Title: Diapositiva 1
1"Protection of High Value I.P. Assets "Hong
Kong, April 16 2008 Marcello Dini
2Products deriving from new inventions are made in
China.Technologies that 10 years ago didnt exist
No. Companies sorted by product
Source Global Sources
3China is member of WIPOEvery 26th of April
celebrates the IP Day
4Respect of IP is only a lip service
5Protecting ideas for giving a value to them
6For this business model, the organization in
charge of producing new technologies only
participates in the development, protection and
exploitation of new inventions. Production and
sales are managed by independent companies and
the overall control of the business is no longer
taken care of through the classical chain of
control of a structured company (shareholders,
directors, employees, workers), but through the
licensing system of IP rights.
The inventive loop to finance research and
development with revenues obtained from IP rights
rather than the traditional approach of simply
refinancing RD from the profits made through
sales. This is more true where the profit margins
are very low or in the case of a University where
there is no production and sale facilities
7Europe-China Conference on Intellectual
Propertyin Digital Media Shanghai October 18-20,
Video Coding Standard Working Group of China
9Sisvel - ?? ??????????
10Amsterdam COSHIPs booth at the IBC 2005during
Sisvels intervention according to criminal law
11MALATAs booth at the IFA Berlino 2006after the
Sisvels intervention according to the criminal
12SanDisks booth at the IFA2006after the Sisvels
intervention according to the criminal law
13Custom seizures statisticsin Germany
14SISVEL Numbers of Running License Agreements
Over the Years
Thank you for your attention