Title: Arcade Game Machines – Gameex.com
1Arcade Game Machines Gameex.com
2Arcade game machines are often as iconic as the
games themselves. Nothing quite says video games
like a room full of stand up arcade games. These
arcades were the places were many individuals
love of gaming was born. For many the sights and
sounds of these machines bring back fond memories
of an era that is growing more and more distant
in the rearview mirror.
3As we head farther and farther into the future,
we distance ourselves farther and farther from
the physical arcade game machines themselves.
This does not mean, however, that these games
will become any less accessible as time goes on.
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5Thanks to modern emulation technology, these
games have actually increased in accessibility to
anyone with an Internet connect and the ability
to use a search engine. Many emulators are
available for free download by anyone that wants
to use them. By using these emulators, those
interested in playing classic arcade games can
enjoy nearly endless entertainment using the
software that is available for free online.
6In addition to the emulation software
itselfwhich would be like the actual arcade box
that houses the gameare the ROMS, or the
individual game programs themselves, are another
necessary component for MAME emulation. Without
ROMs, emulation software is all but useless. The
quality of the emulation process rides heavily on
the quality of each individual ROM.
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8Since the creation of a ROM is a process that
requires significantly less commitment and energy
than the creation of an emulator, there is a much
larger divide in the quality of ROMs as opposed
to the quality of various emulation software.
9To make up for ROMs that may not be quite up to
standards, Gameex has created a front end for
MAME emulation software that works to tweak
settings on behalf of the user to make ROMs
easier to run and play for users of all
experience levels. Using this technology, support
for all ROMs has been greatly increased, making
sure that all games are cropped and displaying
properly within the emulator.
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11Controller support is also an incredibly
important aspect for any emulator. Being unable
to control the game in a manner that is familiar
or comfortable is a major knock against a game
and can often render it unplayable. Third party
controller support ensures that players are able
to choose any controller that they wish and that
custom controls for game functions match the
desire of the player.
12Gameex meets all of these requirements and more.
Being functional with nearly every MAME emulator
available, this is a front end that will
integrate seamlessly with your current set up and
make major improvements in the quality of your
gaming experience.
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14As an established program dating back over ten
years, Gameex will be here to stay as you
continue to enjoy MAME gaming. Frequent updates
and matches show a commitment to quality and
simply being the best front end for MAME
available online. Give it a shot today and see
how it can make a difference for you.
15For more information read more
16Thank You