry to
fall behind the others. - He fixes this problem by spinning off the
industry into one all by itself.
53Move Industry Dialog Box
- Access the Move Industry dialog box via
Process. - Select the industry to be moved and Save.
- The program will automatically ask you to save
the industry that is being moved under a new file
name. The name here is NewIndustry. - A message appears indicating the NewIndustry
has been created.
Create a name for the new industry. The same
password is used.
54The End