Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1WRMAs Annual Meeting Toulouse October
2006 Agriculture and Weather Cover
Jean-Christophe Garaix
2Agriculture and weather cover
Weather cover a solution for agriculture
For Developing countries looking for funding
solutions Ex Ethiopian Structure For farmers
in developing countries looking for sophisticated
solutions Ex the yield cover
3Weather cover for developing countries
Weather derivative/insurance is a new instrument
used in developing countries to Protect small
farmers against drought Finance emergency aid
for non governmental or governmental institutions
in case of drought, flood. To provide insurance
to populations that cant access to it Create a
loan offer from banks for the farmers
4New players and stakeholders
Involvement of the World Bank since 2001 (CRMG
team) on pilot projects design and implementation
Involvement of non governmental organization to
finance emergency aid (ex WFP) Involvement of
different donors in financing project development
costs Involvement of local government and states
to protect their population and farmers
5Different needs
Two types of approaches Macro with government or
international organizations as counterparts
gt The final beneficiary is not linked with the
weather pay off formula Micro with local insurers
or financial institutions as distributor gt
The final beneficiary is linked with the weather
pay off formula (insurance contract)
6Specific issues with developing countries
7Specific issues with developing countries
Greater diversification No hedging available
8Some successful projects
9Ethiopian Structure
10Ethiopian Structure
- Location
- 26 Weather Stations
- (Agricultural Areas Only)
- Start Date
- 11th March 2006
- End Date
- 31st October 2006
11Ethiopian Structure
Ethiopia drought Index value
12Developing countries solution Yield Model
13Developing countries solution Yield Model
The Index is based on the county/region wide
grain yield reported by the Agricultural
14Developing countries solution Yield Model
15Developing countries solution Yield Model
The Index meets the farmers needs much better
than a purely weather based index
The Index does not cover a bad yield due to -gt
Moral hazard, bad management from the farmer -gt
Other natural or non-natural perils disease,
bush fire, windstorm, flood, pollution,
insufficient pollenisation, etc
16A dedicated team at your entire disposal
E-mail jeanchristophe.garaix_at_axa-re.com Tel
(33) 1 56 43 90 19 Fax (33) 1 56 43 93 70