Title: TVS Protection for Wireless Systems
1TVS Protection forWireless Systems
By David W. Hutchins March 2000
2Protection is Requiredat All Levels
- Circuits
- Equipment
- Systems
3Typical Systems
- Portable Telecommunications
- Handheld Devices
- Wireless Phones
- Base Stations
4TVS Components are Needed for
- Smaller, Sensitive IC Components
- Lightning Strikes
- Lower Voltage ESD Failures
- EMC Standards (Enxxxx)
5Design Considerationsfor TVS Protection are
- PCB Layout (Traces, Vias, etc.)
- Grounding Bonding (Return Paths)
- Shielding
- Protection Components
6Typical Interfacewith Single or Multiple I/O
- Plug-n-play Ports
- Antennas (Bluetooth)
- IC Components for Display
- Base Stations
7Major TVS Locations for TVS Protection
- I/O Ports
- Power Bus
- Ground
8Key TVS Component Parameters
Parameter / Test Condition
- Selection
- Application
- Protection
IP _at_ td C _at_ f
VC _at_ IP
9Selection Parameters IP vs td
Compare the threat test conditions to TVS
parameters Peak Pulse Transient Current It
IPP Pulse Time tduration td (20 or 1000 µs)
10Application ParametersC vs f
C - Capacitance - pF
10KHz 100KHz 1MHz
10MHz 100MHz
f - Frequency - Hz
11 Protection Parameter Vc vs IpExample
ESD (HBM) Pulse
20 V/div
Clamping Voltage of SMDA05LCC Test Pulse 10 kV,
1/30 ns (waveshape)
12Review of Major TVS Parameters for comparison
Circuit Threat Conditions Operating Line
Voltage (VOL) Transient Impulse Current (It)
IC Component Threshole Voltage (VFT)
Frequency (F)
- TVS Parameters to
- Stand-off Voltage (VWM)
- Peak Pulse Current (IPP)
- Max. Clamping Voltage (VC)
- Capacitance (C)
13 Transient Voltage Suppressor Components
- Avalanche Breakdown Diode (ABD) PCB / Data Bus
Lines - ANSI C62.35, IEC 61647-2
- Thyristor Surge Suppressor (TSS) Telecom / Power
Cross - ANSI C62.37, IEC 61647-4
- Steering Diode (SD) Arrays High Speed I/O Ports
- TVS / Filter Combination PCB / Data Lines
- Multi-functional Low Capacitance High Speed I/O
Port Arrays
14Suggested TVS Series for Wireless systems
SM16LCxxC P0402FCxxC PSR05C PSDxx
15Suggested TVS devices for Base Stations
15KPAxx 30KPAxx PPxxxxSC PPxxx1SC GPZ532
16Future Wireless TVS Components will have ...
- Smaller Packages
- Multi-functions
- Lower Cost
- Higher Level of Integration
Protection requires...
- Close Inspection of
- Compliance Standards
- System Certification
- Selected parameters of
TVS components