Title: Clare Holmes
1E-Texts A Publishers Perspective
- Clare Holmes
- Sales Director, Cengage Learning
- JISC Collections Workshop 14 September 2007
- The Book
- The Supply Chain
- The Student
- The Challenges
- Collaboration Biz/ed
- The Future
3The Book
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vxFAWR6hzZek
4The Book
- Monograph
- scholarly book or a treatise on a single subject
or a group of related subjects, usually written
by one person.a one-time publication -
Source Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia
5The Book
- Reference Works
- compendium of information, usually of a specific
type, compiled in a book for ease of reference
Source Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia
6The Book
- Text Book
- a manual of instruction or a standard book in any
branch of study. produced according to the
demand of the educational institutions
Source Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia
7The Text Book
- Commissioned by publisher
- Author/s renowned academics
- Editorial advisory boards
- Mapped to the curriculum
- 3 year revision cycle
- Now available as e-texts and subsets of e-texts
8Traditional Text Book Supply Chain
- Publisher gtgtgtgt Lecturer
- Lecturer adopts as core or recommended
- Publisher gtgtgtgt Campus bookshop
- Publisher gtgtgtgt Library
- Student gtgtgtgt Campus bookshop (buy)
- Student gtgtgtgt Online bookshop (buy)
- Student gtgtgtgt Library (borrow)
- Student gtgtgtgt Doesnt buy or borrow..
- Price a key factor in decision to buy text
- Content/relevance to the course
- Ease of use
- Text books seen to be very expensive
- Money adds up if they need to buy several for
their course/modules
SourceTextbook Survey on behalf of Publishers
Association, HI Europe, 2005
- Custom solutions increasingly popular at a
cost - Supplementary online resources for students and
lecturers at a cost - Lesson plans, ppts, assessment tools
- Self-assessment tools
- Lecturers are making more use of VLEs
- E-texts becoming available
- to buy (individual, department, institution)
- to rent (individual, department, institution)
11The Reality
- Spend on text books is declining
- Publishers cant simply supply texts online to
all and lose print revenue from individuals
overnight - Student expectations of service from universities
are increasing - Need to be in their world
- Information when, where, how they want it
Student learning material workflow
Source John Yates, Cengage Learning, June 2007
- Wiki replaces textbooks In one Boston College
professor's classroomwikis have become a primary
learning tool, replacing textbooks and allowing
improved collaboration among students. Students
use the wiki to post papers to be reviewed by
other students and to submit possible exam
Source Computerworld, 8/15/07
15All is not lost.
- Students will use online resources if they are
signposted to them - They will make use of the library if they can
access it online and resources are clearly marked - They like the easy option if they know they
can get what they want, when they want it,
theyll go for it
- Start with the lecturer
- Understand how they work what they use
- VLEs
- Information sources
- Use library expertise in online resources
- Libraries purchase reading list texts on
aggregator platforms - Create institutional solution for students
17Sources for online text books- business textbooks
- Library packages
- Mainly monographs
- Limited currency
- professional rather than academic
- US content
- Publisher products
- Higher quality textbooks
- Often US-oriented
- E-bookstores
18Collaboration John Smiths - MyiLibrary Pearson
- St. Andrews
19(No Transcript)
20Online subscription serviceBiz/ed premier
- Selection of e-texts that best match business
studies, economics, accounting curricula - 26 books, 500 chapters
- Mapped against curriculum
- 500 mapped viewpoint articles from 78 journals
- Specifically selected by Biz/ed editors
21Whats in Biz/ed Premier?
- http//www.bized.co.uk/premier/premebooks.htm
- http//www.bized.co.uk/premier/premjournals.htm
22Biz/ed premier
- Annual subscriptions
- 15 concurrent users per package unlimited
browse no printing - ATHENS authenticated
- Registered individual users can
- Annotate text
- Highlight
- Save notes into personal research book
23Biz/ed premier
- Student can get to the book or chapter directly
from Google.
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26Sample Search Waking the dead
27Sample Search More waking
- Students are Googleised
- We need to guide the student on their learning
journey what they need when they need it - The Lecturer is key
- Library subscription supports student research or
assignments - E-store enables them to take away what they like
and read at their leisure
- Text book supply is in a transition phase
- New models are emerging
- Roles in supply chain are changing
- Each has a part to play
- Working together to serve the student
30Thank Youclare.holmes_at_cengage.com
31Useful links
- www.bized.co.uk
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v9Y-BM3Z5xy0
- http//tstcpublishing.wordpress.com/
- http//www.hmco.com/company/newsroom/news/news_rel
ease_080807.html - http//www.coursesmart.com/
- http//www.outsellinc.com/store/subscription/insig