Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Beta decay of exotic nuclei Pairing correlations
and weak-interaction studies
Bertram Blank CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan
- b-delayed 2p emission Pairing correlations
- Super-allowed b decays Weak interaction studies
TAS workshop, LPC Caen, 30-31 march 2004
2Beta-delayed two-proton emission Search for b2He
emission Proton-proton pairing far from stability
3Leaving the valley of stability.
4Two-proton radioactivity
Sequential emission Three-body decay
2He emission
5Known b2p emitters
Experimentelly observed b2p emitter
6b-delayed 2p emission 31Ar
ISOLDE facility
M.J.G. Borge, H.O.U. Fynbo, J. Thaysen et al.
7b-delayed 2p emission 31Ar
1st emitted
Seq. Emission!!
2nd emitted
8New experimenal setup for b2p emission
9New experimenal setup for b2p emission
10Candidates for the studies at SPIRAL
31Ar bp, b2p, b3p 26P bp, b2p 27S bp,
b2p, b3p 35Ca bp, b2p, b3p
31Ar production rates 10-20 pps ISOLDE 1-2 pps
11Super-allowed b decay Weak-interation studies CVC
and the CKM matrix
12From the ft value to the CKM matrix
- from Fermi b decay ft function of QEC, T1/2,
BR - Ft ? ft (1 dR) (1 dNS - dC)
- for T1
transitions (e.g. 0 ? 0) - Vud Gv / GF
0.9740(5) - ? (Vui)2 1 - ? unitarity?
- - before 2003 ? (Vui)2 0.9968(14) from
nuclear b decay - ? (Vui)2 0.9978(33)
from neutron decay - ? (Vui)2 0.9833(311)
from pion decay - - after 2003 Vus 0.2196(23)
0.2272(28) - ? (Vui)2 0.9999(16)
K 2 G2v (1DvR)
K 2 G2F (1DvR) Ft
13Present value of the corrected Ft value
, T 1
Ft 3072.2(8) s
14ft value and its corrections
dc correction
dR correction
Towner Hardy 2002
1562Ga half-life measurement at GSI
- ? Final statistical result 116.18(3) ms
- ? Final result 116.19(4) ms
- ? precision 3 10-4
16Ft for 62Ga
- T1/2 116.18(6) ms
- BR 99.8(1)
- QEC 9171(26) keV (Davids et al.)
- dR 1.46(9) (Towner Hardy)
- dNS dc 1.42(16) (Towner Hardy)
- ? ft (3056?48) s
- ? Ft (3056?48) s
Ft for 74Rb
? Ft (3103?28) s (Piechaczek et al.,
G. Ball et al.)
17Ft values and CVC
18Future measurements
- mass of 62Ga and 62Zn
- more precise mass of 74Rb (done at ISOLTRAP)
- more precise branching ratios for 62Ga (done at
GSI/Jyväskylä) - - 0 ? 02 transition
- - Gamow-Teller transitions
- 66As, 70Br
- 22Mg, 26Si, 30S, 34Ar (Texas AM)